#1 2010-06-07 17:38:09
Mike Flaherty has a post on Wareham week about the fundraiser involving people who signed up on face book. He has the ruling from the town lawyers. Which pretty much says they didn't do anything illegal. He still doesn't understand that an anonymous donor was giving money for each person who signed up on face book. THE MONEY DID NOT COME FROM THE PEOPLE WHO SIGNED UP FOR FACEBOOK. He is such an idiot. According to him Marcia said the money raised on face book was not given to the library. Again Mike doesn’t seem to understand that someone has to ASK the Friends for money before they give the money. You can make your own decision but I have decided not to respond to him on Wareham Week. He is a little Bobo in training just looking for ways to start trouble where there isn’t any trouble.
If he really wants to investigate where money from fund raisers goes maybe he should ask Marcia where the money from the two fund raisers for the COA went. I’m referring to The Comedy night and the Frank Sinatra night. I know some of the people who went to the Frank Sinatra night thought all of the money raised was going to the needy seniors in town, to buy food cards etc. Marcia turned all the money raised over to the town. Maybe legally that is what she had to do but it should have been made clear that the money raised was going to be handed over to the town and not given directly to the seniors in need. I am told this is why Larry Gaines broke off with anything to do with Marcia and the COA. Larry may be a jerk sometimes but he really cares about the elderly in town. I was told he was really angry that he had worked so hard on the fund raisers and the money didn’t make its way to the poor seniors in town.
#2 2010-06-07 18:11:54
So with all of the problems going on in town, they're harrassing the Friends for raising money for the library. That's what fundraising groups do. Every town library in every town in the state has a Friends of the Library group that raises funds for the library.
The library is a building. A building can't go out and raise money for itself. It needs people to do it. A fundraising group. The Friends of the Library.
I know I'm the Ham of Peace, but what do you all think? Would it be unpeaceful for me to call these clowns a bunch of jerkoffs?
#3 2010-06-07 18:18:57
Peace Train has left...they are assholes!
#4 2010-06-07 18:29:26
When are the people going to see a full accounting of all of the donations donated to the rag? Have those donations been reported to the IRS?
#5 2010-06-07 18:34:16
He made the ridiculous statement “the Friends are SECRETLY using the very official looking face book page” It’s on face book Bobo and he followers were complaining from the moment the fundraiser started. How were they raising money SECRETLY?”
He also says “The current director claims the WFL has not received any money from the face book fundraiser” Again it is up to the director, which would be Marcia, to ASK the Friends for money. They aren’t going to hand over wads of cash and say have fun. Maybe Marcia doesn’t know that she has to ask for the money. When the Friends do contribute money I’m sure they don’t say this money came from the wine tasting, this money came from the book sale etc. The Friends don’t CUT checks to the library they BUY what the library needs.
Last edited by marny (2010-06-07 18:57:05)
#6 2010-06-07 18:38:53
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-06-07 22:38:16)
#7 2010-06-07 18:57:33
Ham sorry that was my typo
#8 2010-06-07 19:08:59
Marny, You need to consider his "source" for information. Not to defend MF, but I've been trying to convince myself that he means well. I'm STILL trying.
I've also read the opinions from K&P that he's linked and we all know about those opinions. They simply read as if they were designed to accommodate certain agendas, IMO. Take for example; Westfield, Swift's Beach, the Library Trustees and so on. All a sham.
MF has even reached out to me a couple times, seeking information but never does anything with it. He's trying to play both sides but his loyalty to the TFHC Sunday night chat sessions speaks volumes of his alliances. Now he's using WVS.com to link to his forum.
If he truly wishes to MWF, then my advice is to volunteer to any of the MANY vacancies that exist on the boards, committees and commissions (maybe he can get appointed).
As to the COA, their a mess right now and their Board of Directors have come undone. And their Chairman thinks he has almighty say over qualifications for volunteering. He forgets that he's a volunteer like anyone else. He needs to step back and re think his authority and responsibilities.
As per their web page:
Coordinates and provides services and activities to town's elders. Services and activites include but not limited to : congregate lunch site, home delivered meals, dial a ride transportation for elderly and disabled, social day care, outreach, fuel assistance, health screenings, durable medical equipment loan program, health insurance information, and senior activities such as bingo, cards, line & square dancing, movies, crafts, quilting, and drop in center.
Instead I hear that he prefers volunteers with experience in accounting, marketing, real estate, banking, mortgages and computers. Go figure !
Last edited by bbrady (2010-06-07 19:15:18)
#9 2010-06-08 20:16:42
From the first day he appeared on the scene, I didn't trust him or like him one bit. He speaks to the public like he is having a two-way conversation with himself. That sickening half-smile is nauseating. He wears his pants too high and probably has a permanent wedgy. So there...
Last edited by mama bear (2010-06-08 20:18:11)
#10 2010-06-09 00:14:31
love you mama bear