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- » gary buckmister i predict will not get habor master job
#1 2010-06-05 20:08:51
brenda and jane control things in wareham and they dont want garyand with andrews probation comeing upand the police chief not yet appointed full time , they will use gary because the summer seson is here , and when the summer is over he will not get the job , we all remember the rumors they the powers to be wanted perola and gary buckmister out and wanted linda out and they wanted a super chief and it looks like they are getting what they want , 2 of the three are gone, when will we wake up ,andrews is the key ,if he stays then within a year the final three or four on there hit list will be gone ,wareham is in desperate straights now and is getting worse , it will take a decade or more to clean up the mess that these 2 dogs brenda and jane brought to wareham.
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- » gary buckmister i predict will not get habor master job