#1 2010-06-03 22:19:05

I have a request of the many contributors here on this site, who deserve utmost respect (and you know who you are). First you should know that I
visit this site because there is a wealth of information due to the diversity of those who contribute.  On occasion I choose to contribute as well when the topic moves me. Seldom do I actually start threads but right now I'm moved to plead that we ALL make a concerted effort to no longer bring to this site anything or anyone associated with Bobo and his tabloid spew.
By doing so day after day this site lends him continued existance.
I know that many of you will continue to visit his on line spew and that's your business.
As I see Wareham's problems today (aside of the tabloid), we have much greater issues to address.
The following comment by BP is evidence that Wareham has a SERIOUS operations (day to day) problem:

Beach Plum wrote:

If Slager printed the resignation letter from Mike Parola, which of course I know he did, it had to have come from the Town Hall. ...

For those who don't know, the TA is out this week (3 days) for surgery and the "unqualified" accountant is the acting TA in his absence.  So if Andrews didn't feed the tabloid the letter and the 'acting' TA didn't, then the community should find out who did and he/she MUST be held accountable.  Unless Habormaster Parola authorized the distribution or distributed it himself, we have a management problem that needs fixing.
My suspect is that someone in Town Hall feels that they hold some official authority to disseminate private/personal information to, of all recipients, the tackey tabloid writer.
So again I respectfully request that if you must read his spew, please leave it on his site.  Let's concentrate on supporting our newly elected representatives to bring about the much needed change that we all voted for. 
I'll report back my findings as to who forwarded the 'private' letter of resignation.
So how many are with me here ?  Let's take baby steps and commit to resigning ourselves of the tabloid through the summer months to Labor Day.

Last edited by bbrady (2010-06-04 22:37:38)



#2 2010-06-04 00:19:04

As they said of Prohibition, Bob, it's a noble experiment.

Lead us not to temptation, but deliver us from evil.

We're all sinners and will sin again.

So spake a former altar boy, believe it or fucking not.

Last edited by billw (2010-06-04 02:33:39)



#3 2010-06-04 08:01:14

Yeah, I believe Bill W was an alter boy.
I also know about his green apple throwing!



#4 2010-06-04 08:05:00

I agree with Bob B, but it has been tried before. The problem is when the troll writes such outrageous crap that it is almost impossible not to respond to it...look at the people he is surrounded by and who writes in his paper.
That about says his worth..however...his constant lying, spreading false information and  assaults on innocent citizens is what will eventually do him in. I spoke to an elderly friend last week. She said she doesn't even bother to read the free paper that is distributed at the Senior Center.
He is about done...



#5 2010-06-04 15:07:02

I gave it a lot of thought and am taking the pledge to ignore his paper and his web site............all he does is piss me off.



#6 2010-06-04 15:29:11

Consider this: His audience is made up of malcontents. They criticize the posters here for hiding behind screen names while they hide behind screen names. His brand of news has turned off a large segment of the population. There is a reason they are called the Tin Foil Hat Club.

Ignore him, the TFHC, and MWF. They are one and the same. Wareham is smart enough to know a clunker when they see one.



#7 2010-06-04 20:12:45

By: robertslager on 6/4/10
Probably if he takes the "Oxy" part out. Why does Bob Brady care where I got the letter? It's a public record.

It isn't a public record rocket scientist, it is part of a personnel file. Any real journalist would know that.



#8 2010-06-04 23:14:36

Desperate, pleading, self-pitying, out of touch, abrasive, obnoxious, oblivious of defeat....more definitions for the troll..



#9 2010-06-06 21:42:15

I have resisted viewing that web site or the publication for over two years.  Slager's ideas and mush used to sicken me and bring anger and disgust to my normally peaceful tolerance.   

Child Psychologists (my sister is one) recommend that when a bratty child throws a fit  - laying on the kitchen floor screaming. fllaling his arms about, and kicking his heals, the parents should just leave the room.

This is absolutely the very last time I mention his name. i am leaving the room...

Last edited by mama bear (2010-06-06 21:45:57)



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