#1 2010-06-03 09:34:55
[The following arrived in email this morning.]
Nancy Miller, chair of the Community Preservation Committee, stood and assured voters on the last night of Town Meeting, May 24, “The CPC has filed with the state a Conservation Restriction application for the Swift Beach Property.”
Video of the meeting confirms Ms. Miller repeated this provable lie several times in her attempt to kill the Swifts Beach study proposal defeated that night by three votes.
I urge you, Ms Moderator, please rescind the vote, pass Article 55 and send future Town Meeting voters a clear message that you will not tolerate provably false statements.
Thank you.
#2 2010-06-03 11:45:55
The moderator does not have the authority to rescind the vote. Action can be taken at the next town meeting to address this issue.