#1 2010-05-18 07:31:22

tin foil hat crowd how can you trust slager when he will divuge your private info , i never trusted this slime ball and thats why i never signed up on his site and plus i would not give aole fattey a dime to buy a bagel and creme cheese , he is the biggest liar of all time , fattey have mommey take you to see mickey and stop your lies , to bad you did not set up a real un biased paper LIKE WAREHAM WEEK LOOK AT ALL THERE ADDS IN THERE PAPER AND ON THERE WEB SITE THEY  PUT A GREAT PAPER AND GUESS WHAT THAY ARE MAKEING MONEY AND THEY DONT HAVE TO RUN ADDS FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE LONG CANCLLED THERE ADDS , FAT BOY YOU ARE A NOBODY .



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