#1 2010-05-11 15:59:46
"By: robertslager on 5/11/10
I just wanted to share a little note John Decas just sent along. Forgive the language. It isn't mine, but I felt it was best to share this unedited.
"Don't you realize that you are now irrelevant? That it is over? That no one is listening? You are are on a getting your ass kicked roll since before the elections. All of your candidates and town issues are down the hopper mostly because you have poisoned your own political well . You can lie, slander, dream up conspiracies all you want. Everyone is on to you and have given up on you because you never can back any thing up. Kickbacks, fire alarms, unnamed sources, race baiting just doesn't work anymore. Do you realize how pathetic you look and sound. Why do you continue to embarrass yourself, your family and your only Man of the Year supporter? All you are now doing is providing comic relief over at the other Observer. Thought you told me you had "an ace in hole". Time to pull it out big talking man.
Best thing you can do is find another town where they are not on to you. Your bullshit is history in Wareham."
RS - Is there a better example of what I was talking about in this column than this? If people needed a reason to keep fighting the good fight it's to stop people like this from controlling your lives."
The towns of Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester kicked him to the curb the minute he insinuated a conspiracy theory surrounding an ambulance. Let's follow their lead. Notice their are no tin hatters from the former Tri-Town Observer.
"By: onsetgirl on 5/11/10
What happened to Mr. Holmes last night?? He disappeared? Was he at the table when the vote for the police cruisers came up?? I wanted to see were his support was going.
Why was Cara not sitting in her seat paying attention to the meeting??"
Mr. Holmes became ill. I assume Mrs. Winslow was outside speaking to the ambulance driver and Mr. Holmes' wife, at least that is where she was when I saw her, why do you care?
"By: robertslager on 5/11/10
Holmes took ill complaining of chest pains. I'm trying to find out more."
"By: downtheroad on 5/11/10
Regarding the concession stand idea for town meeting - 300 people (or even 150 to make a quorum) all file out for water and a brownie, how long is it going to take for all of them to be served and to finish their brownie before town meeting can be reconvened? Sounds to me like it would take at least as long as last weeks false alarm. And what's the possibility that if there is a snack break half the people will realize as they stand up that they can't bear another hour or hour and a half in their chair so they'll decide to skip the goodies and leave, possibly taking the quorum with them. And then there are all the crumbs for the janitor to clean up.
Regarding the camera flash - it was me. I was testing to see if the lighting was sufficient enough to prevent my automatic flash from going off. Obviously the lighting wasn't sufficient to do that. I tried my little test while nothing was happening so that it wouldn't disturb anybody. I still have the picture to prove it.
How I wish my flash hadn't automatically flashed. I would have loved to have been able to get a picture later on of Cruz waving his read card up in the air right along side our two newest selectmen during the Article 25 vote. What a front page picture that would have been."
And last year Andrea wrote after OPL about how Walter gave her the warm and fuzzies and Cara was seemingly void of any warmth. What an idiot. You elect people to vote in the best interest of the town, not the best interest of the personal agenda. Maybe you should retire again, you are a bitter woman.
Good luck with that ragman, I doubt he would speak to you if you were the last reporter on earth.
#2 2010-05-11 17:06:06
By: downtheroad on 5/11/10
I would have loved to have been able to get a picture later on of Cruz waving his read card up in the air right along side our two newest selectmen during the Article 25 vote. What a front page picture that would have been."
Bill got it...maybe he'll sell ya a copy (don't give 'em any breaks, Bill)
Thanks to Mr. Cruz and everyone who voted their conscience..
..and give us a break Andrea, can't we have just one cookie?? Pleeeeease??
#3 2010-05-11 17:48:16
I am concerned! Does anyone know, if Steve Holmes is OK?
#4 2010-05-11 18:19:27
When the town hall held town meeting, they had refreshments in the lobby. That was yearssssssssssssss ago.
#5 2010-05-11 19:02:27
Only these people could turn a tray of brownies into a conspiracy theory. And they wonder why they're called the tin foil hat squad?
#6 2010-05-11 19:15:20
I am convinced, Slagger will never get it, he is a total mental case who needs emergency treatment for severe mental disorder..............SlagisDB got it right, W.H.S. does stand for "WE HATE SLAGGER".
Time to go elsewhere Bobo, far away from "The place you love".................Go today, don't delay, pack up the wife and kids, go to Florida where it is warm all the time, you can start all kinds of trouble and no one will know who you are and Dunkin Donuts is big. did you miss the big cream cheese special at IHOP ????
John Decas got it right !!!!!!
You couldn't carry his dirty shorts you looser !!!!!!
#7 2010-05-11 20:59:52
He did get it right, slager is a huge reason why they lost the election and continue to lose at tm. He is a laughing stock. No one is listening to him. Their side should hold him totally responsible for their losses and ask him to pack it up.
#8 2010-05-11 21:43:12
Hamatron5000 wrote:
Only these people could turn a tray of brownies into a conspiracy theory. And they wonder why they're called the tin foil hat squad?
#9 2010-05-11 22:39:34
Here is the part that is the funniest. These people (idiots) have been complaining for years that Selectmen vote special interests. Walter Cruz goes ahead, gets some information, makes a decision and now they want to put it on the front page to what embarrass him? Let me get this straight, I may have to add more foil, so long as someone who is elected to represent the town as a whole votes the rag man agenda they are good. If they fail to do that they are bad? Alrighty then, it took a whole roll but I think I have it covered now.
Slager is not trying to get information about Mr. Holmes, immediately following the BOS meeting he went outside the room to have a stategy session with a few of his loyal lackeys. He could have asked any member of the Board or Andrews.
I did ask and have been assured that Steve is doing fine, thank you Mrs. Winslow for taking the time to talk to me since the other ladies stayed holed up in the room far too long with Andrews after the meeting ended in my humble opinion.
#10 2010-05-12 07:50:35
This may sound crazy, but I propose that we give a medal to Bobo. He has inadvertantly become the best friend of opponents of the former dictatorship. His lies, his ramblings, his hatefulness and mean spiritedness, his imaginary friends like Paul Shooter, his crackpot conspiracy theories...every time he opens his mouth, their side loses another vote. He lost them the election, he lost them every thing they wanted at town meeting, and if he's still cranking out rags next year, then it is 100 percent guaranteed that they will lose their last two seats on the board of selectmen, thereby guaranteeing the full restoration of peace and democracy to Wareham.
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-05-12 07:51:22)
#11 2010-05-12 08:01:05
Will Brockton Brenda and the Crypt Keeper seek re-election next year??..why would anyone opposed to the form of Government we have want to be a part of it??..was I imagining things when I saw the two lovelies (yuk) vote for the Charter change?
#12 2010-05-12 08:19:59
Does ANYONE have any inforamtion about Steve, is he ok!!!!!
#13 2010-05-12 08:27:59
Marny...from what I hear, Steve is fine. He suffers from hypoglycemia and never takes care of himself.
Hopefully, he will learn to relax and take care of his body so he can contribute to the Town of Wareham as a great Selectman.
#14 2010-05-12 12:02:02
By: robertslager on 5/11/10
From ILIVEINAZOO: Slager is not trying to get information about Mr. Holmes, immediately following the BOS meeting he went outside the room to have a stategy session with a few of his loyal lackeys. He could have asked any member of the Board or Andrews.
RS: This message is for her: Do you just make this nonsense up as you go along? After the selectmen meeting I spoke to Ruth Thompson of the Courier for a few minutes. When did she become my "lacky?" Then I asked Alan Slavin a few questions about the immediate future of the CRC. Then I went home.
Oh, and I spoke to Brenda Eckstrom briefly on the phone today and asked her how Holmes was doing. She told me the whole story. Out of respect for Holmes's privacy I have not shared that story.
I usually don't descend to the level, but you are a babbling idiot.
How sweet of Brenda to indulge this information to rag man. I hope Steve feels better soon.