#1 2010-04-21 09:51:25

I commend Mr. Cruz for his actions last night.  The BoS are not supposed to get involved in the day to day running of the town.

While we should ALL be concerned that our town's buses may not be safe, the Town Administrator is, in fact, the person who should be handling this issue. If this turns out to be a personnel issue, it needs to be handled in executive session and the person is allowed to be there and to have counsel present.

So when Mr. Cruz stopped the speaker from going on after establishing some factual data, he was correct, in my opinion.

Too often in the past, the BoS allowed a citizen to make all sorts of allegations against a town employee during the participation segment. Not only does it lack civility, but it is improper. It also led to some of the BoS making nasty comments about town employees in public. And that led to recent litigation $$$$.

It is important to note that Mr. Cruz's reason for asking the speaker to contact the TA, is that he was following proper procedure. He clearly stated his reason, the selectmen don't get involved in day to day. It does NOT mean he was not concerned with our children's safety. Let's be fair and balanced about this.

If the TA does not handle this school bus situation, for which he is being handsomely paid, then and only then does it need to be taken to the next level.

The BoS don't get involved in day to day. Get used to it.



#2 2010-04-21 10:53:29


I'm pleased to see that others, like you, see the continued "interference" in day to day business of our community.  And look who it is.  None other than Ms. Eckstrom w/ Ms.(MoveWarehamForward) Begely. 
I'd like to understand why in front of the BOS instead of the School Comm
and the school administration ?  It seems that they prefer to make a public spectacle during Tuesday Night Live instead of following protocol and recognizing (as per the Charter) that the School Comm is where she should be taking her concerns.
While both administrators (Andrews and Rabinovitch) are encouraged to further develop a good working relationship, neither should interfere with the other's responsibilities.
If anyone should know better, Ms. Eckstrom sure should.  She wants to micro-manage the entire town's operation and needs to be made aware that its not within her capacity to do so.
I hope this helps to resolve this matter.  Its gone on far too long.

And hats off to Mr. Cruz (Acting Chair) for recognizing that it wasn't the time or place for such concerns.  Bravo !

C'mon April 5, 2011



#3 2010-04-21 15:44:42

Both Mr. Brady and Ms. Biki have hit the nail on the head.  Perfect thinking on this issue.  Shame on  Selectman Eckstrom  getting involved, but what do you really expect from her, she is being true to form.

By the way as a secondary thought has anyone ever seen a Slager article that was positive about somnething happing in Town other than his award and the Vikings State Championship ?????????  Just wondering.



#4 2010-04-21 20:43:17

Mr./Ms. Quahog. Most of us no longer read the tacky tabloid as it has been proven irrelevant.  Might I suggest you jump on the wagon with us?

Glad you agree that the BoS are moving in the right direction by no longer getting involved with day to day. Let's hope it continues.



#5 2010-04-22 02:20:40

Nora Bicki wrote:

I commend Mr. Cruz for his actions last night.  The BoS are not supposed to get involved in the day to day running of the town.

https://warehamwater.cruelery.com/viewt … 885#p67885

May 3, 2010

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs

Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-04-23 00:47:19)



#6 2010-04-22 06:55:15

Brockton Brenda bragging about being a Selectman for 5 years, lets make sure this is her final term!!..the School Committee voted no confidence in the BOS because they were most likely the worst in the Town's history..



#7 2010-04-22 07:56:46

The meeting was very professional with matters being referred to the proper parties for resolution --- except for Brenda. Her puppet strings are showing even though the PUPPETEER is no longer welcome in Wareham town affairs.

Last edited by mama bear (2010-04-22 07:59:12)



#8 2010-04-29 08:37:19

Is anyone else concerned that Jane Donahue plans to drag the Director of Community Development before the BOS for a public performance evaluation?  I heard John Cronan make an objection at the last BOS meeting, but the BOS seemed to approve the proposed process.

I have three concerns:

a) This is Andrew's job.  He should evaluate all department heads.

b) Other department heads haven't been pubically evaluated.

c) A performance evaluation guide should be given to an employee at the start of their employment.  The concept is that both employer and employee know the job expectations.  Jane is "in the process' of developing an evaluation guide to use.  She also plans to develop an evaluation guide for Andrews (although the BOS does have the right to evaluate the TA).  It is unfair to develop job expectations "after the fact".  This whole process violates fair labor practices and has a strong potential for further lawsuits.



#9 2010-04-29 09:25:26

I agree gogatemen.
Employee evaluations are done by the TA. His recommendations and reasons for the recommendations are given to the BOS as the ultimate hiring authority.
I would hate to see a poor evaluation, the TA's opinion, turn into a fiasco. The BOS may disagree, then what?
There is no need of a public hearing for evaluations of employees EXCEPT for the Town Administrator, and Chief of Police.



#10 2010-04-29 14:13:33

The CEDA Director is one of two employees the Board appoints and supervises, evaluations of these employees should be done, I don't agree with the public part.



#11 2010-04-29 14:56:07

Thanks Iliveinazoo. I checked the charter but missed the special circumstances of the CEDA director.  However, the lack of a performance evaluation guide remains very troublesome.  I don't believe either the CEDA director or the TA should be publically evaluated.  I envision Brenda doing one her "whereas" performances.



#12 2010-04-29 15:06:43

I am with you gogatemen, I don't think Brenda should have a shot at this. I am hoping Jane will keep the situation under control. While I am no fan of hers, she has managed to run the meetings better then our most recent former Chair.
The CEDA Dircetor I believe is not part of the Charter, they fall under the MA laws which govern them since they are technically grant people.



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