#1 2010-04-08 14:50:00

It is official, numerous posts on numerous threads suggest we are ready to go cold turkey! To keep us entertained now that we are off the rag (ha ha, how long until Bobo gives poor Cara a hard time because I posted that!) let's focus on the first Tuesday Night Live and Town Meeting warrant!
Any guess on how the Charter change, Westfield and new cruisers will go over with a Town ripe for change?
Ham, can you do an official goodbye Bobo video now that we are no longer sneaking peeks at the real hate site or mentioning the name? Thanks in advance.



#2 2010-04-08 17:28:33

Don't forget that the wheeling and dealing with Chief Stanley for a permanent chief, should be put on hold.  We have a man who made a nasty racist remark in front of his men and other witnesses.  The owner of this motel went to the TA the next day to report this and more.  We haven't heard anything in any normal newspapers about it and I would guess we won't.  A man with two drunk driving charges, etc..  Put him on hold until the new members of the board of selectmen get settled in and allow them to review his past.  Then ask for a police chief's civil service exam.   PLEASE.....



#3 2010-04-08 17:51:56

Wareham's self rule was Balkanized way back in the hoary mists of prehistory for a reason.

Its humble residents, most of them related one way or another, did not trust one another. They had ample evidence and long memories.

Bornof is right. Don't put away the sharp knives just yet.



#4 2010-04-09 06:50:48

in my opinion bruces hatched man should be laid off and his salery should  go towards the poice cruisers payments , that hatchet man is one mr sandquist, bye bye mr sandquist.



#5 2010-04-09 06:56:47

we need a commitee with nora bicki on it to hire a new head of the library.   we need for the selectman not to appoint trustees of the library.   we need a public appolegy by the selectman towards the library for sueing the library  and wasteing so much of the towns moning,  we need for the  freinds of the library back right away with there book sales .



#6 2010-04-09 06:58:52

we need for a full time police chief appoined from a civel service test that the selectman should post right away.



#7 2010-04-09 07:01:49

the selectman should end the litigation with lt bliss and take him back right away and say we are sorry that we wrongly let him go.



#8 2010-04-09 07:04:25

the selectman should  appoligize to warehams residents and the workers of wareham that they wrongly fired  or forced out.



#9 2010-04-09 07:09:37

the selectman should appoligize for a comment made  by our new ta that he and the selectman were trying to break the new union formed by warehams dept heads  by forceing out and fireing those who signed the papers to form this union , this is ilegal . and  will sometime cost wareham some money in fines.



#10 2010-04-09 07:16:39

what about the lie about lt bliss  that brenda and her women freind that lt bliss installed  an alarm in the womens house that he was in uniform , which was a lie he did not have a uniform on , how much wiill this cost wareham.



#11 2010-04-09 07:19:59

we can not expect muncipal maintenance to maintain the town with just 5 workers.



#12 2010-04-09 07:21:53

i am not on the sewer system and i dont beleave i should subsa dize the rates of brenda and bruce  who are on the sewer , you use it you pay for it.



#13 2010-04-09 07:25:26

move the towns warrant advertising out of the rag now ,as a taxpayer of wareham i dont want town adds in a paper that stirs up hate in wareham and lies about its citizens



#14 2010-04-09 07:28:55

the t a should not be rehired  ,he is still on probation for the comment he said about the union representing our dept heads, that they were trying  to break the union.



#15 2010-04-09 07:41:51

I am amazed, once again, about the reticence of IHL...



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