#1 2010-04-08 11:32:54

With all due respect, we need to do our part to heal the wounds that years of poor leadership have created. The constant bickering does nothing to enhance the beauty and value of this wonderful town. We now have an opportunity to watch the same people we elected point this town in the right direction and create an environment that encourages and supports the town employees as well as includes the citizens of Wareham in the decision making process. The election was just the first step. Now we need to focus on the future and how we get there. Remember these words: Accountability, fiscal responsibility, and transparency.

As most of us know, Robert Slager is not going to stop stirring up hate. The good news is, he is not relevant. The results of the election proved that. His nonsense and fanciful tales are falling on deaf ears. Voter turnout was the highest it has been (for a local election) in a very long time. Over 50 percent of those who voted cast their vote for Steve Holmes and over 45 percent cast their vote for Cara Winslow. That is a loud statement. There is no amount of rhetoric or twisting that will change the results. In effect, the majority of the voters do not believe the non-resident tabloid writer. He has to post comments on competitor’s websites just to be heard and people still do not listen. He wants to believe he “lost the election” for the incumbents, but that is just his way of making himself part of the news. In reality, he just doesn’t matter and the voters wanted change. In my opinion, Slager will continue to encourage division and hatred in this town. We cannot fall into the trap of being baited and responding to his constant lies and nonsense. Let’s recognize the fact that he is not relevant and get back to the business of fixing Wareham! We have a very important Town meeting coming at us quickly! It’s time to ignore a failing tabloid and fairy tale writer.



#2 2010-04-08 11:55:35

I apologize, I left out a very important part of the election. Claire Smith received well over 50% of the votes in the Town Moderator race. Again, the voters have spoken.



#3 2010-04-08 12:53:24

Well said, Larry.
As always :)



#4 2010-04-08 13:31:48


As one of the quiet onloookers who have visited and valued this site (and I suspect there are many others), I really appreciate Larry's remarks.  I think Molly said it a long time ago ... and now Larry's post reaffirms the point.  It is time to ignore Slager completely.  There is no need to demean what has been accomplished in Wareham by devoting any space whatsoever to more comments about Slager, what he looks like, what he eats, what he owes, what to do with his paper.... anything!   We don't care.



#5 2010-04-08 13:46:25


For a few days now, I have been trying to think of the words to say what you just said.  Thanks! 

I liked it when "that name" was boycotted on this site for a time, and the peace train was riding the rails.  There are lots of people who visit here, and more civility here would be refreshing.

Please also remember that the District Elections and Annual Meeting are upcoming too.  They are just as important.



#6 2010-04-08 13:57:06

I just received a phone call that verifies what I wrote. As promised the hatemonger has proceeded to prove me right. As I told the caller, just ignore the child throwing a tantrum in the corner.

I also wanted to mention that one of the most important things about this election is that the candidates (from both sides) were civil and cordial. Perhaps we can learn from that?

I will be blogging much less now as I feel it is important for me to focus on what I can do to make Wareham a better place for all.

I can be reached by email larrynliz7259@aim.com. Those that have my number, please feel free to call!



#7 2010-04-08 13:57:48

I agree Taj, he can say or do anything he wants, we have two bright, energized, positive people ready to get to work. Let's focus on supporting their efforts.
Slager is stirring the shitpot, plain and simple.
Here is some info for Mr. Slager, alleging that Cara and Steve will somehow try to disrupt Mrs.Donahue's Chairmanship of the board is ludicrous. I asked my neighbor to call Cara and ask this simple question, "who will you support for Chairman of the Board", do you know what she replied "Jane". When asked why she said, because Jane hasn't been Chairman and it is her turn. Don't you go trying to start fights between the board BEFORE any of them have even sat down together! The most telling comment Cara made to my neighbor this morning was "The Board is a team of five people, after speaking with everyone I believe we are ready to work together as a team." Now there's a concept Bobo, TEAMWORK!
Okay, I shall henceforth ignore this lunatic, and point out that he had every opportunity to ask these people his laundry list of questions, he hasn't. Cara also said that she has NOT received an e-mail from him.



#8 2010-04-08 14:03:41

Well said Frogs!



#9 2010-04-08 14:34:01

I have to say I am glad to hear the quitter tone today. Yesterday was party time and time to vent. Now we must get down to business, for most of us that means supporting the new BOS in their move forward. I must say a number of people have asked today about the Rag and Wareham Weekly’s availability in the MSC. I have used the Career Center very often over the winter and they have a copy of the ST and Courier avail, and now a stack of the Wareham Weekly. I asked the Manager about what he had to offer and his comment was "We supply our clients looking for employment with Computers, copy Machines Fax and Phone as well as staff assistance and training and we offer ALL the local news papers."  He did not have to say any more to me I understood what he was saying. I have also seen the Weekly put out on the table outside the COA office only to be gone in a short while latter replaced by out dated Rags. Time to move on Rag Free.



#10 2010-04-08 15:23:16

I am on board. Thanks again, Molly!



#11 2010-04-08 16:10:36

Thank you all for your coherent thoughts. Larry  -  Molly (again!) - Froggie-KSM.....all.

Yesterday, I tried to point people in the direction of the Wareham Fire District, to events happening right in the backwash of a blockbuster election. It was meant to stir action, of course, but it also was an attempt to effect a transition from the euphoria to the reality. a reality which presents a number of challenges, right away.

Look, I joined in the melee of the past two days. No apologies. My point with the object of much disaffection is personal, very personal. So, you'll get no apology from me for any and all entries made.

In spite of the personal nature of my anger, i accepted Molly's admonition last summer to avoid reading that nonsense. No regrets there. The few transgressions over time were to review responses to limited, specific issues, such as the health insurance fund thing. This week, well, chalk it up to the victory celebration.

but that doesn't change the fundamental fact of the correctness of the approach by Molly and others to ignore such tripe. One hopes that the absence of the losing parties will dilute and diminish the rantings. but, I am afraid that such will not be the case. For two reasons:

1. The report yesterday that the losing individuals were getting together. Did you really think the the FORMER Town moderator, who has many titles which can be preceded by FORMER, would just slink off into obscurity? No, he still has skin in the game, both at the Town level and at the District level.  He'll be back, one way or another; this kind of setback would crush some people, to him it is just business as usual..

2. the ongoing battles: the library, now the schools & Dr. Barry R., the sewer thing(s), the unreported computer audit, the myriad personnel issues, etc.

These strongly reinforce Larry's point that it is time to get to work. Tuesday was a start...there is a long way to go. And no time for energy-sapping, useless diversions which the side-show barker will conjure up along the way.

count me as back off the rag. I feel better already!



#12 2010-04-08 16:15:35

Not to pee on the parade, or nuthin', but at least consider my favorite aphorism, one my own coinage.

If it ain't fun, it don't get done.

There are lots of fun things ahead but don't suffer everlasting regret by missing any opportunity to abuse Bobo while you can. Then you might actually miss him.

Kicking parasites and bullies is good for the soul, medically proven to mitigate, if not altogether reverse the effects of mad cow disease.



#13 2010-04-08 16:24:00


Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#14 2010-04-08 17:15:38

Bill W...I love you, man.
Remember those green apples, you little.....
I am so blessed to be a part of this site. There are so many brilliant people posting here that one loses count.
I have an idea:
We need the smartest of the smartest to start posting each and every article that will appear on the Town Meeting warrant, so that everyone can discuss each and EVERY article.
There is no revolution. There is only knowledge, and appreciation of history, and love of Wareham and the need to save Wareham.
Everyone must be educated. Discuss each article. Go into Town Meeting with a newly elected (overwhelmingly) Town Moderator, and discuss the issues rationally, reasonably, respectfully...and then get rid of the rubbish.
Your new Town Moderator is a historian. She has been to every Town Meeting since she was able to vote( in the 50's I believe :))She will be the most knowledgeable Moderator to ever hold the office.
I would love to see this site be proven to be what it always has been...a place to learn. A place to learn from everyone, old and young, new residents and old residents,non-residents, former residents...everyone...knowledge is power, and the fact is, that because of this site, you HAVE THE POWER!
Don't forget:  none of us are as smart as all of us.



#16 2010-04-08 21:19:58

Forgive certain parties who have been force fed a crap sandwich, day in, day out, for years, for taking a little delight in a certain now irrelevant out of towner's taking a big bite of said sandwich himself.

But perhaps that delight does not have to be as vocal now.  He has officially been proven irrelevant.

Support the new selectmen.  Never allow the overwhelming mandate they received to be discounted.  The voter turnout was historic.  Add in Frank's votes as more evidence of voters wanting something other than what they had.

But for the record - supporters of the former dictatorship should also think about the ugly behavior they engaged in and pledge to abandon it.  Or they can keep telling themselves tall tales of "vile power elite conspiracies" and hurt their chances for 2011.  Their choice.



#17 2010-04-08 22:06:04

danoconnell wrote:

We need the smartest of the smartest to start posting each and every article that will appear on the Town Meeting warrant, so that everyone can discuss each and EVERY article.

And I want to see the Town Meeting warrant in real-time, registered voting enabled. That won't happen this year but it will soon enough.

Meanwhile, 25 percent turnout is a huge improvement, and still pitiful. The total number of registered voters is even grimmer.

We proved Wareham doesn't work at all unless it engages its residents.

Wasn't too hard. The town is currently dead on its feet, lacking a proper police chief, library director, town counsel, town manager, sewer plant manager, accountant, ad infinitum.

This is still Calvin Ball, Dan. The only rules are there are no rules.

Play nice? I'll believe it when I see it.

Last edited by billw (2010-04-08 22:52:31)



#18 2010-04-09 06:01:58

Quite an analogy, Bill.
I have faith that the Town of Wareham is on a new and positive course.
Education of the people of Wareham, through this site especially, will lead to larger, more knowledgeable, more focused Town Meeting members and attendees. Better candidates and eventual office holders of all elected officials.
Possible discussions of combined services with surrounding municipalities (forget Fire...it will never fly). Consider garbage and waste removal on a small municipal basis, along with extended Police Patrols that overlap, like we used to do as a courtesy in Marion, Rochester and Bourne.
Municipal insurance programs, sharing of grant writers, the list goes on and on.
The future of Wareham started on this site a year ago.
Look what you have done in such a short time.
The reason I love Bill W is because he is my alter-ego.
I am a cynic. Used to be a sceptic.
Now, I like to think of the best thing that can happen and prepare for the worst.
Bill always shows me the worst that can happen, expects that it will, and is relieved and stunned and grateful and happy that it worked out. But, he is ready for the next step of the puzzle, and he anticipates it will fail and the Town will slip back  into the only future it faced...bleak.
But, although he is the ultimate cynic...he ...down deep... is a believer.
I know he hopes for what we all do...a better Wareham.
He just doesn't want us to forget never to trust those who have proven their deceit and underhanded way of dong business. He doesn't want any of us to be duped by the people that have almost destroyed the Town.
This site is the catalyst for a new Wareham. A proud, functioning, successful Town, with happy, satisfied, inclusive citizens that love their Town and Village.
Thanks again for the site Bill.
Thanks again for your insights.
Thanks again for the green apples.
It may have been intended for the young to one day teach the old a lesson or two.



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