#1 2010-04-07 10:12:02
Good morning, victors!
Time to move on, I'm afraid.
Tonight at 7:00 PM at the Wareham Fire District building at 2550 Cranberry Highway, there is a candidates night for those seeking election to various positions with the WFD. If you participated in yesterday's triumph, and you live in the WFD, you ought to attend this meeting.
Many times over the course of the past year, bloggers on this website have raised questions regarding the Fire Districts, including their very reason for being. there have been questions about the structure of the Districts, as well as questions regarding the Charter Review and its impact, or non-impact, on the fire districts. there ought to be questions about the finances of the districts, including rate setting for water usage, as well as the budget that generates property taxes.
for those who are not familiar with the districts, they are, in effect, mini-governments; within the Town, but separate from the Town government. Are they redundant? Is this structure suited to the needs of the 21st century? Does this form of supplying water and fire protection cost more than single departments within the overall Town government?
Everyone in the Town of Wareham who receives a tax bill pays a fire district tax in addition to the Town's tax. Thus, everyone who receives a tax bill ought to be just as concerned at the district level as they are at the Town level.
Tonight, there is an opportunity to ask questions, and maybe even get some answers. We all saw what impact TURNOUT had on the political process at the Town level, and before that in the election to fill a seat in the US Senate. Tonight, there is an oppotunity to learn and influence an important element of local government that tends to fly under the radar.
Please attend. Please ask questions. Please seek answers.
Oh, and be sure to say Hello! to the Donahues when you go.........
#2 2010-04-07 12:23:47
Well written, Nota...as usual.
I don't have to tell you what a hornets' nest you would stir up if you discuss any thoughts of disbanding or even uniting the Onset and Wareham Fire and Water Districts.
World War 111 come to mind?
I also know that you are quite right about participating in the process. Know what the Prudential Committees are for both Districts, and know who the elected officials from the Districts are.
Nota...who is the moderator for the Wareham Water District?
Is that an elected position. I know it was in Onset many moons ago.
If the moderator is replaced again, is that the last time?
I hope others join you at the District Meeting.
It will be a very good history lesson.
#3 2010-04-07 13:51:25
Dick, I confess that it is unclear to me who the moderator is at the WFD. Curley the Stooge cited "8 years" as the WFD moderator in his campaign ad. But, I noticed that the Courier's articles about the siting of a new water tower last August indicate that Carl St. Pierre was the moderator. It almost appears that the moderator is chosen on an ad hoc basis at each meeting, but I am not sure. Perhaps someone can help us here.
By the way, Moderator St. Pierre ruled Moderator Donahue out-of-order at one point during the proceeding. Must have been a sight to see & hear.
There is a fascinating description of that meeting on the OneWareham website, complete with family history & histronics.
And you are right on point that ANY mention of change in the status of the Districts would trigger a nuclear attack. but as the Chinese say: "journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step".
To me, that step would be the disinfecting light that the presence of many voters/citizens/taxpayers would bring to the process. TURNOUT!
After all, its only your tax dollars, and your water rates that are at issue.
And, don't like the pricing mechanism for sewer users? Want to be billed based on flow-thru, as in other Towns, rather than some arbitrary "unit"? Perhaps questions could be asked about this disconnect between the water v. sewer rates, which is not an issue in communities with water and/or sewer DEPARTMENTS within the City/Town government.
And please, make your presence known to the Donahues, all of them. No doubt they will be anxious to cozy up to faithful followers of this website.
#4 2010-04-07 15:13:34
The moderator is chosen at each meeting. It is not an elected position for the district. Usually, no one else has been interested, but the night we chose Mr. St. Pierre was the night the Donahue machine swung into action to save his sister's elected position from being changed to appointed (which, in my opinion, it should be). We are paying her to be clerk/treasurer, but because the books were hopelessly messed up under her watch, she hired an accountant to do the job. So we are paying the clerk/treasurer AND an accountant. Had we been successful in changing it to an appointed position, we could have saved the district (and the taxpayers) around $60,000.
I believe the election is next Saturday and I strongly urge everyone in the district to re-elect George Barrett and Margaret Ishihara.
#5 2010-04-07 15:28:09
notalawyer wrote:
And, don't like the pricing mechanism for sewer users? Want to be billed based on flow-thru, as in other Towns, rather than some arbitrary "unit"? Perhaps questions could be asked about this disconnect between the water v. sewer rates, which is not an issue in communities with water and/or sewer DEPARTMENTS within the City/Town government.
My understanding from the informational meetings held last spring is that the town was planning to begin using district water usage figures to calculate sewer fees.
Are you saying this hasn't been done yet? Because when it comes to "unit" pricing, the terms "arbitrary and capricious" and "not rationally related" spring to mind.
#6 2010-04-07 16:13:11
Ah, stirring the waters, my favorite springtime activity.
Pete, I am aware that there have been discussions along the lines you describe, for a long time. But, I am not up-to-date on the status of the potential tie-in. Perhaps we could call the head of the sewer.....Oh, drat! There is no head guy there anymore. Or, you could call the chairman of the BoS aka sewer commishes....well, never mind.
Sounds like a good question to put before the candidates at the meeting tonite, 7 Pm, 2550 Cranberry Highway. I usually park to the left of the building.
Nora, thanks for that input into the family business, I mean the WFD. About the books being "hopelessly messed up".
Has the DOR entered the fray, yet. Are the books in good enough shape to set a District tax rate for FY2011, or will the tax-rate setting at the District hold up the Town, as they are piggy-backed onto one bill, aren't they (and that includes the Onset Fire District, the subject of future postings). It would not be the first time that one (or both) of the Districts derailed the process.
All the more reason to attend tonight's session and ask questions, lotsa questions. One hopes that there might be an answer or two floating in the ozone layer.
#7 2010-04-07 17:01:04
notalawyer wrote:
Sounds like a good question to put before the candidates at the meeting tonite, 7 Pm, 2550 Cranberry Highway.
As I am unable to attend, may I impose upon you to put the billing question to the candidates? I'm due to go on the sewer within the next year or so, and let's just say I'm willing to go to the mat with the sewer commissioners if they don't straighten this simple issue out so that fair usage-based billing can be had by all - but I would certainly prefer not to have to do so.
#8 2010-04-07 17:30:38
Pete - no can do.
I have a family member in a suburban hospital with a bowel obstruction. the day has been spent between this website & the telephone. Now it is off to the hospital. It is looking better, but we'll see when we get there.
That is one reason why I started this thread, knowing that my presence will be elsewhere. Hopefully, someone else can step forward.
Will check back in the AM.
#9 2010-04-07 17:59:52
Yikes! Best wishes for you and your ailing family member.
#10 2010-04-07 20:49:19
Pete - thanks for the kind words.
She is on clear liquids, making bowel sounds,and the surgeons have backed away. We have been here before, and the progress from here is usually pretty quick. We'll see.