#1 2010-03-22 12:34:25

If you read through the initial thread about this, I apologized to the Elks for my remark right away.  Bobo of course leaves out any facts that don't fit his personal agenda.  My remark was a knee jerk reaction upon seeing a person with absolutely zero character or integrity receiving a ridiculously undeserved award.  I thought it was a decision made by the entire Elks organization, but when I later learned that it was only the decision of only one Elk, I apologized.  I should have found out how the award was given before criticizing the entire organization.

I hope by now the Elks understand.  I'm sure many of them are even not pleased that their organization was associated with a man whose primary occupation is to rip this town to shreds.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-03-22 12:35:48)



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