#1 2010-02-23 16:44:01

Dear Friends! I have missed you all, I promise I have "lurked" from time to time but please catch me up on what is going on. We are back in town for a few months (Florida is about as cold as Massachusetts right about now). I have a brand new grandbaby so I thought, what the hey, why not head back north early? I lucked out and was able to rent my condo on a short term lease to a traveling nurse so once my better half wraps up a his work schedule he will join me and our ever expanding family.
I can't wait to hear all the news, and please, keep the potty language to a minimum, remember, I am old enough to be most of your grandmothers!



#2 2010-02-23 18:26:00

welcome back!
I had to do a little bit of a hiatus myself in Dec/Jan. part of it was good  -  the caribbean cruise. part of it was family business in the southwest  -  not good. And, i was sick for a while - not H1N1, but down-for-the-count, regardless.

Here's the deal: you will be stunned & amazed at how quickly you will be joining Aerosmith - Back in the Saddle.

One point, however. If you are old enuf to be this grandfather's grandmother, then you must be celebrating (?) in triple digits.

Just remember:



APRIL 6, 2010




#3 2010-02-23 19:10:30

Welcome Back!

April 6, 2010

Last edited by P-SPAN (2010-02-23 19:10:56)



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