#1 2010-02-23 11:37:18

I wanted to laugh when I read the following comment from Viking:

By: viking on 2/15/10
My last post
As much as I enjoy the conversations on this site, I must regretfully cease posting. I have become tired of my comments being taken out of context by those fruitcakes on the other site and being used to accuse me of stalking and racism.

I don’t recall ever accusing you of stalking. I believe you are referring to the quote by Liz directed at Robert Slager. Maybe you are the same person? Hmmm?? I posted your entire quote, so nothing was taken out of context. It was not an accusation of racism. It was an offensive comment where you suggested my involvement in a notorious hate group. There is a vast difference.

As well, his attempts to portray himself a victim of ethnic derision is almost laughable considering my own ethnic heritage. I too could go to the aclu and even the naacp. Though I have no intention of doing so.

I fail to see where your ethnic heritage has anything to do with what you said? I wasn’t commenting about you, you were commenting about me. Please feel free to go to the ACLU and the NAACP if you find any comments that I have made that offends you on that level. In fact, I challenge you to find any comments I have made that even approach the level of your comments.

We are all Americans. I have never resorted to ethnicity nor will I EVER. I respect their right to hurl insults at me. Just as I have called their intelligence into question. I feel these latest posts are nothing but attempts to silence me with misconstrued interpretations of my posts and threats of legal actions based on those twisted and maligned interpretations

I will post your comment at the end of this post so you can once again spin and twist. I have asked you for an apology, which you obviously have declined. If I wanted to pursue legal actions (based on your lack of apology), I have every right to do so, but I doubt you would step up and give your real name, so I consider the source.

I am not concerned by the legal threats. Partial and misconstrued comments would be laughed at in court and open themselves up to legal action. I have just become tired of this game.

Nothing partial or misconstrued about what you said. If you think it is laughable, then why are you whining and promising not to post? Make no mistake, this is not a game. If you think it is, then perhaps you should give it a rest?

The constant harassment I feel for exercising my first amendment rights must be weighed against the potential harassment of my family. Personally I don’t care what I am called. The first amendment doesn’t say you have a right not to be offended.

Who has threatened your family? Since the comment was made about me and my family, I can tell you I have no intention of dropping to your level and attacking your family. Seriously, you need a refresher course on first amendment rights. Try reading the section that deals with “using untruths that harms others”. Frankly, I get tired of watching people pretend to understand First Amendment rights.

It is my personal opinion that the use of their real names is an attempt to claim an attack on their person thus denying a spirited rebuttal by someone in disagreement with them. A shrewd move actually, though transparent in its application.

That may be your opinion, but the truth is I use my real name because I don’t feel the need to hide behind a fake name and hurl insults. I enjoy a good debate, so your opinion, once again, falls short. Anytime you want to discuss facts instead of make accusations, I am always open to a “spirited debate”. Of course, that would require you to come out from your behind your own fake name.

There have been demands by some on the other site to reveal my identity. That I must be forced to face the music. That I must be dealt with.
What I have come to wonder is……. to whom am I supposed to reveal myself to……. and to whom will I face the music…….. and who is supposed to deal with me?

I don’t care about your identity. I am asking for an apology or an admission that the suggested link between a hate organization and me was wrong and inappropriate. It’s clear that you feel like a big man and powerful behind your fake name, so make the apology under your fake name. As far as “facing the music”, that is my call. I’ve asked for an apology as a first step. If you choose to ignore it, then we will proceed to the next step.

The safety of my family comes first. I don’t think anyone here would disagree with me on that.

No one is threatening your family. I have no desire to hold anyone other than YOU accountable for your comments. This isn’t about an altercation or fisticuffs, this is a potential legal matter (which I hope to avoid). Please show me where I have threatened your family in any way. I am an old man! I realize you have been influenced by a certain Editor who thinks everything is about a physical confrontation, but that isn’t even in the discussion. Words are more powerful than fists. Two people having a discussion in person is much more advantageous than punching each other!

So, I guess you have succeeded sir in forcing me into silence. Don’t worry, unlike you I won’t attempt to stifle YOUR rights to speak.
Sometimes we have to give up some things for our family. I happily give this up for mine.

Unfortunately, that was not my goal. My goal was extract an apology for your inflammatory words. Since you are insistent on playing the victim, you have avoided the only thing I was asking for. I find it sickening that you would use your family as a shield for your efforts. You state that you are giving up posting for your family, but the truth is you using your family to protect your identity and avoid accountability for your comments. I will say this once again; no one has even made one threat about your family.

Here is your entire post, not an edited section:

By: viking on 1/17/10
i have to respond to those who think their going to intimidate honest people.
hey larry and your gnome wonder.......listen up. you hurt me by copying my comment to your hate site.....i'm really hurt.
oh yea, there is a lot of hate on rob's site. all that vulgarity and disturbing imagery. oh thats right, this is NOT YOUR posting site of preference!
being from tennessee you should understand that people in any good town don't like carpetbaggers. sound familiar?
now maybe your just pining for the days of having sunday picnics in nashville under the statue of your great humanitarian nathan bedford forrest. or maybe you long for a nice evening outing with the boys around the bon fire, but this is not tennessee.
we are not that clannish up here. why do you think a revolution started here and not down there? you know our ancestors fought for the rights you and your friends can't wait to trample on.
unfortunately wareham does have some less than admirable people in this town. short miserable trolls who would rather watch nascar than actually strive for intellectual fulfillment.
and please, real intellectuals would do something more with their lives than be a past president of a group that puts books on a shelf. i think they have automatons and quicken books that are built to do those jobs.
you know.....T.E.C.H.N.O.L.O.G.Y. we have that up here larry. it's not magic. no sky demons spitting fire. it comes about through education. or in ihateliz's case.....school house rock, conjunction junction might have been beneficial (or at least use that T.E.C.H.N.O.L.O.G.Y. called spell check, help him out sonny).
all we can say is at least ihs remembers conjunction junction. (on a side not, the school house rock 30th anniversary collection is available on dvd from amazon for 12.99)
i don't like to troll in the mud, but this attempted intimidation is becoming tiring.

Anytime you want to compare education or discuss TECHNOLOGY, please feel free to contact me. For the record, I seldom watch NASCAR.

Last edited by Larry McDonald (2010-02-23 11:48:27)



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