#1 2010-02-20 12:02:37
The first images on this site inflamed objection on day one. They were distasteful, one wag wrote, inappropriate. Those images were religious satire because I am, I confess, a pious heathen.
I pulled every last one and let this site evolve its own creed from a blank slate.
Many months later, somewhere into November, 2008, site visitors began sending pictures, an inbound flood of street signs making ass-fun of Bruce Sauvageau, his criminal enterprise and his unindicted co-conspirators.
I coded a short routine to select and display 3 images at random every 10 minutes from the resulting archive. Here were the first.
Many more followed, so I leavened the selection with art, front page illustrations, and images posted to ongoing discussions. You'll find them all - the good, the bad and the ugly - here:
The selectmen are offended and why not? Their documented crimes are revealed here - and nowhere else - for anyone to see for free without censor or censure.
My heart pumps peanut butter for the selectmen. Doesn't yours?
ST: YOUR VIEW: Opposition connected to smear Web site
February 20, 2010 12:00 AM
Not one word will be uttered by The Standard-Times about the potential candidates in Wareham who have posted on a public Web site, warehamobserver.com, that exists solely as a forum to tear down Wareham's incumbent board and anonymously engage in smear programs and propaganda that employs tactics similar to those employed by Adolph Hitler and his machine.
Michael Schneider
Bill Whitehouse
Gibbs Avenue
Wareham, MA
Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs
Last edited by billw (2010-02-20 12:17:23)
#2 2010-02-20 12:22:19
That guy is hysterical. His entire little letter just basically described his paper of choice, the Bobo Gazette. If he wants to whine about "insults that no one should ever suffer," he can look to his buddy, Bobo, any time he wants. Churning out such insults is Bobo's mission in life.
Bobo's paper is a hose that sprays non-stop horse manure on this town 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All this site does is provide a tarp that protects the town from the manure. (I know Bobo, a metaphor that went way over your head).
Bottomline - any time Bobo wants to clean up his act and stop churning out a non-stop stream of pathetic lies is the day that we'll have no more reason to fight back and the blogging will subside.
I thought the guy that wrote the letter above was involved with a group that wants to "Move Wareham Forward" by promoting "open and honest government." Why then, don't we see a letter from him that takes the selectmen to task for their recent 14 open meeting law violations, complete with their thumbing their nose at the DA instead of apologizing?
Do we see that? No, instead we see an attack on anti-Brucey critics. Just shows you what "Move Wareham Backward" is really all about.
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2010-02-20 12:29:14)
#3 2010-02-20 12:23:35
Bill, you should probably send him a thank-you card for giving the site a free plug.
#4 2010-02-20 12:39:53
Move Wareham Foreward and Bobo like to really lean on the "natzi imagery" that's supposedly here.
Now the only thing like that is the Pillsbury Doughboy wearing a red arm band with the caption "White Flour"
If you can't see the humor, sarcasm, and satire in that, than you must have a huge stick up your ass. It's safe to say that both Move Wareham Forward and Bobo qualify.
Last edited by commonsense (2010-02-20 12:40:25)