#1 2010-01-15 11:59:52

Does anyone out there remember where when Jane Donahue I think made some kind of comment simmilar to that. It might have been a town meeting but I am not sure.



#2 2010-01-15 12:30:19

It was at the town meeting during the discussion of using CPC funds (albeit illegally) to pay the Swifts Beach settlement for Sweet Brucie.



#3 2010-01-15 12:41:06

Yep.  It still rings in my head all the time.  Idiot statement.



#4 2010-01-15 12:41:34

Thanks, do you know the date of the town meeting.



#5 2010-01-15 12:44:58

I think it was Oct 22 2007



#6 2010-01-15 13:14:39

What a bunch of gangsters! Maybe P-SPAN can post the DVD.  I'll search for my copy.



#7 2010-01-15 13:41:34

I remember this clearly!! It was about using CPA funds to pay off the Swift's Beach debacle.  What Jane said, and I'm paraphrasing, is that the DOR said it was illegal, but they had no punishment mechanism if you get caught. So she strongly advocated that we break the law and vote the CPA funds. (Sort of like violating open meeting law. Really not much of a punishment, so why not keep on doing it, right BoS??) But I digress.

I know I, and many of my friends around me, voted against this since it was, well, how do I put this, ILLEGAL!!!!

I also remember this about that event: Tommy Joyce was sitting down in front of where I was sitting. He voted against using the funds to pay for Swift's Beach also.  In the next edition of the tacky tabloid, Chief Joyce was taken to task by the tacky tabloid writer saying that if the settlement had to come out of departmental budgets instead, the police department may have lost funding.

I remember thinking how bizarre that comment was. I never expected anything less from the Chief, you know, the highest ranking law officer in our town. If he HAD voted for something ILLEGAL, then and only then should he have been criticized. I mean really, when you vilify a police officer for upholding the law and refusing to support an illegal act, what next?

Oh and don't forget, it was Jane that instigated the breaking of the law on the Spinney property by having the ITA order someone from MM trespass and deface our sign. She admitted in her deposition that she brought it to the attention of the others and the ITA told me on the phone that it was a consensus of the BoS and not just Janie who ordered it done. (But of course, they don't get involved in day to day stuff and of course, as our elected officials they would NEVER advocate/command an illegal act.  LOL on that one folks.)



#8 2010-01-15 14:23:23




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