#1 2010-01-12 18:07:28

is the boiler broke or is it being replaced?

if it's being replaced why now?

how much is that costing?



#2 2010-01-12 22:44:19

it was approved at the april town meeting . replacement and needed. $10,000 a month in oil withthe old unit.



#3 2010-01-12 22:57:17

Boiler-Shmoyler......What are we talking about ? ?



#4 2010-01-12 23:57:22

this is the one thing that was approved at april town meeting that was needed. I can attest to it check with Liz teh Gnome. she knows where I am coming from.



#5 2010-01-13 07:45:11

Liz… the boiler at the multi service center is being replaced. I think the town meeting approved 200,000 but I can’t remember if it was for one or two. I think they are replacing the one at the police station as well. I know last year they had to evacuate the multi service center at least once because of fumes from the old boiler.



#6 2010-01-13 15:09:23

Am I missing something?  Don't you replace an existing boiler when it is warm weather and you don't need heat in the building?  $10,000 a month for heat is crazy, but maybe, being an old boiler it happens.  Do we have any thermostats turned down in the Multi-Center?  How long is this going to take and how much are we paying for this piped in heat?



#7 2010-01-13 19:19:42

I was told today that the furnace that is outside the multi center is using upwards of three hundred gallons of fuel per day.  Does anyone know if this was figured into the replacement price that was voted on at town meeting and why they didnt wait until early spring.  If the furnace was operating I would have to agree with BornofW, they should have waited until at least early spring.



#8 2010-01-14 00:56:54

If this was approved at the April town meeting, bids should have been ready to advertise and the best bidder chosen.  I find it hard to believe that this process would have taken nine months and does the bid include the rental of the outdoor heating unit?  $10,000 per month for fuel, say 30 days to a month comes out to $333.oo per day.   Now, while the boiler is being replaced, this piped in heat is using 300 GALLONS per day.  Even if the town was lucky enough to get a bid of $2.00 per gallon for heating fuel, this means we are paying upwards of $600.00 per DAY for heat.  If this entire process takes one month, we will spend $19,000. for one month.

I lived in an old house that the furnace would misfire once in a while.  There was a slight smell.  I would go to the basement, shut off the furnace, light a match after priming it, it would light and I would switch the furnace back on.  Inconvenient at most.  Evacuate the multi service center and open the windows.  I am not looking for danger, but using this as a poor example of an easy fix.  This should have been done late fall or early this spring.

What ever happened to common sense.  I used a little Yankee ingenuity, but I don't recommend what I did as a solution, either.



#9 2010-01-14 07:45:03

Shouldn’t the lower level of the Multi Service Center be closed while they are removing the old boiler? Don’t old boilers contain asbestos? The boiler room is right next to the ladies room downstairs. Friends that were there last week said there was a plastic runner going up the steps to catch the dust and dirt. The stairway out was closed off to the public but doesn’t all that stuff get into the air?



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