#131 2009-12-18 08:50:04

Folks, I was reprimanded in an earlier thread for talking about Political Parties on this blog but i will do it again.  It is my opinion that the big problem with the current BOS, Moderator etc is that they act  the same way as the State and Federal Democratic Party.  They do not care one bit about the end results and what happens to the Town as long as they can do what they want.  The Democrat leadership in this State is making Mass the laughing stock of the Country and spending us into Bankruptcy.  The current President selling out the future of the United States just to get his Leftist Insurance bill passed and going over seas to beat this country up, as long as his agenda succeeds.

Point is that Mr. Moderator  has been a lapdog for Murray, Frank and the others for YEARS and he thnks the people in this town are stupid enough to let it happen here. Difference is this town is smart enough and is not going to let it happen.

We all KNOW that there SHOULD BE no party politics in town politics but they dont care and it shows.

Hopefully it moves up the ladder and the people of this State and this Country wake up and to the same things that we are doing here on this blog but for now all we can do is keep on working and TAKE BACK WAREHAM.



#132 2009-12-18 08:54:18

OK...here it comes!



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