#1 2009-12-09 12:55:17

We all remember Jane's famous words in the 6 minute exec. session clip where she said about town employees "Do they blog or don't they blog?" That was the beginning of the computer audit truth coming out. (And boy has that sh*t hit the fan!!)

My question in the subject line refers to our "esteemed" BoS. I can answer the question. I was recently informed that the K and P lawyer was made aware of my blog postings about K and P.  Now who do you  think could have passed that on??

As a taxpayer who believes that K and P has done this town no favors, and since my tax dollars are paying for K and P, I have the right as a citizen to state my opinion.

Remember Jane at a recent BoS meeting telling everyone to stop reading the blog??  Looks like no one in the hypocrite elite/tin foil hat wearing crowd, including the BoS and their lackey have taken that advice.

But now I'm wondering....if the BoS read the postings where I said we were waiting for K and P to finish up so we can finalize the library settlement and get the money to the town, why didn't they simply CALL K and P and say why aren't you guys (excuse me, "youz guyz") working on this?? Instead, they bad mouth the library people during a publicized and public meeting and give false quotes to a tacky tabloid about us. Remember Bruce quoted by his lackey as saying the library folks weren't keeping our end of the mediation because we had not handed over our financial records, and then I posted the mediation agreement that included nothing of the sort ,(which I'm sure none of them read!!), but we saw no retraction, correction or apology?

So, it looks like THEY DO READ THE BLOG!!!!

TAKE BACK WAREHAM  from these blog-addicted incompetent, (in my opinion), elected officials!!!

P.S. If they are such blog readers, why didn't they correct what we've been talking about for ages: YOU CAN'T GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNTIL YOU FIRST CONVENE OPEN SESSION, ANNOUNCE EXECUTIVE SESSION AND THEN GO AND TALK ABOUT STUFF YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE TALKING ABOUT IN ES (and then lie about it until and even after 6 minutes of the ES is accidentally broadcast). Instead, Wareham is once again publicly humiliated by the local press announcing yet another open meeting law violation in Wareham.  Thanks BoS. Not.  Did I say TAKE BACK WAREHAM?



#2 2009-12-09 16:10:36

Hmmm. Who is reading the blog?

Quoth me from this blog and quoted today in the tacky online tabloid:

"One of the issues was that there was no "trust account" set up to receive the funds. That was accomplished, finally, last week. I'm not an accountant, but let's face it, it shouldn't have taken that long to set up a bank account to receive the funds!!!”

Quoth Ms. Eckstrom in a tacky tabloid:
“To the best of my knowledge an account has been set up (for the $50,000) but no money has been placed in it,” Eckstrom said.

And quoth the tacky tabloid:
"The town reportedly set that account up in mid-October, prior to the selectmen appointing a new board of library trustees."

Now, for the truth:

Quoth the counsel for the town in an email to our counsel, which I was cc'd on and dated November 30th at 9:50 PM, (last Monday, hence, still considered LAST WEEK as I said, and "reportedly" 6 weeks after what was "reported" to be the time frame by the tacky tabloid!!  What/who to believe?? The tacky tabloid or the town's counsel?? Such a conundrum for the tin foil hat crowd! They don't believe anything I say, so I won't even try to defend my telling the TRUTH here.)

Counsel stated:
"the requisite separate bank account and general ledger account were opened and/or created today." She claims she was told this by the "Town Accountant."

"Today" would be November 30th, the date of the email, unless I misunderstand the meaning of the simple word, "today." But no, that would mean that the esteemed town counsel would also not understand the meaning of the simple word, "today" and no matter what I think of K and P, I'm sure she understands that simple word, as do I.

So, when I said one of the issues was that the town hadn't set up a separate bank account as of LAST WEEK, even though we mediated August 3rd, I guess I was telling the truth. Imagine that.

My my, get a life you people!  Maybe if you all weren't so obsessed with this blog, you could get on with your lives and more importantly, with town business.  When the papers are signed, the check will be delivered. Period.



#3 2009-12-09 16:20:23

nora thank you again for all you do.... i would be more inclined to buy some paper, pens or pencils and drop them off at the library with an employee than give the town anymore of my $!!!!!



#4 2009-12-09 16:49:40

Nora, of course they read this site..or minions whisper it in their ears..

Brenda, you're a witch...RESIGN
Brucey the Blowhard...RESIGN
Mr. & Mrs. Moderator, your "machine" is creaking to a halt...(Mr. April, Mrs., soon)
Cronie..April..tick tock
Sleepy, WAKE UP!
Mrs. Town Clerk..4/6/10

April 6, 2010

Last edited by P-SPAN (2009-12-09 16:53:23)



#5 2009-12-11 08:50:41

Today, my blog discussion will be about the word "truthiness." Yes, this is the word made famous by Stephen Colbert in 2005.

Definition: "a 'truth' that a person claims to know without regard to EVIDENCE, LOGIC, INTELLECTUAL EXAMINATION, OR FACTS."

We should expect more than constant truthiness from our BoS, our Interim Town administrator, our Town Moderator and our Town Clerk.  Because these people have a tabloid mouthpiece who simply thrives on truthiness to the detriment of our beloved Wareham, we the people, the citizens and taxpayers, suffer.

How do we go about exterminating truthiness from the very people we need and expect to get the truth from? There is no other way than putting them out of office or out of business!!! This site has proven time and again, by providing evidence and facts, that we cannot trust these people.

The latest bit of truthiness is the cheap shot by Brenda Eckstrom when she said the Friends of the library are not being friendly!!  And Ms. Griswold claims we won't give her any money. She hasn't ASKED for any money. (Plus she was at the Friends meeting in November where she was told that after our holiday fair and cook book fundraisers we will have more cash and in January, we will be happy to discuss the library's needs then.) And Brenda knows full well that the Friends have purchased ALL the books for the library for the past two years in addition to giving $20,000 to the town for salaries. I'm sick of these people making up their own "truths" without providing evidence or facts.

And don't get me started about the  people who believe those truths even when we provide evidence to the contrary (since we KNOW they read this blog!!!). That's called "selective belief." You choose to believe what fits your preconceived ideas about something or someone and disregard the rest.  (Examples: the copy machine truth, the truth about what's in the settlement agreement, the truth about the BoS not reading contracts before signing them and continuing litigation at great cost to the taxpayers for more than two years without reading the documents for the case, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.)

They can play the "peace on earth, peace in Wareham" card all they want.  But they still turn around and spew their truthiness and think intelligent people won't notice.  Well, we have taken notice and we will not put up with it anymore.  And it is my belief that there are more intelligent people in Wareham (and who read this blog) than people who prefer to wear tin foil hats.

We need to take action now.


Edited for typos.

Last edited by Nora Bicki (2009-12-11 08:52:34)



#6 2009-12-11 13:47:55

Nora, I don't understand why people are allowing ragboy and the bos to spread all these vicious lies.



#7 2009-12-11 14:05:10

There are some that still believe that "if it's printed in the newspaper, it's true". Unfortunately for the Town of Wareham, we have a Fabricator that takes advantage of that. The good news is there will come a time when he crosses the line and is held accountable. Remember that word, accountable. That is what is seriously lacking in Wareham. The Selectmen want to hold everyone accountable but themselves. The Fabricator hides behind his editorial column because it lessens HIS accountablity.

Eventually, and it's coming soon, someone is going to call his bluff. When that happens, he will either have to put up or shut up. My bet is on him shutting up.

In April, it will be time to hold the Selectmen and Moderator accountable for their actions. The lack of fiscal responsibility, professionalism, and ignorance will final come to an end.

Take Back Wareham.



#8 2009-12-11 14:24:55

Mixie wrote:

Nora, I don't understand why people are allowing ragboy and the bos to spread all these vicious lies.

Mixie,  That statement caught my interest.  I'm curious to know what people you are referring to that are "allowing" said lies. I think the better question is why do people believe the ragboy spew ? More people should insist on proof when such outrages accusations and insinuations are printed.  I find it unprofessional and irresponsible for our leaders to send the WRONG messages week after week.  For example: How could they ALL not know that the transfer of $50,000 for the newly appointed library trustees could not occur until an account was established, the final documents were completed, the new appointments were made AND that the money has been in escrow since the conclusion of mediation under legal authority ?  I find it appauling that if they knew all this (and they should have if the manager was doing his job), that they sat there and allowed BE and BS to speak out of line, which effectively gives ragboy more to spew about with "official" authority.

C'mon April !

Last edited by bbrady (2009-12-11 14:26:07)



#9 2009-12-11 15:06:44

BBrady, I guess I have resigned myself to the idea that the people who believe this nonsense are angry individuals who don't want to know the truth.  It makes them feel better about  their useless unsatifying life.  Recently I ran into someone I did not know and he said "oh this town is in such bad shape" I asked him why he thought that and he gave me the slager version.  I told him those were all lies and how could he believe them to be the truth.  I stopped talking to him because it was obvious that he would not listen to reason.  Anyone who has ever talked to MJP or Susan P could not ever in their heart believe that either woman would ever reduce themselves to stealing.  These slager/bos followers  won't look at reality because for some reasosn that we are not aware, there is something in it for themselves when they trash others..



#10 2009-12-11 15:11:55

BBrady, to get back to your question.  I think there is no hope for the slager/bos followers.  Believe me I try to enlighten people but many thimes they are just stuck wirh their opinions so I change the subject.  I just wish someone could hold the slager/bos accountable for all their lies.  Because people do believe it, itis damaging and hurtful.



#11 2009-12-11 15:51:39

Keep in mind too that it looks like lying has become pretty damn profitable for Bobo.  Just take a gander at one of this week's cheers:

Generosity - Frankly we've been stunned by the unsolicited donations made to the Observer by our readers over the past week (none have come from town officials, so let's nip that one in the bud right now).  In this difficult econonmic time for community newspapers such support is invaluable.  Thank you all so very much.

I have heard that there has been talk amongst Bobo's tin hat squadsters that they are sending their sticky cash Bobo's way because they are impressed with his library stories (translation: library lies!)

Let me translate this cheer from "Bobo-speak" into what it really means:

"Bahh ha ha!  Thanks alot you dupes!  I'm Bobo and I'm going to laugh my ass off all the way to the bank!  Oh my God, I can't believe these pathetic dumbasses actually believe this shit to the point where they send me their money!  Oh my God, what a bunch of goddamn idiots!  Oh thank God for pathetic easily duped braindead morons ready to part with their money!  Now I won't have to get a real job!"

I'd say that's a better translation.  I just hope those tin foil hat dupes wrote in the memo line on their checks "BECAUSE I'M A BIG FAT F$%&ING DUPE!!!"

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-12-11 16:02:07)



#12 2009-12-11 16:00:23

Hey by the way Bobo says no town officials donated to the rag, howsabout people who have a personal interest in making sure the selectmen are supported?  Did anyone like that make a contribution?

What a scumbag last week he tells people don't donate to the Friends but he'll accept donations for himself.  "Don't donate to the Friends of the Library, but I'll accept donations to the bagel biting bastard fund!!!"

Hey let's have an informal poll!  Show of hands, how many people think Bobo will report this loot to the IRS?  I gotta say my hand is down here.

Let me just say, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Sure, the tin foil hat squad sends Bobo some money, but at least that is less money for them to spend on 40 ounces.  Less money for booze means maybe they'll sober up and be less easily duped.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-12-11 16:03:40)



#13 2009-12-11 16:50:11

Bob,  Mixie  :Of course people believe what the BOS and Bobo say. The sad thing is that most people in town don’t read this blog and they don’t have friends who know what is going on at Town Hall or the Multi Service Center. If the average person in town watches the selectmen’s meeting and Brenda says Marcia has asked the Friends for money and they turned her down and then they read an article written by Bobo confirming what Brenda has said why wouldn’t they think the story is true.

I have talked to people about the Pillsbury story they think because it is in the paper it must be true. They tell me there must be something to the story, especially since the BOS announced at the meeting that the accusations should be investigated and they are going to ask the DA to investigate. It is extremely difficult to change their minds I have talked to them until I am blue in the face I get so exasperated. The ONLY way I can get them to change their minds is if I can convince them to go on line and read this blog.

This is the only place where the other side of the story is presented and backed up with facts. Most of the people in town have no idea how much help the friends have given the library until they come here and read Nora’s post (Thank you Nora)

I was one of those people who read Bobo’s paper and had no idea how much he lied. The only reason I found this site was because Bobo kept referring to the “hatebloggers” and out of curiosity I came to this site and I was converted from the dark side. (Thank you Bobo)

Some people read this site everyday some once a week. We can’t ASSUME that most people in town know the truth. They may watch the selectmen meeting and may find Bruce and Brenda annoying but they have no idea how much they and Bobo lie.



#14 2009-12-11 17:23:23

Sometimes we behave like horses that run back into a burning barn. We are responding to his boast as if it's true, but we  have ample evidence that  there are two ways to tell when Bobo is lying: one  is when his lips move, and the  other is when one of his fingers makes contact with his keyboard, so when he boasts of  unsolicited money pouring  in he's just Bobo being Bobo, lying though his teeth..  The man is a pathological  liar.

Come on, folks!  He's lying about his Christmas "windfall" in the hope that he'll start a rally, but if his parakeet poop absorbers aren't selling, who's going to write him out a check?  If he is receiving any substantial  Christmas goodies you can bet they are from the fat PR account of  the developer  who  is hoping that Bobo can revive the Westfield Project. ....The same developer who is picking up the tab for his printing bill.



#15 2009-12-11 18:03:18

Would anyone put it past Mr and Mrs Moderator to be one of the donators??..well, Mrs. anyway seeing she has a job!!

The letter in this weeks rag was quite touching and exactly what a previous thread discussed: everything they do is politically motivated!!..why do we nedd to be told by them how successful a fu ndraiser was when they weren't involved??

To answer the question: do they read the blogs?..you bet your ass they do!!..this letter is there way of spinning the story of what took place at the Toy Drive..



#16 2009-12-11 18:03:47

Folks, the only reason i started to get involved was when Mr. Moderator tried his racial baiting incident.  That one act of stupidty pushed me over the edge.  Before that i didnt have time or really didnt care because I ASSUMED EVERYTHING I HEARD FROM THE OTHER SIDE WAS TRUE!  Once i did get involved and went to my first town meeting a couple of months ago i was amazed at everything i heard (hence the name WHAAAAT!!!!).

I also mentioned a couple of weeks back that i was not familiar with some names being thrown around here on this site who were involced with the current BOS etc.  My point at that time was to make sure those people could be associated with the current BOS etc.  A few of you folks wrote that there are ties that can be proven but that does not good if people can see and here them.

We have to think of some other forum to get ideas, comments, TRUTHS, out to as many people as possible.  I think most poeple are inteligent enough to make sense of what is true and what is lies but if they are not presented with the proper information they cannot form the proper opinion.  I guess i am saying up until now ALL SIDES were not being represented to the public, only BOBO's side.

There really is not a lot of time between now and April so the sooner the better.



#17 2009-12-11 22:23:03

The piles of trash paper are all over town...untouched.  Let's move on to the election.  The excitement for change is building!  Take Back Wareham!



#18 2009-12-11 23:12:54




#19 2009-12-12 10:29:11

I have to ask...............who the hell in their right mind makes a donation to a private business.  Never heard of such a thing.  I have owned a business in the past and not one soul ever offered me some extra money.  The whole thing just has to be a lie.



#20 2009-12-12 10:44:30




#21 2009-12-12 11:45:57

I apologize that I am not up to speed on this whole library issue but I do remember reading in one of the older rags that a certain editor would donate, (if I remember correctly) $1000K to the library efforts during Mr. Wheeler's Kayak efforts to benefit the library...



#22 2009-12-12 12:17:48

When Slager made the statement that he was donating the $1,000 dollars to the Town it was to underscore his contention that sending money to WFL was a lost cause.  I'm told he never once mentioned my "paddle" until after it was over ,when he wrote that I had faked the whole thing and had turned the  $62,000 dollars that I had "hoodwinked" out of innocent Wareham citizens, over to Sandra  for her  "silly Spinney Project"!   Never let it be said that Slager is not "a piece of work"!



#23 2009-12-12 12:22:58

Dick Wheeler wrote:

When Slager made the statement that he was donating the $1,000 dollars to the Town it was to underscore his contention that sending money to WFL was a lost cause.  I'm told he never once mentioned my "paddle" until after it was over ,when he wrote that I had faked the whole thing and had turned the  $62,000 dollars that I had "hoodwinked" out of innocent Wareham citizens, over to Sandra  for her  "silly Spinney Project"!   Never let it be said that Slager is not "a piece of work"!

That's beautiful. I had no idea Dick. Bobo the ASS.

Now I know. You faked the whole NOVA episode about you too..You shifty Geezer ; )


April 6, 2010

Last edited by P-SPAN (2009-12-12 12:26:16)



#24 2009-12-12 13:01:29

I am shocked but not surprised.
Troll couldn't be a pimple on Dick Wheeler's ass.
Ben Franklin had a wonderful thing he used to do: he would take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle.
On one side he would put the pros, on the other side, the cons. Decisions based on the weight of the columns.
Let's take a piece of paper, on one side put Slager and on the other side Dick Wheeler.
List each person's accomplishments.
You may need a second page for Dick.
That should end that conversation!!



#25 2009-12-12 14:50:23

While you are at it, do the same with ANY person who posts on this site.
Them on one side, troll on the other.
No comparison with ANYONE that posts here.
Accomplishments, dedication, intellect, honesty, ethics, morals, ability to be a productive member of society.
Not even close...with...ANYONE!
Isn't that a kick in the ass?
Imagine if you were in the same boat.
How embarrassing and life altering.
Makes you think if you were the troll you might want to move on and make a new life for yourself.
Some where where no-one knows you and will believe your resume to be fact and not bother to check on your background.
West Virginia comes to mind.
Nice area.
You'll be surprised how intelligent you will seem there.
Move on...do yourself and your poor family a favor, and try to save the remaining years you have together in dignity and capable of providing what they dearly need: shelter, food and clothing. Respect for "daddy's" job and a vision for the future.
Just my opinion, of course.



#26 2009-12-12 23:25:45

Now Dan, I have a few relatives in WV. They moved from Tenn ages ago. My aunt, who wrote and performed with Johnny Cash and also played for the Carter Family. She is still a heck of a guitar/mandolin player. She would take a shotgun after Slager thinking he was a wild boar. I also have a cousin who is a nurse just outside Charleston.

The best place for Bobo the Fabricator is Mississippi. They would accept him, feed him, and then serve him up with beans and rice.

We do have a great group of people and should be very proud.



#27 2009-12-13 00:01:43

Quahog wrote:

I have to ask...............who the hell in their right mind makes a donation to a private business.  Never heard of such a thing.  I have owned a business in the past and not one soul ever offered me some extra money.  The whole thing just has to be a lie.

I'm surprised at you Quahog!!!..you think Robert Slager, Pulitzer Prize quality journalist, would lie??



#28 2009-12-13 00:05:21

Didn't mean to offend W. Va., Larry.
Mississippi has enough problems.
How about Kentuck?



#29 2009-12-13 00:08:00

Quahog wrote:

I have to ask...............who the hell in their right mind makes a donation to a private business.  Never heard of such a thing.  I have owned a business in the past and not one soul ever offered me some extra money.  The whole thing just has to be a lie.

People who look like this dude:




#30 2009-12-13 00:16:42

I am HAMATRON5000.



#31 2009-12-13 10:21:06

I don't look exactly like that, my hat looks more like a derby. Yes, I did send money to "BoBo." He may need it if anyone decides to slap a lawsuit on him. Of course that will not be a good idea if he is correct.



#32 2009-12-13 10:24:49

danoconnell wrote:

Didn't mean to offend W. Va., Larry.
Mississippi has enough problems.
How about Kentuck?

He wouldn't last 4 minutes in Kentucky. Seriously, Bobo the Fabricator wouldn't be able to make the cut at a high school paper. He is the worst editor, reporter, and human there is.



#33 2009-12-13 10:27:08

beammeup wrote:

I don't look exactly like that, my hat looks more like a derby. Yes, I did send money to "BoBo." He may need it if anyone decides to slap a lawsuit on him. Of course that will not be a good idea if he is correct.

First, I am in awe of your generosity. It is always good to give to the needy. You give one side of the story, but when he is wrong, what will you say then? So far, he is 0-8 on predictions and you seem to be okay with that?



#34 2009-12-13 10:53:56

Larry, I have been reading your postings and letters for some time now. You seem to be fairly well educated and intelligent. It is apparent you know which side of the bread the butter is located. You have made the judgement that your living standard will be best served by befriending those people in town who have "money power" and know how to use it.

The "predictions" strawman is nonsense. It is an old debate (fighting) tactic.



#35 2009-12-13 11:28:21

beammeup wrote:

I don't look exactly like that, my hat looks more like a derby. Yes, I did send money to "BoBo." He may need it if anyone decides to slap a lawsuit on him. Of course that will not be a good idea if he is correct.

if he was reporting the FACTS & TRUTH there would be no fear of a lawsuit!!!!!

hello and welcome..



#36 2009-12-13 11:37:53

His articles seem to be filled with facts and they have the "ring-of-truth" to them. I have seen posts here that dissect the "facts" of the articles. I am not trying to defend Slager but I would like to know the truth about all of these things. I'm not sure a crime was committed but I have witnessed enough in this town to know we have a serious problem and many people are in denial.



#37 2009-12-13 11:41:50

beammeup wrote:

His articles seem to be filled with facts and they have the "ring-of-truth" to them. I have seen posts here that dissect the "facts" of the articles. I am not trying to defend Slager but I would like to know the truth about all of these things. I'm not sure a crime was committed but I have witnessed enough in this town to know we have a serious problem and many people are in denial.

"seem to be filled with facts"..... that is the problem!!!!!!



#38 2009-12-13 11:58:52

beammeup wrote:

Larry, I have been reading your postings and letters for some time now. You seem to be fairly well educated and intelligent. It is apparent you know which side of the bread the butter is located. You have made the judgement that your living standard will be best served by befriending those people in town who have "money power" and know how to use it.

The "predictions" strawman is nonsense. It is an old debate (fighting) tactic.

Mr or Mrs Conspiracy theory, I mean beammeup...

First, you clearly have never spent time talking to Larry, or spent time with him at his home. Your comments only reek of ignorance and what you read in the rag.

Second, this money power vs."the people" crap that gets thrown around is a farce created by Bobo. Do you really think people with money and power care about blogging? Oh yes, mr trump was blogging last week. So was the CEO of a major pharmicuticle company (that's a sarcastic joke).

It's not about people of prevalidge vs the working class. I don't think those types would waste their time.

I am far from rich, and far from elite. What I am is furious at the absent mined, poor management, disasterous spending habits, and poor management by the leaders of this town. I ask you, can I feel that way and be a working stiff?!

Last edited by commonsense (2009-12-13 12:00:07)



#39 2009-12-13 12:20:33

Beammeup is not a working stiff. He is the troll, and MsLilly, and Pink, and Onset Dude, and Jimmy and etc, etc, etc.,etc.
Wrong planet, dude.



#40 2009-12-13 12:30:35

Many poor people are dependent upon the wealthier business owners. I was pointing out the obvious: people like to side with the winners. However, being able to judge who the winners are is not the same as thinking through an issue deciding what is right or wrong. Anyone want to discuss instead of just being mean?



#41 2009-12-13 12:32:40

beammeup wrote:

Larry, I have been reading your postings and letters for some time now. You seem to be fairly well educated and intelligent. It is apparent you know which side of the bread the butter is located. You have made the judgement that your living standard will be best served by befriending those people in town who have "money power" and know how to use it.

The "predictions" strawman is nonsense. It is an old debate (fighting) tactic.

let me make clear "OUR" reasons.. we own a home, have family, and have a young child in wareham public schools.. we want a better run wareham than we have now...
we dont need friends to "help" our standard of living... that is the most ignorant idea i have ever heard... here's and idea know us before you make a statement like that.. it only makes you look bad.. you know what the say about ASSUMING....



#42 2009-12-13 12:34:19

beammeup wrote:

Many poor people are dependent upon the wealthier business owners. I was pointing out the obvious: people like to side with the winners. However, being able to judge who the winners are is not the same as thinking through an issue deciding what is right or wrong. Anyone want to discuss instead of just being mean?

for me it has nothing to do with winning or losing its about a better, open, for the people goverment which we DON'T have...



#43 2009-12-13 12:35:53

So what is the issue you are wanting to discuss? You haven't made that clear. This thread is about if the BOS read this site.

You brought up the truthfulness of bobo's paper. Unless he offers PROOF, it's all opinion, speculation, and lies.



#44 2009-12-13 12:39:05

Yeah LIZ, what is your issue. Stay on topic...



#45 2009-12-13 12:42:24

beammeup wrote:

Larry, I have been reading your postings and letters for some time now. You seem to be fairly well educated and intelligent. It is apparent you know which side of the bread the butter is located. You have made the judgement that your living standard will be best served by befriending those people in town who have "money power" and know how to use it.

The "predictions" strawman is nonsense. It is an old debate (fighting) tactic.

Please don't think you know me. I've read several posts on another site that shows that the lack of knowledge is a common thread. The only judgement I've made is that we have substandard management and leadership in this town. EVERYONE in this town would benefit from thoughtful and inteliigent leadership and that is where I am throwing my support. Unless your education level is up to snuff, don't ever use the word "fairly educated" with me again. That is a backhanded slap by a less than educated person with a "fair" amount of jealousy.

Unless you have the courage to sit down and talk with me, stop thinking you know me. Next you will be telling me that I'm a hitman from Tennessee hired by developers???????

I have the statements by bobo the fabricator that are way off the mark. Not a tactic, it's a fact.
Also, I have another prediction that Bobo made waiting to show again how off the mark he is.

Going forward, I will ignore you unless you can come up with facts instead of nonsense.



#46 2009-12-14 09:07:29

I hope you come back Beammeup, you probably should have measured your words carefully before posting. Liz has done a tremendous amount of research and works tirelessly to understand the issues and problems in this town. You might want to reconsider your approach. I wouldn't hestiate to say she has more knowledge of what is going on this town than you will ever have.

If you want a conversation, we can do that. if you want to sling insults, you will end up on ignore. Pompous and ignorant are two thing that immediately end a conversation, so I am hoping you are just posturing and have the good sense to apologize and start over.



#47 2009-12-14 11:29:27

beammeup wrote:

Many poor people are dependent upon the wealthier business owners. I was pointing out the obvious: people like to side with the winners. However, being able to judge who the winners are is not the same as thinking through an issue deciding what is right or wrong. Anyone want to discuss instead of just being mean?

I truly hope you are not banned because you have opened a can of BS that leaves "fairly educated" people waiting to see if you got enough to actually back up those words. I am still chucking about the your comments concerning the Bobo the Fabricator and how his "articles seem to be filled with facts and they have the "ring-of-truth" to them". That isn't quite the same as ARE the truth.

The problem with your logic is that in order to find out the truth, you have to have one single shred of verifiable evidence in order to convince the authorities to investigate. That is how it works. You can't hang your hat on rumors, accusations, or second hand knowledge. It costs money to investigate and they don't just do it because a newspaper editor (with a history of bold unfounded claims) says so. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Bobo will go to the proper authorities and tell his story, bring his sources to tell their stories, and offer them ANYTHING that resembles reality, you might have an investigation. Bobo will whine about "protecting his sources" or "fearing for his life", but that is nonsense. Think about it! The authorities would protect them much better than a weasel editor who continues to whine but show no proof. I have also heard how he needs those audit results to see if there is anything on the library hard drive to support his allegations. Are you serious? Another grab at the golden ring. Let's face facts. Fact: his business is failing and he needs to sell newspapers in the worst way. What would help? I'm glad you asked! How about a sensational story citing un-named inside sources that show corruption. Hmmm, that is risky, but what if we can make it about a town leader who is deceased? That works! Unfortunately, it isn't working because there is no evidence to back up his allegations.

We really need to be talking about how to fix this town and crawl out from the mess made by our elected officials and their agenda. Bobo is a non-factor and his Tin Foil Hat club make statement that have me wondering if they huff paint.

Winners and losers are for sporting events. We need leaders. This isn't political posturing, this is real life. Jobs are at stake, houses are out stake, and this town is at stake. Talk is cheap.

Take Back Wareham.



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