#1 2009-12-05 07:30:22
I'm a voter and I'm looking for some good candidates for Wareham's election in April 2010.
I'm looking for a new the Board of Selectmen.
Is there a good candidate among us for Town Moderator?
Are you out there, new Town Clerk?
I want candidates who are honest, positive and hardworking for the common good.
You must have a some kind of experience that will enable you to jump right in and not be afraid.
You don't have to be perfect, but you have to be honest. Then no one can own you.
You won't know all the answers, but you have to be educated and resourceful and have a desire to learn what came before you and what needs to done going forward. You will BUILD on the good work of the past.
I want to vote for someone who returns my occasional calls or emails when I have a question.
My vote will go to elect people who treat all taxpayers respectfully. After elected, they will represent ALL taxpayers, not just the ones who helped them get into office.
These candidates will not interfere in the day-to-day activities of town departments, and will consult with department heads only as resource people when understanding the workings of the town or a particular situation that needs their attention and then only via the Town Administrator.
I need candidates with vision..even in tough times. That's when we need it the most. It's not just about the money. We already know so much has been wasted. Use what we have to maintain our services the best you can for taxpayers. Maintain a vision for the future and help look for resources.
Respect the Charter and Town Meeting decisions. Stay out of day-to-day. Respect all citizens. Let qualified TA and competent experienced department heads lead. Sounds straightforward.
I'm looking for six people. Maybe seven. Out of the whole town....I hear there is one so far...
There must be five other candidates I can trust with my vote. You?
#2 2009-12-05 08:15:09
I am looking for candidates with Vision--we are close to being bankrupt, yet our current bos are not working to bring business to town.
The latest tirade against AD Makepeace is a clear example of how petty vendettas control this bos. We need a good hotel and a conference center to bring in people spending dollars at our restaurants, mall, gas stations, etc. Southcoast is a prize for us--willing to build such a facility in Wareham when it could have chosen any of the other towns/cities it is affiliated with. Take advantage of it.
We need bos candidates who will do everything in their power to keep a tourist attraction (camp ground) open rather than trying to close down tourist attractions on the whim of a couple of campaign supporters.
We need bos candidates who recognize that a high-end golf course/hotel/condo site will bring in much needed revenue rather than setting up road blocks to such development. It will also revitalize Onset, which used to be a gem and can be once again.
So, my candidates need this type of vision--to make this lovely coastal town into a true tourist attraction where the dollars are. How can we have 54 miles of coastline and be in such fiscal dysfunction? Look at the cape towns, Plymouth, and such to see how they bring in tourist dollars.
I will support a new town clerk and a new town moderator who will work for the 20,000+ full time residents to make Wareham a functional municipality rather than the laughing stock of the Commonwealth.
Are there any candidates out there?
#3 2009-12-05 14:29:23
Hmmm. I am not going to do any announcing for anyone (and kick start Bobo's smear job)..but, as I posted previously, I KNOW of a few people who intend to "run" for the positions you've mentioned, and they are GREAT candidates (IMO). Obviously people are going to want to know who's running. Please trust those who want to change Wareham for the better to decide for themselves when best to "announce"..
April CAN'T come soon enough, and January's right around the corner.
...All will be revealed..when it is..let's back them 100%..I do already..and you will too.
April 6, 2010
Last edited by P-SPAN (2009-12-05 14:30:04)
#4 2009-12-05 17:35:27
I'm glad to hear that P-Span. It's hard to be patient. There's a lot at stake.
I am hoping for some candidates to vote for. When I find them, I am going to work very hard to get them elected. I will support them, promote them, and tell my friends, relatives and acquaintances all about them. When they are elected, they'll have my cooperation and respect. I know they are giving their time and effort to clean up a mess.
I hope these candidates will look at the make up of committees and help ensure we have a fair balance of representation. Let's see folks from all areas of town, varied backgrounds and with experience. Men and women, older and younger. Not just a handful of "posse."
The candidates I am looking for will know how to value town employees. Morale needs a boost and they will be sincere when they go about it. No more witch hunts and balancing the budget at the expense of our beleaguered workforce. They will keep confidences of town workers if someone needs to speak with them.
Computer audits...give me a break! How about working with the policies and procedures in place. That's why we have them!
Don't forget compassion. Many people are in need of some understanding. Not ridicule.
They won't break the law.
#5 2009-12-07 15:05:07
Last edited by Bryanne Tucy (2009-12-07 18:19:58)
#6 2009-12-07 15:29:24
if brock runs he will have my vote.