#1 2009-11-21 09:04:54

Just thought you might like to know what's going on.  After I blogged about the fact that K and P were holding up the settlement release agreement, lo and behold, our lawyers notify us that K and P is ready to finish up.  So we met with our lawyers on Thursday, agreed on the language in the agreement, and now, once again it is up to K and P to finish this. Once signed, the former trustees will have 30 days to get the $50,000 check (money now in our atty's escrow account) over to the town's Library Trust Fund. And the town's insurance company will likewise have 30 days to pay our lawyer the $40,000 owed him. (In August I spoke with John Foster the town treasurer to make sure a trust fund would be set up so the money could be transferred. Here we are heading into December and this still isn't finished!!! Talk about a dysfunctional town government.)

Of course, I still believe the BoS should appoint new library trustees first. I can't understand why they were not appointed at last Tuesday's meeting.Why the delay? Why can't this BoS get business done in a timely fashion? In my opinion, the Library Trustees should be in place before any money is put into a trust fund.

I also noticed that the chair of the BoS and Selectmen Cronan did not apologize, nor did they correct their false statements made at the previous Tuesday night meeting. Chairman Sauvageau was quoted in a local tabloid saying that the library parties were not fulfilling their part of the mediation by failing to hand over their financial records to the town. I posted the settlement agreement on this blog and anyone who can read basic English could clearly see that turning over financial records was not part of the settlement. (In fact, that was never discussed once during the 10 hours of mediation. So imagine my shock and surprise to hear him make such an outrageous claim.)  And Cronan said we did not fulfill our part of the bargain by turning the $50,000 over to town, when we were waiting for K and P to ok the release terms. Get the facts straight before you publicly criticize/scold someone would be my advice. (Oh that's right. We're associated with the library which is always fair game for the slings and arrows of this board of elected officials.)

How is it that these people get to speak badly about the library, and tell outright lies, and get away with it? No apology? No correction of "minor factual errors"?????



#2 2009-11-21 09:20:18

Their clear disregard for the truth will come back to haunt them. If you toss in their lack of accountability, then you realize they have no respect for the citizens of this fine town. We must continue to highlight each and every misstep they make. More and more citizens are now aware of the complete dysfuntion that starts with the Selectmen and permeates throughout our administrative staff. It's time for a change and it will happen.

Thank you for bringing the truth out to combat the baseless and shallow claims against the trustees and WFL.



#3 2009-11-21 11:21:08

Thank you Nora for letting us know what the truth is. I have a suggestion for all who blog here and all who may not blog, but who read this. Please copy and paste Nora's explanations into a new email and send it to all of your friends who may be hearing rumors and who do not know the truth. Ask them to support the Friends of the Library and lets see if we can help turn this around.



#4 2009-11-21 11:37:58

I agree with you Larry. I just don't understand why more people are not outraged at the cost of the senseless library litigation for legal fees that are paid for on the backs of the taxpayers who would rather have their roads repaired, or the snow plowed this winter, or more staffing in the town's departments, or....well I could name plenty of things that money could have been used for instead of litigation.

Many of you looked at the video clip of the dismissal of the trustees (on the video blog thread). Recall that Priscilla Porter said several times in that video (before she was dismissed) that the trustees had no problem allowing the BoS to appoint the library trustees.

The Friends fortunately had indemnity insurance so our fees were all covered except for the $2500 deductible we had to pay (that could have been used for the library instead!!!). But I do get to see the bills that were sent by the Friends lawyer to the insurance company and I have seen all of the Trustee's and Foundation's bills from Phil Beauragard.

Consequently, I have to figure it cost the town at least $100,000 for the litigation. (I believe Fin Com would have the exact figures but only if the "town" will give Fin Com the numbers they have been asking for since they took office!!)

So let's see what the results of the litigation were again:

1. The BoS gets to appoint trustees. Since this was agreed to before litigation as evidenced by the video, big whoop. I still don't get why they are dragging their feet appointing new trustees when they spent nearly $100,000 for this privilege!!!

2. The town's insurance pays Phil Beauragard $40,000. The town's insurance only covers members of the town's boards and not private corporations. So, because the trustees were legally appointed by a recognized appointing authority for the town, and each swore an oath to the town clerk to act as public trustees, it looks like the decision was in the favor of the former trustees. (Recall that the trust was held by a private non-profit, hence the public/private issue.)

3. The Friends get to keep the $75,000 that was a gift from the former trustees for the Spinney library project. (Good thing we had insurance or it would have cost us that $75,000 just in legal fees to prove we were right all along!)

4.  The private corporation that was in existence in Wareham and incorporated since 1891, known as the Wareham Free Library, Inc. must dissolve. This is being done now with the help of a local lawyer.

5. The money that was transferred from the trustees to the private foundation, Wareham Library Foundation, Inc. was legally transferred and the money (except for #6 below) stays with the Foundation.

6.  The former trustees/ library foundation, agreed to donate $50,000 to the new library trustee trust fund in the care of the town. (Since we owed Phil Beauragard $40,000 and would have had to pay his bill, we can now take that amount off the accounts payable category since the insurance company picked up that tab. $50,000 is in the lawyer's escrow account waiting to go to the new trust fund. Total realized loss to trustees/foundation from this deal? $10,000.)

People should be outraged at this totally unnecessary litigation that caused the spending of tax dollars which could have and should have been used on the real needs of this town. The only way to stop this irresponsible behavior is in the voting booth in April. I've had enough. Have you?



#5 2009-11-21 12:30:48

Nora, great breakdown. Thanks for this and so much more.

It's pretty simple for me. I read these posts by and about Nora, Dick, Larry, Steve, Bob, etc...what they do, what they think, and words/thoughts like, well said, charitable, humane, integrity, great example, etc....come to mind..and I could go on..all positives, and worthy of admiration and gratitude..these (and many other good people) ARE THE EXACT indivuals who are ROUTINELY attacked and smeared by another group we have in Town for whom MUCH different thoughts come to mind as I read writings by or about them..Thank you so much to the good people we have in this Town. You are inspiration's, and it's through you that hope for the future is possible. I'll quote Jack from "As Good as it Gets"..."You make me want to be a better man"..your examples, or "Acts" are invaluable in my opinion, thanks.


Last edited by P-SPAN (2009-11-21 13:54:13)



#6 2009-11-21 13:45:30

If the Hypocrite Elite would take the time they spend on manufacturing lies to destract from their screw-ups and actually dedicated that effort into doing something crazy like, not screwing up in the first place, this town would be alot better off.

April can't come soon enough.  Throw these lying scumbags out the door.



#7 2009-11-21 13:49:40

Nora, you are quite the lady.  Obviously a person trained to proper record keeping.  You have been able to take a jumbled mess about the library, trustees, etc. and make it understandable to the citizens of Wareham.  Half of us, probably, were in the dark in regard to what group was private, public or whatever!  The Wareham Free Library.  That's all I knew.  When the beautiful book , Images of America, Wareham (written by Susan Pizzolato and Lynda Byrne) was published, I sold them for the "Friends of the Wareham Library".  I believe that was the wording on our hand made sign.  Only now do I see the many facets of the Library.  Thank you.

I know that there needs to be accountability to a certain degree.  This is how we keep ourselves honest.    My personal feeling, and this isn't about the Library, is that our present office holders in the "BIG CHAIRS" in the town hall need to be held accountable for every word they speak and every scribble they write, every decision they make, every lie they tell and every cent they spend.

Thank you again, Nora for sharing your vast amount of knowledge with us.



#8 2009-11-21 14:38:17

Thanks to all of you for your kind words.  It sure makes me feel better in light of the recent nastiness, and now that I can speak freely (since the litigation has been completely dismissed from the courts), I want to get the truth out there. Thanks for your patience as I know I am wordy at times.

Bornofwareham brings up a good point. The book Images of America, Wareham (which you can still buy at the library or at the Company Store, Paper Store, or Borders) is in that sepia-toned series of books that provide a historical snapshot of a town.

Lynda Byrne Ames and Susan Pizzolato collated the old photos of Wareham and composed the text describing the photos etc.  The books sold at the library (purchased by the Friends for resale) return a profit for the sale. Books sold outside of the library return royalties to the authors.  These two women have donated every penny of the sale profits and the royalties to the Friends' archival bank account and those funds are restricted to historical preservation of records and documents, supplies for preservation etc.

For example, last month we purchased several acid free archival boxes for storing some recently attained documents and also paid to have a CD created out of some old photo slides of certain areas of Wareham. Because of the money in the archival account, the library is better able to care for our history. Several years back the Friends were able to purchase a very old record book that had the names of Wareham soldiers from (if memory serves) the Civil War. Our Wareham history is so interesting and important.

By the way, the historical documents, old town records etc. are kept in the special room of the library called the Stone Research Room. The money for the building of that room came from the Stone (Converse sneakers) family. (You can also thank the Stone family for the loan of and donation of some of the art work in the library.) Through a grant prepared by Mary Jane and Susan, we were able to have a professional archivist help with the archiving of historical materials and train the staff to continue with proper archiving techniques.

We have so many generous and wonderful people in this town who have supported our library and made it a better place.  It's times like these when we are thinking of giving thanks, that all we need to do is look around us and see so many good-hearted people working for the betterment of the town we live in. I truly believe Wareham can be saved!!



#9 2009-11-21 15:22:58

Nora, wonderful postings, so full of information, so comprehensive.

REading your postings, and the responses, leads me to a thought.

The Stone Research Room. Susan P. & Lynda Byrnes Ames collaborating. MJP & Susan P. working on grants. You, Nora, and so many others pulling together to build something, something positive for the town.

That is what the BoS and its lap dog lackey can't stand. Directly across the street from where they plot their schemes to tear down anything & everything that they choose, is an institution that stands as a shining light for the Town. A stellar example of what can be accomplished by cooperation, hard work, and working within the rules. The complete antithesis of their trash-it-all mentality, and their continued defiance of any and all rules.

Soldier on. Please.



#10 2009-11-21 16:30:50

As long as our community continues to care, it will overcome this debacle of the BOS, its mouthpiece and all the mistrust which was used to bring this miscarriage about.

Many of our citizens haven't experienced all the good our library, our police, and town employees contribute each day outside the news. Whether they read it or not really doesn't matter, its whats in their hearts and minds that does.  It's hard in today's world to decipher what really takes place behind the scenes.

During the holidays I especially like sharing Charles Shulltz's Philosophy:


This reminds me of many of the good things in life and what thinking about this town can become again.



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