#1 2009-11-01 15:33:57

BREAKING NEWS:  This week's paper rag has a photo on the front page of a sign for town meeting and underneath it, a toilet.  An actual toilet was somehow dragged out and placed under this sign for this photo.  Unbeleivable.

Historically, Bobo has had trouble understanding metaphors ("What liquor store sells kitty litter liners, Larry?!  Tell me now!!") but the metaphorical statement of this front page Rag photo is obvious - The Halifax Hobo, a man who does not live in Wareham, who pays no taxes in Wareham, who has no office in Wareham, who contributes nothing at all to Wareham appears to be making some kind of statement with this photo that town meeting, a beloved and revered institution in the town of Wareham that many Wareham residents hold near and dear to their hearts, this out of town clown is trying to apparently say that our town meeting process is equal to what you'd find in a toilet, or that it should be flushed down the toilet, or something connecting our town meeting process to a toilet.

It's obvious this clown has no respect for Democracy in Wareham.  This from the guy who was once quoted calling Wareham's government "a weekly circus" that he is "the ringmaster" of.  Now the would-be Ringmaster is making some kind of statement with a photo of a town meeting sign above a toilet.

Bobo, if you have so little respect for town meeting that you'd equate it to a toilet, then why don't you pack it up and resign immediately.  We don't need Halifax clowns trashing our Wareham Democratic process.

Also in the paper rag, Bobo, in a jeer, saying that "if there is a Hell," then "members of Take Back Wareham will be able to cut in line."

Disturbing words coming from a so-called "unbiased" journalist.  Paging Move Wareham Forward, paging the Mature and Responsible Debate Society...we have some immature and irresponsible speech going on over at the Rag...

Oh who am I kidding?  Move Wareham Forward is in the rag's pocket.



#2 2009-11-01 16:24:39

I am proud to be HAMATRON5000.



#3 2009-11-01 16:47:25

Dan,  Why don't you run for selectman?  Then you could help all your friends.  Just a thought.



#4 2009-11-01 17:13:24




#5 2009-11-01 17:53:35

Right there!  He has it up now!  What kind of sick bastard drags a toilet out to put out underneath a town meeting sign just to make a ridiculous political statement.

A) Who thinks to even do this and b) What kind of D-bag goes through the trouble of finding an un-installed toilet and dragging it all the way over to a town meeting sign just to make a political statement? 

Jesus Christ, Bobo, if you hate town meeting and want to destroy it that badly that you'd go through that much trouble just to take this photo then you really need to resign. 

That photo says it all - you, the BOS, the Hypocrite Elite, you have no respect for Democracy and you want to flush our town meeting down the toilet.

Someone with a mental state like that to run this photo should not be putting out a newspaper.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-11-01 17:54:58)



#6 2009-11-01 18:02:00

If the vote had gone in the Selectmen's favor, do you think we would be seeing this? Noooo, they would touting the democracy of Town meeting and how people turned out to support them. Instead, people turn out and here we are listening to the same people who called for voters to turn out slamming the great voters of Wareham.

Is there any wonder we need a change in leadership? They are two faced for sure!



#7 2009-11-01 18:06:02

Seriously...come on...where do you even get an uninstalled toilet?  Did Bobo go to a hardware store and buy one?  Did he go to a junkyard and rummage around for one?  And how much effort did it take for him to put that damn toilet in a car, drive it to the sign and lug it to put it in place.  All that effort just to tell the people of Wareham that he thinks town meeting should be flushed down the toilet?!

Keep a copy of that photo right there - that is photographic evidence that our town is being ruined by unemployed nutcases who have way to much time on their hands.



#8 2009-11-01 18:06:43

“They know I was not speaking about those people who legitimately voted with their conscious."

It's "conscience"

...that'll be 5 bucks proofreading fee, please.


Last edited by PShooter (2009-11-01 18:07:06)



#9 2009-11-01 18:09:57

Brucey the Ass!! Brucey the Ass!! Come on everyone..Brucey the Ass, altogether now.

Sweet Brucey's latest quotes..."Hee Haw...Hee Haw..Hee Haw"


Last edited by PShooter (2009-11-01 18:32:43)



#10 2009-11-01 18:13:17

Well a) Sweet Brucey, everyone voted with their conscience.  Westfield was voted down because while no one disagrees with affordable senior housing, the majority of people disagreed with putting it on this site.   For the well-being of the town, we could not allow this valuable piece of town property be used for something other than municipal purposes.  We voted with our consciences.  And the people spoke and your side lost. Get over it.

and b) Wow.  That toilet.  I mean, for Christ's sakes.  How much effort to put a damn un-hooked up crapper under a town meeting sign a take a photo.  And to have to take the thing and lug it back too!



#11 2009-11-01 18:25:10

Ham, you just don't get it.

My sources (what did I do with that sock puppet?) tell me that it was a mere coincidence that the toilet in question landed in that compromising position.

the true facts, as related to me during a recent bathroom break, are that the Harlot of Halifax was getting piles from sitting on the throne in his (you should pardon the expression) office. Ouch!

So, the executive decision was made to acquire a new seat for Mr. President. But, at the same time, it was decided to be politically correct, so the existing throne was replaced by a low-flow throne.

It is unfortunate that the "low-flow" concept did not extend to monsieur leBoBo's unfortunate case of logorrhea.

Logorrhea, you ask? You know what diarrhea is, of course, the runs. Yech!

Logorrhea is excessive, often incoherent talkitiveness or wordiness. Or as some "assholes" might say: diarrhea of the mouth.

Hey BoBo, the official clown of the Bozos of the BoS: suck down a liter or so of Kaopectate and call me in the morning.  On second thought....

Last edited by notalawyer (2009-11-01 18:33:06)



#12 2009-11-01 18:29:03

I love you nota...



#13 2009-11-01 18:31:12

Oh, so maybe that's just a photo of the new headquarters of Ragserver Multi-Mega Media



#14 2009-11-01 18:36:04

Hey! You're being too tough on the guy!   The Emperor of  The Observer sacrificed his throne for several hours in order to create that visual metaphor.   We should applaud his artistry !  He has created"a picture that is worth a thousand turds" !



#15 2009-11-01 18:37:52

mea culpa, mea culpa, mea minimis culpa



#16 2009-11-01 18:45:15

Dick Wheeler wrote:

He has created "a picture that is worth a thousand turds" !

Very good, my good man...




#17 2009-11-01 18:50:04

OK so, I started complaining about an hour agoabout the toilet and now there is an explanation just added to Andrea's latest column:

It has just been brought to my attention that there is now an accusation by a Take Back Wareham member that I somehow staged the front page photograph in the Observer this week. The photo showed a stop sign with a town meeting sign below it and a toilet beneath that. I first saw the signs and toilet Monday at 6:15 p.m. on the way to Town Meeting. I returned to the location Tuesday morning to find the toilet still in front of the sign. That's when I took the picture. As of Sunday afternoon the sign and toilet remain at 566 Main Street at the junction of Main Street and Tremont. To suggest I carried a toilet and put it underneath a sign just to take a picture of it, especially in broad daylight on a busy street, is absurd.

So, I find it doubtful that Andrea drove all the way to Halifax just to update her column at Rag Bathroom Headquarters so I'll assume there's a bit of Bobo "assistance," so to speak in updating the column here but anyway.

I never accused Andrea of doing this.  I thought Bobo did it.  I seriously doubt a damn toilet was just randomly sitting upright right under a sign on its own but screw it.  Excccuuuuuuuse me for seeing a toilet under a sign and assuming that someone put it there.  It was delivered there by the Magic Toilet Fairy.  How "outrageous" of me to assume toilets don't fly to places on their own.

Anyway, I'm not about to debate Bobo hiding behind/speaking through an elderly lady on the whereabouts and movements of a rogue toilet.

(Seriously, Bobo, stop throwing Andrea under the proverbial bus.  At least bring back Paul Shooter if you want to start shit and not have it stick to you.  Paul Shooter was at least funny.  This is just sad).

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-11-01 18:52:10)



#18 2009-11-01 18:55:34

BOBO has issued a denial that he staged the toilet.  It was Andrea Smith.  This appears in the middle of a "rewritten" article  by Andrea Smith -an article written to prove she wrote another story.   Confused-there are so many editions and rewrites- the story becomes convoluted.  It is unfortunate Andrea chose to return and participate in this travesty of journalism.

Edited for a typo.

Last edited by gogatemen (2009-11-01 19:09:00)



#19 2009-11-01 18:57:58

Slager just wants to be part of the story. The story is, Westfield was voted down by those who respect their elders. The seniors in the audience respect the intent of the 77 Board of Selectmen and see no merit in taking a parcel of land that intended for other uses. We have other parcels and we have organizations that have the intellect and expertise to put together a viable plan for senior housing. Bruce just doesn't want to admit the good citizens of Wareham voted their conscience. No special deals, just good old voting.

They can continue to spin and back track, but sooner or later they will understand what I told Bruce a long time ago.....the citizens of Wareham are the CEO's, not him.



#20 2009-11-01 19:01:37

Gogatmen...I started complaining about the toilet like an hour or so ago.  I guess we're supposed to believe that Andrea drove a high speed Mazzarati all the way up to Halifax to deny toiletgate?  And, why is she responding at all?  Scroll up, I thought Bobo did it.  I never once mentioned Andrea at all.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-11-01 19:02:18)



#21 2009-11-01 19:11:53

I think BOBO tells so many fabrications and does so many rewrites, he cannot remember his own lies.



#22 2009-11-01 19:18:01

Is the land on which the oft-referenced toilet currently resides, public land? owned by the Town of Wareham?

Could the Harlot of Halifax please provide a log of the call to the Town, or the WPD, or the Municipal Maintenance department; indicating when he informed local officials of the presence of this item of pollution?

Or perhaps the call(s) was made by Andrea Smith? Could she provide a time & date of her call to the Town to have such an eyesore removed?

surely such civic-minded individuals would NEVER think of using such a juxtapositioning to advance a narrow political agenda. No, we can all be assured that they saw a bad thing and took immediate steps to have those who are in the position to do so, remedy the situation. Right? Right!

A phone call, BoBo. Yes, it is hard to dial up anyone but the Master, but wouldn't the illegal dumping of such an item require that a concerned citizen drop a dime?

Reach for the cell phone, Andrea. Not as much fun as framing a photo op to make a political statement, now is it?

So, to the two of you miscreants: is the offending toilet still in place? How do you justify failing in a basic civic reponsibility, failing in a fundamental tenet of the social compact, simply failing to do the right thing? Hmmmm?

All for the sake of a precious photo op.

You two are beyond pathetic!



#23 2009-11-01 19:58:18

Much a doo-doo about nothing.



#24 2009-11-01 20:09:21

Dick Wheeler wrote:

Much a doo-doo about nothing.

Dick, another good one....You're on fire tonight ; )

"To flush, or not to flush..that is the question."




#25 2009-11-01 20:18:16

I vote to flush. that is all the BOS out of office. along wiht BoBo



#26 2009-11-01 20:52:21

How about Poop or get off the pot? :)



#27 2009-11-01 21:03:34

They mystery has been solved, people.  Paul Shooter did it.  It's the Shooter Shitter.



#28 2009-11-01 21:15:05

Was a title 5 done on that part of town property before the Shitter was installed.



#29 2009-11-01 22:09:13

there has been water work on that end of main st hehe haha



#30 2009-11-01 22:56:03

Hey Larry,

If would be emperor Brucie stops at the resplendent throne, municipal maintainence will ask him to defecate or abdicate.

Pass the Ex-Lax!

Abdication est verboten!



#31 2009-11-01 23:06:29

Eureka! another use for the rag!

to line the bottom of toilets which are illigally dumped. Sort of a human litter box, if you will.

Look who just walked in: it is Nat the Cat. He thinks that human litter boxes are a swell idea, based on his years of experience.

Who knew that BoBo could be so cutting edge? caught me by surprise.

Ok, OK Nat. I'll let you out now. Just stay away from BoBo.



#32 2009-11-01 23:17:24

10 new uses for old newspaper

Keep some in car trunk in case you're stuck in mud, snow

Wrap it around an undeveloped tomato to soften it

(This Old House) -- We're all watching more news than we read on paper, but there's still plenty of newspaper to recycle?about 9 million tons every year. Here are other ways to consume the newspaper.

1. Patch a hole. To fix small holes in drywall, This Old House general contractor Tom Silva stuffs wadded newspaper in the breach as a backer for joint compound.

2. Eat odors. Work boots smelly? Stuff 'em with newsprint. The odor disappears.

3. Make animal bedding. It's warm and healthier than sawdust or straw, since it inherently resists bacteria and is nontoxic if eaten. This Old House: Pet projects

4. Get rolling. If the car's stuck in mud, sand, or snow, a hefty section of the thick Sunday edition, slipped under the drive wheel, lends enough traction to move you on.

5. Wrap presents. The sports section makes a great gift wrap for that new cordless drill Dad's getting on Father's Day. This Old House: Choosing a cordless drill

6. Make a dry workshop funnel. After sorting through fasteners spilled out on a section, roll it up and let the hardware slide back into your coffee can storage.

7. Sprout something. TOH landscape contractor Roger Cook germinates seeds between two sections of damp newspaper, kept in a warm place.

8. Kindle a fire. Crumpled newspaper works, but rolling sheets diagonally and tying them in a lazy knot works better, suggests John Gulland, of Woodheat.org. The knot concentrates flames in a single area.

9. Enhance compost. Add it to an indoor worm bin to feed them?and the decomposition process. This Old House: All about worm bins

10. Soften a tomato. Ross Siragusa, of the California Tomato Growers Association, wraps slightly underdeveloped tomatoes.

http://www.cnn.com/2007/LIVING/homestyl … index.html




#33 2009-11-02 03:33:50

Fear not, everyone. Wareham Meetings Calendar reveals the Board of Selectmen and their Butt Monkey are not meeting publicly at all for the month of November.


Yes, that's six empty seats.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#34 2009-11-02 07:30:20




#35 2009-11-02 07:36:40

Bill W is the MAN!
For every-one's edification, Andrea Smith e-mailed me, which I sent on to several posters, to let me know that SHE did indeed write the story, not Slager, and he did not edit the story at all.
Since I have known her for several decades, since I was 8 and she was 6, I have to believe her.
I told her I would pass it on, and that I would defend her against being accused of not writing it. I can't, obviously defend her from those who will mock and ridicule her story or the paper and individual she writes for.
There is no defense for that.
Just FYI...I did my duty and fulfilled my promise.



#36 2009-11-02 08:34:55

She will email you, but she won't bother to email me and ask me about anything before writing a story about me. Hmmm, that sounds like a top notch journalist to me.



#37 2009-11-02 09:05:04

Don't worry DanO, I think it might be the kool-aid they're drinking over there. It seems to be flowing freely, hot and cold, from the bathroom/office sink.

PS.....like your pic, Bill...really, no meeting's ???




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