#1 2009-10-30 17:33:19
In the 1990's, the Clintons ran with a slogan: "it's the economy, stupid!" billw (you remember him, right?) wrote in the same vein on another thread, and I am translating it as: "it's the election, stupid!"
How true. the events of this week, as mind-boggling as they are, are over. There is no point in reploughing that ground endlessly.
There IS a point, however, in bringing into sharp focus the date of April 6, 2010.
It is 157 days away.
It is 22.5 weeks away.
It is just over 5 months away.
It will be on you before you can believe it possible.
So. What is your pleasure? Make up your collective minds right now, YOU CAN NOT HAVE IT ALL. Got it?
Therefore, it is time to pick & choose. That's right, NOW. You know that others are deep into their campaigns, now don't you. What is YOUR campaign strategy, hmmm?
Here is a list. It is not meant to cover all possibilities, but to enumerate some of the more obvious.
1. BoS. You have Brucie & Cronie. the constant refrain here is to dump two. Oh? What have you got that will unseat an incumbent chairman? Yeah, yeah, I know the history; but we're talking politics here. He didn't get elected because he can't garner votes, now did he?
Here's a hint: his campaign is underway, and way ahead, Got that, black hearts? not insurmountable.....yet.
Cronie? my money is on seeya! missing meetings & TM, sounds like a short-timer to me.
Does this open the door for a certain EllenB to try to become a member of the Gang of Four plus one? Try to picture the BoS with THAT lineup! Oy vey!
Can't you just hear it: Vote for our pal who has worked to Move....well, you know the rest.
2. Recalls: B & J. Noble thoughts, for sure. But, what about timing? Cost? organization? funding? a recall is a full-scale political campaign, no different from actually running for office. the cited individuals have political cronies, partisans, probably some funding and the ability to generate more, and their own personal mouthpiece. What would the Recall side have?
3. Ballot questions: there might be several of these, if the BoS can pull it off.
Assume that they will. Now, you have another campaign, or campaigns, in order to sustain the will of the Town Meeting.
So here's the deal: how do you prioritize? How do you allocate scarce resources?
To me, the election has to be # 1. It is an absolute MUST to go after the two seats up for grabs. Any taking back of Wareham requires that that beachhead be taken.
If that is # 1, then defending the vote at an open Town meeting has to be #1A. If the BoS succeeds in placing several questions on the April ballot, it will be a blatant attempt to undermine Town meeting, to put in place their personal agenda, and to grease the skids to get rid of Town meeting. Do you want any of that?
My take on the situation is that #1 & 1A are so critical, that the desire to mount a recall campaign needs to be set aside. Remember, it is just that: a campaign. How would you take it if the Recall succeeded, but Brucie was re-elected? Or, the recall succeeded, but the TM votes were overturned?
It is doubtful to me that all three endeavours could succeed in 2010. That's why I posted this, to stimulate debate about choosing NOW. The TM votes are a great beginning. It is imperative to build on the TM votes on April 6, 2010. that's why choices have to be made. now.
5 months, 22.5 weeks, 157 days......
Tick tock.
Last edited by notalawyer (2009-10-30 17:38:02)
#2 2009-10-30 18:11:14
Excellent post NAL..Why I value all of your thoughts so much. How come you guys make so much sense and, well....
You're right. 1 & 1A!!
...to think, we were all hoping to focus on charitable efforts in the days, weeks and months following TM. They still need to be pursued, and at the very least we now have to pull "double duty"
Now more than ever we need to TAKE BACK WAREHAM
#3 2009-10-30 19:42:50
I totally agree that the #1 priority must be the election. We should give little attention to the daily outrages by the BOS, except as fodder for the campaign. We can compile “101 Reasons Not to Reelect Brucie” We should spend minimal energy reacting to each outrage.
I also agree that Cronan is unlikely to be a candidate, unless things change drastically in his private life.
I disagree on the ballot initiatives. If they are silly enough to put the civil-service question on the ballot, every policeman and his/her family will turn out to vote. Not a good idea for Bruce’s reelection campaign. Perhaps we should encourage this referendum.
I have mixed feelings on Westfield. I don’t know why any legitimate developer would continue in the process with 3 turndowns by Town Meeting. Assuming the process continues and it is a binding referendum, it could be tied up in court for years due to land-use issues. Would a new BOS pursue this? If it is non-binding referendum and Bruce is not reelected, would a new BOS take this to Town Meeting?
BOTTOM LINE: The priority is finding and electing two candidates. Just my opinion-I’m open to debate.
#4 2009-10-31 01:16:31
gogatemen wrote:
I totally agree that the #1 priority must be the election. We should give little attention to the daily outrages by the BOS, except as fodder for the campaign. We can compile “101 Reasons Not to Reelect Brucie” We should spend minimal energy reacting to each outrage.
I also agree that Cronan is unlikely to be a candidate, unless things change drastically in his private life.
I disagree on the ballot initiatives. If they are silly enough to put the civil-service question on the ballot, every policeman and his/her family will turn out to vote. Not a good idea for Bruce’s reelection campaign. Perhaps we should encourage this referendum.
I have mixed feelings on Westfield. I don’t know why any legitimate developer would continue in the process with 3 turndowns by Town Meeting. Assuming the process continues and it is a binding referendum, it could be tied up in court for years due to land-use issues. Would a new BOS pursue this? If it is non-binding referendum and Bruce is not reelected, would a new BOS take this to Town Meeting?
BOTTOM LINE: The priority is finding and electing two candidates. Just my opinion-I’m open to debate.
I agree to prioritize. Election 1st. The 101 reasons not to re-elect Bruce seems to be something an independent group of citizens could have printed before the election, no matter who is running against him, in either the S-T or the Courier. I would contribute to that and sign my name. This has nothing to do with taking Wareham back, this would be to better our town by ridding it of Bruce. Make the man accountable for his actions. Let the people in town who don't follow the weekly meetings aware of all he has done to hurt and disgrace this town.
Cronan's personal life? Fill us in, please - medical? Who do we have as viable candidates for selectmen? I hear Mr. Holmes. So far, nothing negative is coming out. Would like to hear more about him. Perhaps he could try out a little of his background on us before going public - oh, how foolish, the snakes. Well, background is still good. It's a start.
Ah, Westfield...........Bruceborough? A member of the finance committee said that out of 5 developers who have brought forward their plans for our answer to affordable housing for seniors, we really only have two to choose from that would be considered affordable and I believe, correct me if I am wrong, that he said only 12 of those units were a little under or up to $500. per mo.. I work where I am in contact with senior citizens every day. Even the ones that have a nest egg say they would never be able to pay $1,000 a month. NEVER!!!!! We had a woman at town meeting say she couldn't find senior housing in Wareham so she was moving to Middleboro/Lakeville. So, that leaves one less unit for a resident of that town. Let's see if anyone, Marcia, could tell us, how many on our list are from Wareham. Just for kicks and giggles, of course. I also find it strange that the map they had on the screen at TM showed the tract of land we are discussing, as being cut down in development size by all five developers. How did that happen? Less space between the units, smaller units, less landscaping, smaller parking areas? All five, before town meeting have decided they don't need all the space they thought they would? Yes less paving - save $ there, less landscaping - save $ there, less snow plowing area, save $ there, units closer together means less grass to mow and less privacy for the tenants. Do we know what grade of materials they plan to use? Me smells a rat. My feeling, coming from deep within is that Bruce & Brenda have pushed this plan too much. This is not for the seniors, or for taxes. There has to be some way that money will be coming from this project to pay for their little secrets they have kept covered. Legal fees paid off? It very well could happen. Jobs promised to them when this is completed. It very well could happen. Am I accusing anyone of these things? No, but unless I hear and see otherwise, these feelings in my gut will continue to think this way.
#5 2009-10-31 01:32:56
bornof, This is about one of the two "good" ones...and they were the only proposal after the first RFP. I remember Brucey, at first saying, "All we need is one good proposal", or something like that...coincidence? Many more problems, the more you look, really.
It was all discussed, and (we thought) decided upon, pros and cons. Check the tape..(not you specifically)
..Follow the $$$, I have NO problem believing it, I wish it would come out if it's true..Now, wouldn't that be ironic. It does seem a pattern that they tend to exhibit many of the things they accuse us of, so........
"Commerce Park Housing Associates LLC, a firm affiliated with developers Edward A. Fish and Francis X. Messina"
Last edited by PShooter (2009-10-31 01:35:41)
#6 2009-10-31 02:15:02
I've been glimpsing at the tape, but it makes me upset so I'm doing a little at a time.
Bruce "urges" everyone to attend town meeting. We go. Then we read that we made a deal with Bay Pointe. My only connection to them is that I've gone to a few class reunions there. My real reason for going to town meeting was to save civil service and to vote down Westfield. I thought my vote mattered. At least that's what I've always preached to everyone else. But, I was for Bay Pointe. I think it will be a positive project for Wareham and Onset.
A construction worker was telling me that a developer for affordable housing, I believe in Dedham, had to put in either a huge playground or school (or both) on part of the property they developed. I wouldn't even want that in Westfield. I can just picture some little old lady sitting in her back yard with her little poodle and out comes a coyote, fox or fishercat and bye-bye poodle.
Last night, my near 80 yr. old mother in-law told me she is ashamed when she tells people she is from Wareham, from the political view. A part time chief. After his speach at town meeting I have no respect for him anymore, he is another puppet. Hmm.........I wonder if he get's paid by the hour? LOL
#7 2009-10-31 02:33:52
I think alot of their moves are orchestrated (long term plans/short term vision). Sometimes they need to improvise, like at TM. Additional time, points of order by Janey, when they are inappropriate during a recount of votes that really didn't have to be re-counted. It was clear the Article had been defeated. So fine, re-count, still no good..Even as the final vote was being announced after all the delay and hoopla, Sweet Brucey wasn't ready to read the next Article. Why? Well, it looked like him and a few of the others were off stage. My guess is they were discussing last second "strategy" (a mini illegal Xsession, anyone?)
Trust, it's a funny thing, once it's gone you begin to see things a little differently. It's like going from black and white to "Technicolor"
But hey, that's just my....
Last edited by PShooter (2009-10-31 03:24:34)
#8 2009-10-31 07:13:18
#9 2009-11-01 08:49:37
i'm jumping in so that this thread will stay on our short "To-Do" list. This is the essence of our challenge. I'm almost ready to suggest that we scrap all of our catchy "sound-bite" names and just call ourselves The April Group!
#10 2009-11-01 09:05:57
April Election Day 2010: The Day Wareham Realizes it Can Do Better than a Tax Cheat and a Dirt Thief