#1 2009-10-28 18:30:14

those people who voted against westfield are ugly people with black hearts so says bruce , i say to you its time for a recall, i am for it.



#2 2009-10-28 18:48:27

Communist!! Un-American piece of crap. Surrounded by incompetent sheep that follow blindly a leader whose head is up his ass.



#3 2009-10-28 23:24:37

Recall!    I am not a part of any "group".    I had questions concerning goings on in the Wareham Town Hall.  Talking to various people about my concerns, I was told that I could visit this website and maybe get answers to my questions, without having to reveal my identity or even post a blog.  I hesitated and finally I came here to "listen".  I have received most of the answers I was looking for.      I have not attended any citizen meetings.  I have not had so much as a cup of coffee with anyone from ANY group.  My concerns are for MY town, the town I was born and raised in, played sports in, was in scouting and school activities, baptized & attended church in, worked, shopped and paid my taxes in and raised my children in.  I am not a politician nor do I aspire to be one.  I AM a regular voter.        I am HIGHLY offended by EVERY person that was on stage at our town meeting, which includes town council.  A poor excuse for an attorney!  I am offended by the selectmen who dare to say that I am a member of a political group of any kind and that my vote was any compromise of the Bay Pointe win and the Westfield loss.  They are telling me that my vote doesn't count. That I am too stupid to vote the way I did without some type of payoff.  In 1977, the people of Wareham voted to keep that Westfield land - as is.  That parcel has been there for 32 years and I hope it stays the same way forever.  I respect that vote.  The current BOS does not.          Does not this current board see that the reason 500 people attended OUR town meeting was not about Westfield, Bay Pointe or Civil Service.  We attended to let the BOS know that we want our voices to be heard.  They will not listen to us at any arena.  TM was our only way to let them know that THEY ARE THE PROBLEM IN WAREHAM.  They are pushing to change our form of government to something that we do not want and we do not need.  Town Meeting is to let the citizens be heard by their vote.  BOS MEMBERS-WE DID IT-YOU WEREN'T LISTENING.

So, fellow citizens..where do I sign up to become a member of any group that wants a recall.  How else can I help?  Do we need donations for an attorney and filing fees?  Do we write to the DA's office, the Attorney General's office?  What can I do to help?       I want MY TOWN BACK!



#4 2009-10-28 23:52:35

Good for you, bornof...remember, these people have opened their own Pandora's Box. They are now forcing themselves to do what they avoided for years...to bring the discussion before the voters of Wareham, have the issues debated, and then eventually voted on as a Referendum question.
Really, that's kind of stupid, isn't it?
Hmmm...un-American and stupid. What a combination.



#5 2009-10-28 23:57:19

I want to make sure to be included in the the overwhelming support for  the "born of Wareham "
post. This says it all .



#6 2009-10-28 23:58:54

Hey Born, they heard us, they were listening, they just don't care, hopefully the town as a whole will see it that way.  I as you, have grown up in this town my whole entire short life and I am disgusted with the way this town has been governed over the last few years and more.  And it's good to the turnout for the TM that the publice sees that the BOS for what it truly is, hopefully this will motivate people to be more involve, which happens to be the same thing that this BOS wants, only as long as it goes in their favor.  Also, if being a concerned citzen, taxpayer, and resident of this town qualifies me to be a part of a special interest group I do so, without reservation.  I say this because people who know who I am know that I can not be influenced when my mind is made up, I will agrue my point to the fullest, whether anyone agrees with me or not.  If I would have listened to my father so many years ago I would have been sitting on a nice piece of change and there would be no mortgage on my house at all.  I too want our town back!!!!



#7 2009-10-29 00:23:44

bornof..and jr, It's great to have Wareham lifer's for soo many reason's. But I'm a PShooter come lately. I bought my house in 2001, and have loved it from the start. I relate, MY TOWN, OUR TOWN!! Pay our taxes, add to the Town's economy with every in town purchase/service we use, involve ourselves in the town's democratic process, etc.. In other words, "play by the rules". Doesn't matter..Bam! Out the window. The fact that anyone voted these people into office unfortunately, is a problem for all of us.

Dan (as usual) you're right. We're just going to have to continue our efforts until the job is finished..and apparently "the fat lady singing" was just Sweet Brucey in drag..




#8 2009-10-29 01:23:26

I apologize if I sound like my love for My town of Wareham is stronger than anyone elses, because I was born here.  I don't feel that way, except when someone is damaging my town as I have known it the last 61 years.  If you bought your home in 2001 and you love this town as much as I do, and are as angry as I am about the dishonest and unloyal politicians, then I tend to consider you as my equal and will stand beside you as a "townie".  Of course changes have had to be made over the years and I accept most of them.  Tearing up the natural beauty and bulldozing homes of historic design are on my hate list.  I still can't believe that Tobey bulldozed the yellow building on High Street in the line of progress.  Tobey said, "well, it didn't even have a kitchen."  So you tear it down!  I remember when the CVS (Gateway) plaza was a field.  Yes, it was.  The boys in town made a rough baseball field out of it.  We would sit on the wall across the street and watch, too young to play.  The police didn't stop us and ask us to move along, they waved at us and we waved back.  We knew them all.  What is going to happen to the old Wareham Free Library building where I spent many, many hours.  Where is the old beutiful door gone?  Why hasn't this been turned over to the town of Wareham as was stated in the will? Any one from Tobey care to answer that?  My passion is my home and family and I want my grandchildren to live in a wonderful town called Wareham.



#9 2009-10-29 01:24:35

Pshooter, that picture is going to make be throw up!



#10 2009-10-29 01:37:49

bornofwareham wrote:

Pshooter, that picture is going to make be throw up!

Say the word and it's gone. Anything 4 U bornof..but I'll wait for you to ask. That's the way I feel right about now, too.

...and don't get me wrong, I love hearing all the old tales about our town from all of you. Fills in my blanks, and I appreciate it much.


Last edited by PShooter (2009-10-29 01:41:01)



#11 2009-10-29 01:44:59

PShooter wrote:

bornofwareham wrote:

Pshooter, that picture is going to make be throw up!

Say the word and it's gone. Anything 4 U bornof..but I'll wait for you to ask. That's the way I feel right about now, too.

...and don't get me wrong, I love hearing all the old tales about our town from all of you. Fills in my blanks, and I appreciate it much.


No, leave it on.  It's that everything that's gone on in the last three days is giving me an ulcer, I think.  Keep it on.  I'll just get out my bottle of Maalox, the giant one. LOL



#12 2009-10-29 06:31:01

There are some things that you can say, reflect on them, and then step up and say, "I was wrong"

But the "black heart" statement will be with Bruce to the end of his days-it is as close to a racial slur as one can get.  That will be his legacy, and it truly is regrettable. He may regret it now, but it truly is too late.

One thing that I have learned in politics, if you win, don't host a party, but if you lose, do so with grace and dignity.

By now, I assume everyone in town-and certainly the people on this blog- know that I opposed Westfield and my main reason was and is that Agawam should be taken care of first, and that we might be able to add 40 new units there, move people over and then renovate the old ones.  I don't want to say that makes me a "good guy," but I do take exception to being thrown into a category of having a "black heart," that is just wrong.

I am well aware of the fact that the mechanism  for doing this runs through a different channel; the state rather then the Federal government, but that is no excuse for not having pursued this vigerously over the past five years, and yet apparently nothing was done.  At least try.



#13 2009-10-29 06:55:24

Dick Paulsen wrote:

One thing that I have learned in politics, if you win, don't host a party, but if you lose, do so with grace and dignity.

I couldn't agree more. You don't call people at town meeting $@!holes. You don't call people "ugly with black hearts."

We should have selectmen who know the word dignity and behave in a professional manner. We are now being "punished" by the BoS putting Westfield and Civil Service on the ballot. But the tide has changed. They have declared war and they will not win this battle. The people in town have heard the call.

Let's work together to make this a great community. I have met so many wonderful new and caring people recently who want a better town. Let's make it happen.



#14 2009-10-29 07:52:03

They have always defined themselves by how they handle defeat.



#15 2009-10-29 08:04:27

voter wrote:

They have always defined themselves by how they handle defeat.

We have to stop defining this as, "Us vs. Them."

We're talking about a half dozen talentless thieves and the rest of us.

Reminds me of a film review I was assigned once for a documentary called, "SexEd for Trainables."

I've never failed so completely. I couldn't get past the title.



#16 2009-10-29 08:12:09

So true Voter, in my opinion. When the BoS lost their budget cut against the library at a previous town meeting, they began what can only be called a vendetta. They dismissed the (perfectly legal, since the town's insurance paid part of their legal bill) trustees and began a ruthless campaign to destroy the library.  The library is now in the worst shape it has ever been in. There is no leadership and has been none since Susan Pizzolato left. They have taken months to hire a new library director.  They will not replace an employee who retired even though we know that position was included in the salary line. The entire library is run with two full time staff and 4 part time--fewer than when the hours were cut to 25 by the ITA yet they are covering 41 hours of operation. When the selectmen don't get what they want at town meeting, they never lose with grace and dignity. 

So, be prepared, members of the police department. You will be called more than "gutless cowards" in the days to come. And if you like to golf at Bay Pointe? Wait until you see the obstacles that will be thrown in the owner's path as he tries to bring a classy resort destination to our town. History does repeat itself in Wareham.

Last edited by Nora Bicki (2009-10-29 08:35:37)



#17 2009-10-29 08:15:53

Well, I am not "them," and if there is no "us," then I am happy to stand by myself.



#18 2009-10-29 08:27:38

voter wrote:

Well, I am not "them," and if there is no "us," then I am happy to stand by myself.

John Decas likes to brag he's attended Town Meeting since Christ had short hair, in not so many words.

He can say that with conviction because back in the day, visiting with your neighbors while doing for the community -was- fun. With this crew, it's always painful.



#19 2009-10-29 08:49:59

I thought John Decas made some very god points on Town Meeting floor. Study, study, study. Where are the results?



#20 2009-10-29 09:17:54

cruz voted IN FAVOR of baypointe so by bruces own words..
cruz is 1 of those "UGLY PEOPLE WITH BLACK HEARTS"

slager claims a deal was made..
by cruz's vote he is part of this deal made up by slager...

why hasnt cruz said anything???



#21 2009-10-29 09:24:52

Liz, you make a good point.  Cruz voted for Bay Pointe.  I guess that means Brucey and Bobo think he is an ugly man with a black heart if that's what they think of everyone who supported Bay Pointe.  That's pretty shameful for Brucey and Bobo to imply that about Mr. Cruz.

Didn't Cronie support Bay Pointe too?  In fact, at the very last selectmen's meeting he attended, Cronie spoke out in favor of Bay Pointe (along with Cruz) and then Cronie disappeared for a month, didn't attend any selectmen's meeting, the Move Wareham Forward Meeting, didn't come out the first night of town meeting to support Westfield, but after a month long disappearance, he resurfaced Tuesday night to apparently support Bay Pointe?

It's sad, Bobo and Brucey apparently think two of their own guys are ugly and black hearted just because they didn't give them their way.



#22 2009-10-29 09:42:53

where is ellen b & micheal s in all of this?

why are they not crying out against slagers claims and the bruce's name calling of the citizens of wareham?

why havent they scolded brenda at the very least for calling wareham citizens "ASSHOLES"?

why are they not telling the bos "you did your study the voters said no the end"

brendas cry to "dissolve" tm cuz she and the bos didnt get their agenda passed?

ellen and micheal where is the respect? do you want slager, brenda, bruce at the dinner table with your kids??



#23 2009-10-29 11:04:56

Liz  -  started a new post on Ellen B.

Was that them speeding out of Town, trying to put as much distance as possible in the shortest time between thenselves and the BoS? Hard to tell, they went by so fast.



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