#1 2009-10-27 12:23:41
I was going to vote against this article. Not because I thought it was a bad idea, but because I didn't like a few lines in the article and I didn't feel we had the boards in place to keep this ambitious group (not bad) on track. I have decided to let it go and not vote. This is Onset's deal.
I could not do this without letting the people of Onset know how I am worried for them. I believe they are about to be "discovered" and become the in place to be.
I would like to tell you a short story.
Years ago there was a news story about Rangely, Maine on the TV. It was a beautiful undiscovered piece of Maine. I told my husband I would like to visit there. Well it took us years to get there. The first thing we did was stop in at a local restaurant. The woman at the table next to us had on heels, carried designer hand bag and wore diamond jewelry. I looked at the other people and found only a few were dressed like us (jeans, sweatshirt and sneakers). We were staying in the next town and talked to one of the locals. She told us, that these people came as tourist and then started to buy up all the land and tear down the cottages and put up hugh houses. Then they started staying all year and taking over their businesses and government. She still had a stunned look on her face. She told me her children could not afford to live in the town they grew up in. I would like to suggest the people of Onset spend the winter getting advice, hold meetings and preparing articles for the spring town meeting. Invite visitors but keep your Onset.
Again I am not against Bay Pointe. I just urge caution.
Now if your not totally worn out I have a request. My husband and I retired to Wareham 15 years ago. We live in East Wareham and have not discovered the joys of Onset. We have been to the center and the pier. Please, if you have time, could you suggest some places a couple of seniors could go to eat and enjoy the treasure that Onset is. Thanks
#2 2009-10-27 12:34:07
Onboard, there is nothing better then sitting in Marc Anthoney's or the Pierview and "people watching". My 4 year old daughter loves to go to Marc's and "watch those people"!
#3 2009-10-27 13:01:35
onboard...you have stated exactly what we have been discussing. PRESERVE Wareham and Onset. A lovely development with golf courses and restaurants to entice summer visitors is what is needed. The only caveat is NEVER allow multi story buildings of any kind on the beach areas or the other pristine coastal areas of the Town.
People will drive for miles from their hotels to see sights.
Wareham is a sanctuary, especially Onset.
It's a shame to think you have lived in Wareham for 15 years and never visited Onset.
Cara gave you two ideas, I am sure there are many others.