#1 2009-10-21 09:03:34
First and foremost Monday (and possibly Tuesday) are coming upon us very quickly. I have heard from a great many folks that the regulars will see many new faces in the seats this year. There are many key issues facing our town this year, and there are some that say our current Town Meeting form of government is outdated and ineffective. YOU will prove them wrong, by filling up the seats. Call, email, facebook, anyone you know in town and encourage them to attend.
Your vote at town meeting is your own, and I respect all sides in the discussion. I have listened very carefully to both sides on the articles and over the next few days I will be outlining my views on each of the articles.
Remember to tell people to keep Tuesday night open as well (just in case).
#2 2009-10-21 09:56:31
Good for you, Steve.
A true leader!!
We will all look forward to your stand on the issues.
You will make a very fine Selectman!!
#4 2009-10-21 13:20:03
Article#1 Deals wth the budget, however at this time not all numbers have been finalized. So it is very difficult to determine what the article's results would be. I would suggest that in the future, these numbers be available for all to see at least 5-10 business days prior to Town Meeting so that we can have time to review and do any research before being asked to vote. We still don't know what the State cuts may be, so we will probably end up holding a special town meeting to deal with those numbers. One idea has been to continue Article #1 until all the State info is available, and vote on it then, at least then we will be voting with a "clear" and hopefully well thought plan of action.
#5 2009-10-21 13:35:01
Last night the BOS talked of doing just such a thing. The governor's numbers are expected the last day of October, from what I hear the cuts will be painful, and FY 2011 is looking pretty gloomy too.
Now is a good time to focus on solutions to the fiscal problems. We need to maintain services, keep people working and do that within the confines of a very tight budget. But, it can be done and is being done in other communities. For example, in Plymouth the Acting Town Manager has set aside an entire day to meet with the different Unions to talk about ideas to deal with the new cuts. Having lots of different perspectives is a good thing in these troubled times.
#6 2009-10-21 13:36:04
Article #2 Westfield.
Well there is certainly plenty of rhetoric on this one from both sides of the issue, folks talking about ball fields, senior housing, affordable housing, sewer, roads, taxes, income, revenue....and the list goes on. However when you read the article, it ask the citizens of Wareham to place a piece of property in the care of the Board of Selectmen, to lease or convey the land.
Let me be very clear, I don't care who the members of the BOS are and my opinion has nothing to do with the present board. I don't feel we should allow ANY Board to convey land without first coming to Town Meeting an getting the approval of the body. Conveying land as it states in the article requires a 2/3 town meeting vote, not a simple majority.
I personally will be voting NO on this article for the reason stated above. Just my opinion.
#7 2009-10-21 13:39:39
Good point, Steve.
If the budgets are not available by at least 7 to 10 business days before Town Meeting, shame on the Selectmen for not having their departments ready, and shame on the School Board if their budget is not ready.
Why should anyone spend money for a budget that they can't trust because the authorities are not prepared, and how can you trust anything within the budgets that are not ready for submission?
#8 2009-10-21 13:40:04
I forgot,
I am HAMATRON5000.
#9 2009-10-21 13:42:01
Articles 3 & 4 I will take up together.
We need real economic development in Wareham. In speaking with both business owners and consumers very few beleive we will get out of this financial crunch by raising meal or hotel taxes. We need to build a residual stream of income, and expand our business community. The positions that are directly responsible for this area have been left vacant for too long. We have many valuable assets in this community that we have not taken full advantage of, and I beleive we need to focus on them. I will personally be voting no on these two articles.
#10 2009-10-21 13:46:00
I would encourage you to read the proposals on the town website. It is eye opening! To call it affordable housing is incorrect. Portions are affordable, but in order for them to be affordable, it will require the higher priced units to be filled. I"m not sure that is viable.
If Wareham was short on land, the use of Westfield would certainly be open to discussion, but that is not the case.
Last point.....I think there needs to be a comprehensive study of existing senior affordable housing and future needs BEFORE committing to any project.
I agree with your point on the "convey" part. This is not acceptable.
Good job Steve.
#11 2009-10-21 13:53:29
Article 5 Civil Service
We have had Civil Service protection for our Police Chief since 1938. Wow when you think about that one might say well that's an old law that needs to be changed. Wareham has survived all these years with a Civil Service Chief, so the question to me is why now? Many suggest it is because of the relationship between the former Chief and the current BOS / TA.
Most issues, I find can be resolved with improved communications, and sitting down talking with each other. In my mind if this was not able to be accomplished then changing the rules will not fix that communication problem, this appears to be a people issue not a system defect.
My opinion is changing the law will do nothing to improve the issues, keep the Civil Service and let's attempt to bring open and meaningful communications between the Chief and
the Administration.
#12 2009-10-21 14:33:08
Good job, Steve!
#13 2009-10-21 15:12:02
Great thread..thanks Steve and others. You all raise excellent points.
Steve, your thoughts on 3 & 4, are good. I've gone back & forth on those. Just because the Town is in need of $$$ (and we all should know why, and it's NOT just the bad economy). But I agree. Why not support developments like Bay Pointe, or the ADM proposals, which include hotel/motels. Increase the number of units and the need to tax the few we have is lessened. Pretty much my thinking on the meals tax, too.
They say they support development. I haven't seen it unless it's "their baby" (Westfield-and all the problems with Article 2). Time to take the pacifier away.
#14 2009-10-21 17:10:10
Article #6 Agawam Shores
This article actually passed Town Meeting before, this is not a new issue. Deadlines were not met and this item requires a new vote. Money for this project is not coming out of our budget but through Chapter 90 funds.
I will be voting yes.
#15 2009-10-21 17:20:43
Article #7 Historic Buildings
While not an overnight success, my experience tell me this is a good article for Wareham. I base this on the great success story in nearby New Bedford, if you have a chance this weekend take a ride around the neighborhoods of downtown.
Many of these houses would have been torn down, if not for the efforts of WHALE. Today many of these houses are part of their Historic District, which brings in many tourists and raises revenue for the city.
Again not an overnight success, but in our planning for the future, these projects could help spur economic development.
I will be voting yes.
#16 2009-10-21 20:23:16
danoconnell wrote:
Good point, Steve.
If the budgets are not available by at least 7 to 10 business days before Town Meeting, shame on the Selectmen for not having their departments ready, and shame on the School Board if their budget is not ready.
Why should anyone spend money for a budget that they can't trust because the authorities are not prepared, and how can you trust anything within the budgets that are not ready for submission?
I'm surprised their budgets aren't ready. After all, it only took a little over 15 days to find Wareham a Part Time Chief of Police. They can move when they want to, can't they!
The School Committee has had their hands full with this health care mess, so I'd lean on giving them a little slack.
If the figures aren't made public until just before town meeting, I won't feel comfortable voting on something that I have only had a chance to glance at.
#17 2009-10-21 20:36:08
searay240 wrote:
Article #2 Westfield.
Well there is certainly plenty of rhetoric on this one from both sides of the issue, folks talking about ball fields, senior housing, affordable housing, sewer, roads, taxes, income, revenue....and the list goes on. However when you read the article, it ask the citizens of Wareham to place a piece of property in the care of the Board of Selectmen, to lease or convey the land.
Let me be very clear, I don't care who the members of the BOS are and my opinion has nothing to do with the present board. I don't feel we should allow ANY Board to convey land without first coming to Town Meeting an getting the approval of the body. Conveying land as it states in the article requires a 2/3 town meeting vote, not a simple majority.
I personally will be voting NO on this article for the reason stated above. Just my opinion.
I AGREE 100%. In 1977, I believe, at town meeting, the majority of voters, TAXPAYERS, voted to keep Westfield for the people of Wareham. Open space, park, ball fields, picnic area - but nothing about housing for anyone. To my understanding, filing this with the proper authorities was not done. Oops! I don't care. We voted for this land to be kept open. Our vote did not change - someone other than the voters at town meeting - made an error. Fix the error. The people in Wareham have already voted on what they wanted done with Westfield. Keep it open and KEEP IT OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE SELECTMEN, PLEASE.
I am sorry if you don't agree with this part, but I am wondering whose palm would be greased. Do they already have a developer with plans in hand. ???
AGAWAM SHORES. Correlate the above 1977 (Westfield) town meeting vote with last years town meeting vote for road repairs in AGAWAM SHORES. Do you see any differences? Both Westfield being left as open space and Agawam's badly needed road repairs, etc. were passed or approved. Oops, again! Someone - other than the voters at both town meetings - made an error. So, fix the error. The voters have already spoken. Neither will cost us $. The money is there for Agawam Shores. No money is needed for Westfield and it won't go bad if we just sit on it until we are financially stable again............the year 3009?
VOTE - YES - AGAWAM SHORES. Now how easy is that?!
Last edited by bornofwareham (2009-10-21 20:55:53)
#18 2009-10-21 21:55:03
Larry McDonald wrote:
I would encourage you to read the proposals on the town website. It is eye opening! To call it affordable housing is incorrect. Portions are affordable, but in order for them to be affordable, it will require the higher priced units to be filled. I"m not sure that is viable.
If Wareham was short on land, the use of Westfield would certainly be open to discussion, but that is not the case.
Last point.....I think there needs to be a comprehensive study of existing senior affordable housing and future needs BEFORE committing to any project.
I agree with your point on the "convey" part. This is not acceptable.
Good job Steve.
Larry, we do need a study done as you pointed out above. B U T - I would like to see local builders, realtors for sales and rentals, local and county senior citizen advocates, the housing authority, the "motel turned to weekly rental" owners, seniors in need of housing, seniors who have had a hard time getting senior housing and the adult children of these seniors (who know what their parents have gone thru) to be involved from the start. They should be all volunteers, from the poor to the rich. They are the ones that REALLY KNOW where the problems lay. Build up from there. We do not need to hire out of towners to figure our needs.
If the town - BOS - are so concerned about the need for low income senior housing, reduce their taxes. Owners of rentals to seniors could be given a reduction as long as they can prove who their tenant is and they are in need. I'm sure Mass. has guidelines, dollarwise. I'm sure this sounds far fetched to all, but it would be a start, without the politicians intimidating anyone.
#19 2009-10-21 22:20:07
searay240 wrote:
Article #7 Historic Buildings
While not an overnight success, my experience tell me this is a good article for Wareham. I base this on the great success story in nearby New Bedford, if you have a chance this weekend take a ride around the neighborhoods of downtown.
Many of these houses would have been torn down, if not for the efforts of WHALE. Today many of these houses are part of their Historic District, which brings in many tourists and raises revenue for the city.
Again not an overnight success, but in our planning for the future, these projects could help spur economic development.
I will be voting yes.
I will never forget the day that I pulled into the CVS parking lot on Main St., ran in quickly and when I came out I realized that on my way in I had heard
something very loud and then I saw the machines.
I sat in my car, facing the Water's Home. I watched it being torn apart by the jaws of a huge yellow machine. There I sat, tears streaming down my face. How could they do that? Who let that happen? Mr. Water's owned Water's Drug Store on Main Street, where the drive in bank is (next to the P.O.). I noticed other cars, stopped and looking, also. I guess I felt foolish for crying. The only problem I have with Historical Society rules, is that some don't allow you to change trim to a less fancy, less expensive type. Yes, it changes the building's appearance, but some restorations are expensive when matching trims, etc. and some "ask" you to paint the building the original colors. Saving the house or the "Tobey Homestead", for example, are very important. Very. Vote yes.
#20 2009-10-22 06:48:12
Isn't there a song that says "they tore down paradise to put up a parking lot"
#21 2009-10-22 08:53:05
I believe there is a need for affordable senior housing, but to toss money and property (with deed restrictions) at it is not the answer. We need a well thought out study of existing housing and examination of the available land that the town owns. There needs to be pressure put on the State to upgrade Agawam Village as part of that process. It has to be comprehensive to include several key items including the expected demand in increments.
We can address affordable senior housing without increasing our exposure in the short term. Westfield is NOT the answer. If you consider the multitude of mistakes and mis-steps the Selectmen have made, you really have to stop and consider if these people are capable of leading our town out of recovery. My boss always says that if you 10 million dollars in your pocket and you have a management team, you have to consider if they have the ability to take that 10 million dollars and make it worth MORE over time. If they cannot be trusted to do that, then you replace them! :)
#22 2009-10-22 11:06:51
go go steve good job