#1 2009-10-07 09:56:27


I assume some people here will be attending the MWF meeting, and some won't.  Based on Slager's "press release", it seems like they might only be accepting questions in advance...I hope they clarify the language around that point before the meeting to make it clear if they're just looking for high-level topics, or if all questions are going to be pre-screened.

All of that being said, I thought we could use a spot to discuss the questions that we'd like to see answered.  Please use this thread as a spot for constructive conversation - for example, it's not going to help anybody to ask if Bruce paid his taxes yet.

Periodically, I will update this post to keep the questions all in one spot.  Here's some questions/categories that I have, to start:

Computer audit
How much has been paid for the audit so far?  How much is still outstanding?
What was the target of the audit?  Now that all of the evidence has been collected and cannot be tampered with, this should be answerable
When will the taxpayers see the results?

Civil Service

Town finances


Open Positions in the Town



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