#1 2009-10-03 17:28:30

Rip Dinkle here......(queu the music Ham)

Sources have informed this reporter that an impromptu meeting including 4 of our 5 selectmen was underway. Their cars were parked behind the multi-service center near the bleachers. I wasn't aware of any executive sessions or open meetings scheduled for today. A quick check of the Wareham town site shows nothing to support such a meeting.

Could this be a violation of the open meeting law?

Rip Dinkle......over and out......



#2 2009-10-03 17:29:37

Maybe they're necking and drinking under the bleachers?  I hear that's what the high school kids do...



#3 2009-10-03 17:43:14

How about getting a picture?



#4 2009-10-03 17:45:57

Not to worry....they are just having a secret meeting  in order to come up with more ways to improve the transparency of Wareham's government.



#5 2009-10-03 18:13:21

I just heard the person that went to take pictures arrived late. That Rip Dinkle is on top of stuff! They were apparently seen by a few people. I was busy transcribing ancient recipes.



#6 2009-10-03 18:22:34




#7 2009-10-03 18:28:16

I hope someone will write a letter and report this to the District Attorney.  Sounds like there were several witnesses, they can't weasel out of this one.



#8 2009-10-03 19:07:52

heres the MGL that pertains to meeting and executive meetings(3 is a quorum)


Chapter 39: Section 23B. Open meetings of governmental bodies
  Section 23B. All meetings of a governmental body shall be open to the public and any person shall be permitted to attend any meeting except as otherwise provided by this section.

  No quorum of a governmental body shall meet in private for the purpose of deciding on or deliberating toward a decision on any matter except as provided by this section.

  No executive session shall be held until the governmental body has first convened in an open session for which notice has been given, a majority of the members have voted to go into executive session and the vote of each member is recorded on a roll call vote and entered into the minutes, the presiding officer has cited the purpose for an executive session, and the presiding officer has stated before the executive session if the governmental body will reconvene after the executive session.

  Nothing except the limitation contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the governmental body from holding an executive session after an open meeting has been convened and a recorded vote has been taken to hold an executive session. Executive sessions may be held only for the following purposes:



#9 2009-10-03 19:17:11

Think about it.....They wouldn't have picked Sat PM as the time for a hasty meeting that would make our lives better....They were meeting to control the damage of  something they've heard about before you and I did.

There's quite an assortment of impending debacles for the  participants in the guessing game  that will go on through the weekend: Reinstatement with compensation for one or both of the two mauled Blisses?  A backfire of Auditgate? An indictment for four BOS members? Another lawsuit? Intervention by the State DOR?  A devastating red ink discovery?

This was a "Wadda -we-gonna- do?" meeting about a crisis we will probably learn about in the Standard Times long before next February, when the minutes of this afternoon's emergency meeting will become available to  you and to me.

Having said this, if this is all about a  dire crisis for Wareham that  is the fault of none of us, we would "bury the hatchet"  in a minute and pitch in to help ......  if there was just a hint of humility  from our leaders.



#10 2009-10-03 19:31:04

They must have called their favorite pet reporter because he updated his editorial with false statements that might just be the legal mistake he has been dying to make.

Agreed Dick! Why don't they just toss up their hands and say, "okay, we screwed up!"  If they would just recognize we want open government, fiscal responsiblity, and respect for the residents, they would be amazed at how much support they have.

Why sit at a BOS meeting and state all that and then do the following:
Allow misinformation to be printed in the Senior Beacon to support Westfield
Hold a secret meeting on a Saturday afternoon
Send their mouthpiece out to attack concerned citizens.

Whew.....it's time for football! Go VOLS!



#11 2009-10-03 19:32:27

Thank you Liz for posting the MGL.

Think about it. If you were them, wouldn't you be calling an "emergency session of the operatives", right about now. "Holy crap, it sucks when the citizens actually are paying attention to our actions, and questioning our motives and intentions.

Sorry guys (and gals), but it is "Our Town".




#12 2009-10-03 20:08:57

Where has dirt thief been lately?



#13 2009-10-03 20:10:55

iliveinazoo wrote:

Where has dirt thief been lately?

he was at the es meeting tues and left before it was over and never returned for the open meeting at 7...



#14 2009-10-03 20:17:38

Rip Dinkle wrote:

Rip Dinkle here......(queu the music Ham)

Sources have informed this reporter that an impromptu meeting including 4 of our 5 selectmen was underway. Their cars were parked behind the multi-service center near the bleachers. I wasn't aware of any executive sessions or open meetings scheduled for today. A quick check of the Wareham town site shows nothing to support such a meeting.

Could this be a violation of the open meeting law?

Rip Dinkle......over and out......

They couldn't be that stupid, could they? If you are going to violate open meeting law, you don't do it behind the multi-service, you go out of town.

Of course, it's just a little law and the penalty is a slap on the wrist. This group has already had a couple of those with no apparent harm done.   Do you know who we are?



#15 2009-10-03 20:31:49

I'm not sure it would be that much of a "wrist slap" this time.  Between the McAulliffe open meeting law violation and the Swifts Beach minute violation, I think (hope) the DA would really start cracking down.  Only problem is someone has to write a letter or they won't look into it.  Seems like this would be open and shut as long as someone complains to the DA.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-10-03 20:32:18)



#16 2009-10-03 22:18:41

Molly - good evening!

I believe that there is a provision in the open meeting law which allows for an "emergency" meeting without the required 48-hour postings. Two examples come to mind, weather related. The first is the blizzard of 1978, which was forecast to be a pretty good snowsorm, and then went far beyond that in many areas. Under such a circumstance, an emergency meeting would be allowed. And why not?

The second might be a hurricane, similar to Carol in 1953 or 54. There was little warning of the severity of the storm until it actually was here (it was said to have "sneaked" up the coast from the Carolinas overnight). No doubt, a board of selectmen, and others, would try to meet quickly to address the situation.

Well, it did rain today, but it is doubtful that could used as an argument for an emergency meeting. The second question is whether or not the meeting was in executive session. Why bother? You've got the building to yourself. But then, there are those pesky requirements to take minutes.

My bet is on some legal issue that came in Friday, with some announcement due on Monday. Which one? Ah, there are so many to choose from?

And Molly, two months & three days since August 1. If anyone needs any kind of reinforcement as to why it is best to stay away from the rag, read a few of garbage filled entries on the Courier website. I could only get to where he had to get off because it was late. And then had to get off because it was late. and, and, and. Just pathetic.

Last edited by notalawyer (2009-10-03 22:21:58)



#17 2009-10-03 22:52:30

I will continue to post this......just to remind our elected officials....we want change! They can send their mouthpiece to do their dirty work, but who really listens to a person with zero credibility?

For years they have counted on apathy as a way to accomplish their agendas. This site (Thank you Bill) has been a launching point for a grassroots effort to bring citizens back to Town Meeting and the voting booth. That is the very same reason they are paying so much attention to this site. They see the tide turning and people listening. More and more citizens are coming out of the shadows to get involved. Citizens with good intentions are shining a bright light on the hypocrisy that plagues the town. What baffles me is how the Selectmen and their almost defunct mouthpiece cry to the masses, "THIS IS UNFAIR". They are public figures and speak about open government, fiscal responsibility, and respect for the citizens. Unfortunately, they do not practice what they preach. There are many examples of Selectmen being rude to citizens. Astronomical legal bills are evidence of poor fiscal management. Tears do not change the fact that a meeting of the CRC is public and it is permissable to be taped (audio and visual). To complain about that is simply unacceptable! 

Why would they want to condemn the very same people answering their call from the pulpit? They didn't mean it! They thought we weren't listening. Good news Selectmen, we were listening! Not only were we listening, we responded. Now you have our attention and it bothers you? You can label people "hate bloggers" , "power elite", or anything else you think is catchy, but the reality is we are citizens of Wareham that DEMAND you follow through on your promises of OPEN GOVERNMENT, FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, and RESPECT FOR THE CITIZENS. If that makes you uncomfortable, then perhaps you aren't cut out for the job and should step aside.

In the meantime, we will continue to video tape, ask questions, make our opinions heard, and hold you accountable for your actions. That is what responsible citizens do!



#18 2009-10-03 23:04:56

"hear, hear!"




#19 2009-10-03 23:08:43

It's not looking good for your Vols, Larry. Any last second heroics had better happen fast.


Last edited by PShooter (2009-10-03 23:09:09)



#20 2009-10-03 23:27:34

Keep the pressure up on the Town Meeting. It's all about votes.



#21 2009-10-04 10:25:06

When the MFW has their televised meeting maybe someone could asked the BOS what they were doing meeting behind the Multi Service Center? Even if they don’t answer at least everyone watching will know they met illegally



#22 2009-10-04 10:58:35

There must be a loophole that allows  for an unposted BOS meeting during a real emergency that is a dire threat to the town.  However, if that were the case it would be fair of the townspeople to expect to receive  their assessment and advice asap after the meeting.

The fact that there has been no word from them is a sure sign that  although a very real threat to the town  may exist, their meeting was  to discuss how the emergency affects them. "Something's gone wrong. Who can we blame it on?"



#23 2009-10-04 11:19:29

An emergency meeting can be called by the BOS if it involves the public health, welfare and / or safety.
However, once the meeting takes place, it must be immediately announced that it occurred and all information legally allowed should be released.
Ever think that one of the Selectmen is a "snitch".
The only one that ever worked for the Court system walked out after an executive session last Tuesday and wasn't seen yesterday.
Snitch...what a bitch!



#24 2009-10-04 13:30:20

Dan: Interesting point.("It must be immediately announced.")   To cover themselves legally shouldn't it be posted on the Town's web site? There is, in fact, an e-mail system to receive various categories of info automatically  that I have just signed up for.
So any minute now I'll expect an incoming message that  will explain everything.: "Thank you for your interest, but actually what we talked about is none of your damn business!"



#25 2009-10-04 18:18:12

ROTFLMFAO! Holy crap they are going to televise the Move Wareham into Communism meeting!

Illegal ES's are nothing new to this crew, anyone expecting them to "do the right thing" shouldn't hold their breath.

Sometimes I seriously feel like Wareham is on another planet. Now I am off to enjoy some good food with family!



#26 2009-10-07 17:59:34

Uhmmm, I need help with this one....

How do you interview candidates outside near the back of the building? Did they pass around a cell phone????

Okay okay...I will stop laughing now...i promise......



#27 2009-10-07 18:43:08

It would be funny if ...
Well you know.



#28 2009-10-12 11:13:50

Well, finally MJ Driscoll's karma is returned.  Stay tuned everyone this is just the beginning if the BOS can get the School Supt and administration to do their homework.  There is and has been a lot going on in the Trans dept. (not just the family plan) but unethical and unfair treatment of employees.  Why she is driving around town in a vehicle paid for by the town to do what?  Why are so many of her family members on the payroll in transportation.  Check into the hours that are submitted weekly are they legitimate?  I am certain that this accident that occured in NB on 9/13/09 had nothing to do with school business, many people have seen this vehicle all around town doing non-school business.   It was just a matter of time before MJ Driscoll's family ties became unravelled and much more.



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