#66 2009-09-29 22:35:14

Do we always have to see that grotesque figure at the end of the meeting??..Bobo is more revolting than ever, I can imagine the suck-fest with Brucey and Miss Brockton after the meeting!!



#67 2009-09-29 22:59:43

It was pretty cold outside tonight, was he wearing his bermuda shorts?



#68 2009-09-29 23:19:23

acasualobserver wrote:

Ms Lilly, based on your comment it seems you have first-hand information of the MWF organization.  Can you comment on whether or not anybody is going to be responding to Steve's email, and if not, why not?

I think the main objective is to get the meeting planned and set, which is probably the reason that there hasn't been a reply and then I am sure someone will respond to Steve's email...I'm sure it is because we are running out of time to get a meeting arranged before TM or else I'm sure a quicker response may have happened...

Perhaps we will all have the opportunity to "mingle" at the meeting and address the issues there?



#69 2009-09-29 23:24:18

kinsailman wrote:

sorry I am out of town can't wate for this one to come out on DVD or Pshooter vision.

I like that. I was thinking PSpan.

Hi, Ms. Lilly. How are you this evening? I was wondering what you thought about the CRC video recording. Any thoughts?




#70 2009-09-29 23:30:51

Ms Lilly, when will this group that allegedly wants to raise the level of discourse be taking Bobo to task for printing stuff (from "Paul Shooter") about cracking people's heads with baseball bats, socking Bob Brady in the mouth, calling the police chief a kidney stone, making up false allegations of racism in the hopes of shutting a meeting critical of the selectmen down, etc?

When will they take on Sweet Brucey for all the rudeness he displays at the selectmen's meetings week after week?  (Did Brucey become a fan of mature and responsible debate before or after he flipped his middle finger at the audience one night?)

Don't worry, that was a rhetorical question, of course.  We don't really expect you to do that.  We know you'll all tow the line like good little lackies.

Stop the hate speech!  Brucey hates it when you tell him to pay his taxes!

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-29 23:34:45)



#71 2009-09-29 23:33:24

PShooter...they came across very defensive...

In fairness to them, I don't know how defensive they were re: the meeting being tape, or more concerned about where their images from that tape were going to end up...you can't blame them if that was the issue...some of you are very, very talented with your imaging skills :-)

Whatever the reason, it did not translate well....

Last edited by MsLilly (2009-09-29 23:40:06)



#72 2009-09-29 23:43:39

Ham, rhetorical questions are not very challenging, nor much fun...

I don't think any of us should assume the responsibility of being anyone else's keeper...



#73 2009-09-29 23:44:16

there was an es tonite with heaton thats why the meeting was late cronan was at the es left before it was over and never came back..



#74 2009-09-29 23:47:07

Excellent cop out, Ms Lilly.  I didn't expect anything less, and you didn't disappoint.



#75 2009-09-29 23:47:59

MsLilly wrote:

PShooter...they came across very defensive...

In fairness to them, I don't know how defensive they were re: the meeting being tape, or more concerned about where their images from that tape were going to end up...you can't blame them if that was the issue...some of you are very, very talented with your imaging skills :-)

Whatever the reason, it don't not translate well....

I appreciate that. And that's a valid point (but not the law). That being said. They certainly should have been more aware of what "public" really means. It wasn't only uncomfortable for them, and if handled properly it should have gone very smoothly. Ignorance is not a defense. Note: I am not saying they are "ignorant people", I mean they, at the very least were unaware of what was correct, and at worst were obfuscatory.




#76 2009-09-29 23:57:59

I appreciate and agree with your point also PS...

I also understood the tone in which your "ignorance" remark was meant...

Hey, why didn't you use my edited version...I don't not think me should be blogging this late...yes ham, run with it...



#77 2009-09-30 00:03:37

Hamatron5000 wrote:

Excellent cop out, Ms Lilly.  I didn't expect anything less, and you didn't disappoint.

So, whose keeper are you worthy enough to be?   At least I didn't disappoint...



#78 2009-09-30 00:12:07

id love to know who brenda was referring to that QUIT because of the "hate bloggers"



#79 2009-09-30 00:19:42

Ms Lilly, it was a simple question, dear.  When will your group, which claims to want to bring mature and responsible debate, take on the newspaper that talks about cracking people in the heads with bats and socking Bob Brady in the mouth?

When will your group, which claims to want mature and responsible debate, take Brucey to task for flipping an audience of citizens the middle finger?

Those seem like pretty simple, straightforward questions.

I assume the answer is, "Never, because we are good BOS lackies who do as we are told."  Feel free to prove me wrong.  I won't hold my breath.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-30 00:20:07)



#80 2009-09-30 00:23:34

ya know what was odd...michael schnider signed his name to the letter to the editor but he didnt read it and didnt have 2 words to say...



#81 2009-09-30 00:58:39

capt c wrote:

With some of the statement made about the BOS, it is to bad some of you hide behind these make believe call signs. I personally think that you should develop the things that you are missing in your lower extremites
and use your true given names. If I know who you are do you really think that the BOS does not. Wake up and see the sun rise.

Paul, some of us don't want our names in print, for various reasons. If we own a business or we work for the town, the BOS & ITA could cause problems for us.  But more than that, we have the freedom to choose how we sign our posts.  You chose your way, and your way may be fine for you, but not us.   I don't believe anyone has told you to change your name to a "call sign".   Your thoughts are duly noted.  Last I checked, my lower extremities were developed perfectly.

Although I respect most of the comments you make and you are very knowledgable in regard to the WPD, you are not a resident.  We appreciate your help, though.    Most importantly, with all that you have gone through recently why are you getting upset about something as trivial as how we choose to sign our posts.  If you know and the BOS know who we are, then there isn't a need to change how we sign our posts - you know us. 

Isn't it wonderful to wake up every morning to see the sun rise!



#82 2009-09-30 01:45:03

Good morning all. I have been feeling under the weather here the past several days and just got back from a very long 43 hour trip to TX.

I received a very nice email in response to my email from the Move Forward Wareham group.

I invited them to participate in the Damien's Food Drive on Oct 9 and 10 and yes I still have slots available. More to follow in a different thread later today.

Steve Holmes



#83 2009-09-30 08:12:15

Ringling Brothers has a place for all of them.
Clown College in Sarasota, Fl. first...then on the road.



#84 2009-09-30 08:15:30

MsLilly knows a lot, and her writing has suddenly become sober and thoughtful. Contrary to most of her posts.
How many people are MsLilly?



#85 2009-09-30 09:09:29

In all the years that I have lived in Wareham, and I've been involved with MANY organizations over those years, no organization has ever had to go before the Board of Selectemen and ask for permission to hold a public meeting.
The OPL in Onset has cordially invited many Boards, Committees, Commissions and members of study commitees to be guest speakers at public forums;the library has hosted many informative presenatations and never had to ask permission to invite a department head or consultant; the West Wareham Strategic Planning committee hosted several workshops and never had to ask for permission to hold a public meeting for input. I can site many more examples, but the point is anyone can organize a community meeting, find a place to host it, and not require input nor permission from the BOS.
Had the speakers last night come before the Board to "announce" that they formed a group, had a date and purpose for a meeting, I would be less suspicious. But, for them to go and ask for permission and ask the Board to provide them with a town venue, leads me to believe that one member of the BOS has been meeting with these people and is orchestrating behind the scenes.  It's a political manuever to garner support for this BOS and the upcoming articles to be presented at town meeting. And we all know who best organizes political rallies and protests. If the moderator for this meeting turns out to be Mr. Donahue, we will all know who has been meeting with Miss Lily and others and will confirm that which you suspect.



#86 2009-09-30 09:13:13

Just an interesting take on the Move Wareham Forward movement. As most of you know, I drive into Boston daily. There is an electronic billboard that says :

Menino for Mayor
Move Boston Forward

Aren't you curious where the idea came from for Move Wareham Forward? Of course! You guessed it. Now, if you read their preamble, you will find a great many parts of the GoGatemen goals for Take Back Wareham.

Essentially, the group took their name from Menino's campaign and their preamble from Take Back Wareham. Enough Said.



#87 2009-09-30 09:24:53

danoconnell wrote:

How many people are MsLilly?

It all depends on which meds I forget to take...

Mature...they did not go in front of the board to get permission to have a meeting, they asked if they (BOS) would be willing to participate as well as assist in getting others (such as the chief, a rep from Westfield, a rep from CRC, etc) to sit on a moderated panel for a community question and answer meeting...



#88 2009-09-30 09:27:58

When you are boot licking lackies, then you always have to go before your masters to ask for permission.



#89 2009-09-30 09:56:04

the wool is not being pulled over our eyes after they spoke during count how many times jane d said MOVE WAREHAM FORWARD OR WAREHAM MOVING FORWARD.. bob b pays for his venue they ask basically to use town property for free and brenda says we have the keys.. the audit didnt work maybe this is plan b..?



#90 2009-09-30 10:21:38

Ms. Lily,
I'm confused. You went to ask the BOS to participate. Okay, that said, I understand. But, why do you have to ask the BOS to "assist" you in securing other panel members? All you have to do is pick up the phone, call the Interim Police Chief, call the chairman of the Charter Review Committee, call the Planning Board Chairman, call the Chairman of CPC, and/or call any other people you wish to invite to participate on the panel. You don't need assistance from the BOS. You can do this on your own.
Other than Mr. Heaton, who is a paid consultant and who would charge the town for his time if he participated, why would you need assistance from the BOS to ask these people?  They're only a phone call away.
Do they need the Board's permission to participate? If so, we are entrenched in a situation never before experienced in the history of this town and says to me that we are being led by a dictatorial Board of Selectmen.
My understanding of the Charter is that this Board only sets policy, they don't dictate. I know of no policy that prevents any department head or any committee chair from being a guest speaker at any public forum. All you have to do is ask them, you don't need the BOS assistance. Whether or not they choose to participate is up to them.



#91 2009-09-30 10:25:12

Hamatron5000 wrote:

When you are boot licking lackies, then you always have to go before your masters to ask for permission.

I know there are posters here who are much more familiar with the rules governing open meeting law and am very confident that someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I think it would have been against the rules for more than a quorum of the board to discuss representing the town as a board at a community meeting had it not been done at an open session of a BOS meeting...



#92 2009-09-30 10:48:27

Maturevoter wrote:

Ms. Lily,
I'm confused. You went to ask the BOS to participate. Okay, that said, I understand. But, why do you have to ask the BOS to "assist" you in securing other panel members? All you have to do is pick up the phone, call the Interim Police Chief, call the chairman of the Charter Review Committee, call the Planning Board Chairman, call the Chairman of CPC, and/or call any other people you wish to invite to participate on the panel. You don't need assistance from the BOS. You can do this on your own.

First, I am not speaking officially on anyone's behalf but my own...

The BOS assisstance is not needed nor required, it was cordially invited and they were good enough to accept the invitation...perhaps if people see that the BOS and it's citizens can work together as a group, it will validate the idea of this community meeting and begin to "Move Wareham Forward".  I for one would not want people to think that they must be of a certain viewpoint or mindset to attend and that our administration is a willing participant.  The aim is to get as many people as possible to attend to try and  get answers to their questions and maybe even voice their concerns in an open and civil manner.  Nothing more than a show of solidarity on everyone's behalf...

I would hope all participants who agree to attend would be willing to volunteer their time on behalf of this effort, including a paid consultant...

If nothing else, why make all those phone calls yourself when you can get others to offer their help?



#93 2009-09-30 10:53:54

MsLilly, Suffice it to say that this board of selectmen figured out "rules for more than a quorum of the board" when they invited themselves to Bob Brady's last meeting. I am sure they could have figured out again here if they chose to. The real fact is that they wanted to look like they were doing something to help the citizens. In reality Janey was pulling all the strings. Janey sees her reign of terror and vindictiveness coming to an end. She is trying anything she can so that it doesn't crash and burn like the last time her husband was an elected official. She will stop at nothing and she lies.



#94 2009-09-30 10:59:00

Actually rukidding, I believe Bruce posted a meeting for the same time and place as Mr. Brady's so they would not violate OM when they all attended together...



#95 2009-09-30 11:10:55

Is Mr. Brady still planning another community meeting? He had mentioned that he would have another meeting just prior to town meeting and if I remember correctly, he indicated it would be October 15th?  Also OPL hosts a meeting prior to Town meeting. These dates should be verified so we don't have three community meetings all on the same night.



#96 2009-09-30 11:18:39

MsLilly wrote:

Actually rukidding, I believe Bruce posted a meeting for the same time and place as Mr. Brady's so they would not violate OM when they all attended together...

Sorry ru, I misread...that's what you said in the first place...



#97 2009-09-30 11:21:08

Maturevoter wrote:

Is Mr. Brady still planning another community meeting? He had mentioned that he would have another meeting just prior to town meeting and if I remember correctly, he indicated it would be October 15th?  Also OPL hosts a meeting prior to Town meeting. These dates should be verified so we don't have three community meetings all on the same night.

Excellent point...



#98 2009-09-30 11:31:40

MsLilly wrote:

I think it would have been against the rules for more than a quorum of the board to discuss representing the town as a board at a community meeting had it not been done at an open session of a BOS meeting...

Hello, Ms. Lilly. This is interesting to me. Did this occur, in the case of the Bob Brady/Take Back Wareham meeting? I don't believe anything was discussed in open session concerning their intent to attend. 

For the record, if the true intent is an open dialogue where everyone's voice is supposed to be recognized. Why wait for a "true" community meeting to begin this dialogue? It's already been going on for some time. Why blackball a significant segment of the town's electorate, who clearly have raised legitimate concerns, and hope to find solutions to the Town's problems?

Most of what "Move Wareham Forward" states as their aim has been said here ad infinitum. Except, we TRULY are willing to work with them. The same can not be said of "Move Wareham Forward", apparently. I don't think I invented the phrase, "actions speak louder than words", but it does seem appropriate.

Ms. Lilly, Did you read/hear Selectman Eckstrom's comments concerning the videotaped CRC mtg.? If so, would you agree with me that she misrepresents the facts in her comments?




#99 2009-09-30 12:16:41

PShooter wrote:

MsLilly wrote:

I think it would have been against the rules for more than a quorum of the board to discuss representing the town as a board at a community meeting had it not been done at an open session of a BOS meeting...

Hello, Ms. Lilly. This is interesting to me. Did this occur, in the case of the Bob Brady/Take Back Wareham meeting? I don't believe anything was discussed in open session concerning their intent to attend.

That I am sure of...at the end of an open session, Bruce said he was posting a meeting for the same time/same place as Mr. Brady...that's what I was referring to with my apology to urkidding...s/he stated the same thing, just not in the same manner as I did...

PShooter wrote:

Why blackball a significant segment of the town's electorate, who clearly have raised legitimate concerns, and hope to find solutions to the Town's problems?

I'm not sure I understand who you are referring to by being blackballed? 

PShooter wrote:

Most of what "Move Wareham Forward" states as their aim has been said here ad infinitum. Except, we TRULY are willing to work with them.

Then it shouldn't be too difficult for all of us to pool our collective strengths, avoid the Achilles heels and work together as a community to improve it...

PShooter wrote:

Ms. Lilly, Did you read/hear Selectman Eckstrom's comments concerning the videotaped CRC mtg.? If so, would you agree with me that she misrepresents the facts in her comments?

I heard the comments during the meeting, but have not reviewed them since then...if there are certain facts/comments in particular you would like my opinion on, I will try and comment on them if you can post them...and I don't mean for you to do the work for me, I just don't have the time to do it right now...



#100 2009-09-30 13:43:57

Ms. Lilly,

That I am sure of...at the end of an open session, Bruce said he was posting a meeting for the same time/same place as Mr. Brady...that's what I was referring to with my apology to urkidding...s/he stated the same thing, just not in the same manner as I did...

Thanks, i wasn't sure about that. I guess I can always check the video : )

I'm not sure I understand who you are referring to by being blackballed?

Well, I don't think they (MWF/BOS), were welcoming us with open arms last night.

Then it shouldn't be too difficult for all of us to pool our collective strengths, avoid the Achilles heels and work together as a community to improve it...

Let's hope that's what happens.

I heard the comments during the meeting, but have not reviewed them since then...if there are certain facts/comments in particular you would like my opinion on, I will try and comment on them if you can post them...and I don't mean for you to do the work for me, I just don't have the time to do it right now..

I am re-posting this from another thread for your reference.

PShooter wrote:

Brenda Eckstrom, Board of Selectman & Selectmen liason to the Charter Review Committee during the "Move Wareham Forward" Rally portion of the 9/29/09 BOS meeting emotionally stated:

"We have people resigning from committees because they're being attacked for being on committees, because the committee might vote some way, or have a discussion at a meeting. We're having them videotaping our, our, our citizens..y'know at the workshop meetings that people are having, editing them, and putting them on, and, and, and questions and answers not, y'know, proper and stuff. And they think it's funny, and they think it's enjoyable to do that.."

Her comments begin at (6:50) of Move Wareham Forward? (pt.1)

Original thread with my response


Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs

Last edited by PShooter (2009-09-30 17:15:34)



#101 2009-09-30 13:52:29

Brockton Brenda also said that we're all planning to "interfere" with town meeting.  I don't know where she got that from.  We've just said that we are going to be there, speak our mind, and intend to vote against several articles they favor that we feel would be disastrous for this community.

Oh wait, they have this "we are kings and queens" mentality, so us vile peasants going to town meeting to speak our mind is something they would consider to be "interfering."

Keep in mind, they want to destroy town meeting, take it away, and replace it with a system where they will personally profit by becoming paid city councilors.  But she thinks we're the ones that want to interfere with town meeting.

No, we want town meeting to stay.  You're the ones trying to get rid of it.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-30 13:52:57)



#102 2009-09-30 20:30:22

PShooter...nice job...thank you...

I'm not sure I understand who you are referring to by being blackballed?

Well, I don't think they (MWF/BOS), were welcoming us with open arms last night.

I don't think that is true...it was what a lot of people wanted to happen the first time around...

I heard the comments during the meeting, but have not reviewed them since then...if there are certain facts/comments in particular you would like my opinion on, I will try and comment on them if you can post them...and I don't mean for you to do the work for me, I just don't have the time to do it right now..

I am re-posting this from another thread for your reference.

PShooter wrote:

Brenda Eckstrom, Board of Selectman & Selectmen liason to the Charter Review Committee during the "Move Wareham Forward" Rally portion of the 9/29/09 BOS meeting emotionally stated:

"We have people resigning from committees because they're being attacked for being on committees, because the committee might vote some way, or have a discussion at a meeting. We're having them videotaping our, our, our citizens..y'know at the workshop meetings that people are having, editing them, and putting them on, and, and, and questions and answers not, y'know, proper and stuff. And they think it's funny, and they think it's enjoyable to do that.."

Since I don't have any idea why people are resigning from committees, I can't really comment on that...if members are resigning, I certainly don't know why...she may...I think the reference to the video cut and paste was regarding the "Excuse Me" episode....her thoughts came off as so disjointed that I think she was really as emotional as she appeared to be...that's all I have for ya...You can give me crap, but I have to admit I have no idea one way or the other about anything else that was said...



#103 2009-09-30 20:42:45

Brenda's speech is always disjointed. Take a look at the other meetings that PShooter has posted. She barely makes a complete sentence and jumps all over the place.  This is not hateful. It is an observation. Just take a look and listen to her. It is her normal speech pattern.



#104 2009-09-30 20:57:33




#105 2009-09-30 21:24:34

Thanks, Ms Lilly. See, we can play nice : )




#106 2009-09-30 22:00:38

Here is my question, why is this group even bothering with all of this, just go to a DTC meeting, you'll have your dozen supporters there. Talk until your tongues fall out of your heads. You have ZERO credibility, NONE. T
oday at work we were told that there is a likelihood of another round of cuts, it is time for me to retire! But, my point is that this BOS has run this town into the ground, with more potential cuts and limited services these idiots are still talking about Mayors? and complaining because someone taped them?
This is like giving a friend who already owes you money from a year ago another loan, this town is in serious financial trouble, there is no easy way out of this mess, and we are talking about lackey groups praising J & J for leading us here! Give me an asprin.
Ms. Lilly, you want a solution to the problems, remove them from office. There is no other solution, and if we the voters don't do it then I am willing to bet money that the DA or the state will.



#107 2009-09-30 22:01:22


Schneider and Begley, who began forming the idea for Move Wareham Forward during a Live Chat on the Observer Media web site last month...

The idea was started by two Bobo subscribers in a Bobo chat room but Bobo doesn't have anything to do with it.

Move Wareham Forward...from Halifax!

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-30 22:02:07)



#108 2009-09-30 23:03:29

Hamatron5000 wrote:

When you are boot licking lackies, then you always have to go before your masters to ask for permission.

ham this comment made it into the newest blog by slager..
you are referred to as...

"one member of the political campaign group Take Back Wareham wrote"

slager AGAIN i say stop lying there is NO political group take back wareham.. for the love of god write the facts...



#109 2009-10-01 06:56:47

I thought he stopped reading this blog. Didn't his good friend Janey say stop reading it?

Get a life slager. We are a small group of people with a small audience. Wareham has over 20,000 residents. Focus on those people for a while and stop obsessing about this site. We are not a threat to Wareham. We are not spreading a negativity plague on tv or in a rag. We admit we have a very small audience and if you and your bos/moderator buddies stop visiting this site it will be even smaller.

We are citizens and therefore have the right to peacefully protest our local government as long as we do not break any laws.  So, go save Wareham from having our elected officials spending huge tax dollars on legal fees when our schools, municipal maintenance, library and police department are minimally funded. Or save Wareham from a bos that has illegally spent more than 10% of the housing trust fund on consultants when only trustees are authorized to use that fund. Or get riled up that Lt. Bliss and Bob Bliss will win on their retaliation charges costing the town money and embarrassment. Get riled up about something that matters instead of a few people who like to post on or visit this LITTLE blog.

You love Wareham? Don't make me laugh--or cry.



#110 2009-10-01 07:49:12

It's Molly's kind of staight talk that is really driving them nuts!      Keep it up...and say it all again at Town Meeting.

If this MWF  group was a new car design we'd be calling it an  Edsel. It ain't gonna sell.



#111 2009-10-01 08:10:19

People, I've been thinking and you know what, this is all really a distraction.  The selectmen are skilled at "slight of hand," when a magician gets you to watch his right hand so you don't see what his left hand is doing.

This "Move Wareham Backward" thing is nothing but a bunch of hot air.  They openly admit that it was thought up by Jane, one of the selectmen, with a great deal of participation from the Rag's tin foil hat squad.  Bobo seems like he is some kind of key advisor, acting as the group's spokesman.

We have always kept the focus on the selectmen.  Let's not be distracted from doing that.  That's what they want.  They want us to go after this group. Let's not give them what they want.  The selectmen are the ones who destroyed this town.  The selectmen are the ones who tossed local politics into the gutter.  Let's not take our focus off of that.

The selectmen can't speak for themselves.  They always need a mouthpiece.  They've been relying on Bobo the Mouthpiece for years.  Now, apparently, if Bobo's recent column is any indication, Bobo Media is floundering and they need new mouthpieces to hide behind.  That's why they recruited the former Mayor of Brockton.  That's why they are starting this pro-selectmen made by selectmen group.

Yes, it was infuriating to see Bruce and Brenda declare themselves as peacemakers on Tuesday night.  Yes, it was frustrating that the two people who came to speak for the group allowed that to happen.

But let's not be distracted anymore.  (And yes, that's coming from someone who is easily distracted). 

The best strategy is to keep focusing on the kingpins - Brucey, Bobo, Brenda, Janey, and Cronie.  (Note that I didn't include Cruz because I don't really have a problem with him.)

Focus on the kingpins and don't waste your time with the henchmen.



#112 2009-10-01 08:34:57

My memory isn't what it used to be, but didn't the ITM (the puppet of the above mentioned selectmen)  restrict the free speech of town employs to what he approved of. Does what Bruce said, about allowing people express their opinions, at tuesdays meeting resend this?



#113 2009-10-01 08:49:19

Here's the kicker. After Slager is finished causing havoc in Wareham, he will just shut it off and move on. After all, he lives in Halifax, not here. He has no office here, so there is nothing to pick up and move. He's written his exit story. It's very sad when you tie a beautiful story about your daughter/dad camping trip to political turmoil. I still shake my head at that.

He will walk away with no business, a town torn apart by years of poorly researched and written editorials, no credibility, 0 for 4 on major predictions, and shout to the world, "I am proud of what I've done".

It would be funny......you know the rest.



#114 2009-10-01 08:55:28

I agree with you Larry. It will take us years to recover from the economic, ethical and emotional damage caused by slager and this current bos.

I don't believe that is something to be proud of.

I'd like to see a "list" of all the GOOD things accomplished by this bos and by slager.

Compare that to the list of devastating, nasty, plague filled words and actions we have endured.

Good thing they aren't looking at this blog anymore or that might complain that I'm being "hateful" by speaking the truth in a peaceful manner on a very small blog.

More than 20,000 people in this town and they waste their time on this blog.



#115 2009-10-01 09:29:16

onboard19 wrote:

My memory isn't what it used to be, but didn't the ITM (the puppet of the above mentioned selectmen)  restrict the free speech of town employs to what he approved of. Does what Bruce said, about allowing people express their opinions, at tuesdays meeting resend this?

The last suspension of Chief Joyce, for 5 days, was for: "insubordination".
This was because Department Heads were told that they could not talk directly to the media and anything put out to the media would be put out by ITA - no one else!   Well, Tommy Joyce (still chief at this time) wrote a very informative letter to the editor of the Standard-Times in regards to Lt. Bliss.  This is a freedom we all have.  Free Speech. 

If you are a "strong" chief, you don't let the ITA or BOS forbid you from expressing a right you were born to.  Every one has this right.  Being a "strong chief" has nothing to do with this right, I am just using it as an example.  Beware of the BOS, the ITA, the TM.  This is why you rarely hear of things going on in town through different dept's.  They are afraid to talk.



#116 2009-10-01 09:34:08

For years they have counted on apathy as a way to accomplish their agendas. This site (Thank you Bill) has been a launching point for a grassroots effort to bring citizens back to Town Meeting and the voting booth. That is the very same reason they are paying so much attention to this site. They see the tide turning and people listening. More and more citizens are coming out of the shadows to get involved. Citizens with good intentions are shining a bright light on the hypocrisy that plagues the town. What baffles me is how the Selectmen and their almost defunct mouthpiece cry to the masses, "THIS IS UNFAIR". They are public figures and speak about open government, fiscal responsibility, and respect for the citizens. Unfortunately, they do not practice what they preach. There are many examples of Selectmen being rude to citizens. Astronomical legal bills are evidence of poor fiscal management. Tears do not change the fact that a meeting of the CRC is public and it is permissable to be taped (audio and visual). To complain about that is simply unacceptable! 

Why would they want to condemn the very same people answering their call from the pulpit? They didn't mean it! They thought we weren't listening. Good news Selectmen, we were listening! Not only were we listening, we responded. Now you have our attention and it bothers you? You can label people "hate bloggers" , "power elite", or anything else you think is catchy, but the reality is we are citizens of Wareham that DEMAND you follow through on your promises of OPEN GOVERNMENT, FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, and RESPECT FOR THE CITIZENS. If that makes you uncomfortable, then perhaps you aren't cut out for the job and should step aside.

In the meantime, we will continue to video tape, ask questions, make our opinions heard, and hold you accountable for your actions. That is what responsible citizens do!

Last edited by Larry McDonald (2009-10-01 12:45:21)



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