#1 2009-09-16 22:16:00

It`s great to bASH PEOPLE.
to show new people,
the other view,
who is the best ,
person to run the town ?
you ?
me ?
somebody you know ?
bobo ?



#2 2009-09-16 22:16:37

steve holmes..



#3 2009-09-16 22:25:36

I second that



#4 2009-09-16 22:32:48

steve maybe, myself even.. we will see who knows but ill bet a lobster dinner it wont be bruce s and cronan again..



#5 2009-09-16 22:40:24

Well for a lobster dinner i`ll vote for you.
but really who is better for the town ?
all i read is bashing .
not the next person ,
who will make it better .



#6 2009-09-16 22:53:37

onset ma wrote:

but really who is better for the town ? all i read is bashing .
not the next person , who will make it better .

Yeah, there's a good amount of (well deserved) bashing that goes on here. Do you know of ANY better place where citizens of Wareham can communicate their thoughts, and access information about current topics concerning the Town? I detect a hint of "bashing" on your part.

There are 2 spots open NEXT APRIL, and one candidate has already come forth who has all our support. Do you think if and when another candidate comes forward from our ranks, they won't have equal support?

If you actually feel as though the current leadership hasn't shown their ineptitude, I suggest you pay closer attention.




#7 2009-09-16 22:54:29

I just don't think you've been following too much.  Yes, there are threads here that are devoted to "bashing" as you refer to it.  However, there are MANY other threads about a change in government.  There are threads about the TAKE BACK WAREHAM movement.  There is even a thread where Steve Holmes announced he's running for Selectmen. 

I'm sure you'll see more threads like that as Town Meeting on October 26 draws closer.  And much more on the next best choices for selectmen as APRIL 2010 election draws closer.

There are no parameters at this site.  There are topics for everyone and everything.



#8 2009-09-16 22:55:33

onset ma

well who is better for the town ?
i`ve heard nothing ,
the agenda of new prospects ?
we all know they will tell you ,
what you want to here ,
then screw you over.
anyone  you know,
a real person.
for people like me ?
or just the power elite ?
shall i quote Gorge bush Sr.
read my lips no new taxes .
Wareham is screwed .



#9 2009-09-16 23:46:38

onset ma wrote:

we all know they will tell you ,
what you want to here ,
then screw you over.

Good point.

Any candidate who does not insist they'll immediately push -all- town business online will not get my vote.

I will ignore election day - along with most of Wareham's electorate - past caring about uninformed consent, confident the next selectmen will become polite clones of Mickey and Minnie here.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



#10 2009-09-17 07:49:23

LizdaGnome….Did you just throw your hat into the ring? Are you thinking about running? Please say yes!



#11 2009-09-17 08:46:55

onset ma: We'll all applaud your healthy skepticism, but it does seem as if there  is a lot of history that you have apparently missed.We can help you with that.

As someone with an understandable disdain for politicians who create money problems and then try to solve them by raising taxes, you could focus on   the  thousands and thousands of our tax dollars the present BOS has wasted on litigation that could have been averted with a telephone call. There's a lot of that information on this site, and there's much, much more in links you can find here.  The big risk you will be taking,of course, is that you are going to learn things that might have you frothing at the mouth like the rest of us!

We will be holding at least one  informational meeting in Onset . Please stay connected and plan to come...and bring your friends along with you.

If you'd like conversation over coffee at Cup of the Bay just give me a call and I'll scoop up a couple of people   and meet you there. We'll bring facts, and you just bring your healthy scepticism. Please stay with us.  508 291 1319



#12 2009-09-17 08:53:49

marny wrote:

LizdaGnome….Did you just throw your hat into the ring? Are you thinking about running? Please say yes!

no not me..not this election..but i am in support of steve holmes and his williness to listen and have open curtious dialogue..



#13 2009-09-17 08:57:30

I have my doubts about someone using Onsetma's name on this site.
Read past posts. They are well written, concise, intelligent and objective.
Today's posts are disjointed.
Same person?



#14 2009-09-17 20:52:19

well there are two sides,  to every story,
The only people that can run for selectmen ,
are rich.
poor slobs like me are too busy working.
to pay taxes,
the power elite refers to them.
the working man will never be represented !!!
Thanks to the system.
if you want real change.
find someone that knows what money is.
a dime is 10 cents , not 1000 dollars .
the current bos is an example, of people,
that say spend spend sue sue sue,
who cares its only money ,
and it comes from you  !



#15 2009-09-17 20:55:23

onset ma: Youn lost me.



#16 2009-09-17 21:02:08

onset ma wrote:

well there are two sides,  to every story,
The only people that can run for selectmen ,
are rich.
poor slobs like me are too busy working.
to pay taxes,
the power elite refers to them.
the working man will never be represented !!!
Thanks to the system.
if you want real change.
find someone that knows what money is.
a dime is 10 cents , not 1000 dollars .
the current bos is an example, of people,
that say spend spend sue sue sue,
who cares its only money ,
and it comes from you  !

That would be the entire reason we are wanting change in Wareham???? So again, what is your point?



#17 2009-09-17 21:07:01

the point ?
the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
who`s the replacement ?



#18 2009-09-17 21:11:12

Please take the time to read other threads. What if I was the candidate? Would that make you happy? I am working folk. I pay my taxes. I even try my hardest to be a good parent. Do I qualify? Is my grass green enough?



#19 2009-09-17 21:11:48

I believe the quote is "The grass is always greener in the other fellow's yard."
But, what do I know?



#20 2009-09-17 21:36:56

ok well that a nice jester .
but the real question is.
how do you get the working man to the polls ?
over half the town does`t  vote.
ever wonder why ?
the people in charge now were voted in.
by there rich friends.
yet they  are " dumb asses"
someone thought they were the best.
for the town at the time , why??
someone paid for them to run.
back room deals .
friends ?
lack of info .
how do you ,get the people ,
out to vote ?
if not ,
Wareham is still screwed



#21 2009-09-18 01:02:02

onset ma wrote:

ok well that a nice jester .
but the real question is.
how do you get the working man to the polls ?
over half the town does`t  vote.
ever wonder why ?
the people in charge now were voted in.
by there rich friends.
yet they  are " dumb asses"
someone thought they were the best.
for the town at the time , why??
someone paid for them to run.
back room deals .
friends ?
lack of info .
how do you ,get the people ,
out to vote ?
if not ,
Wareham is still screwed

I'm not sure of you and how you post.  Sounded crazy in the beginning, but this last post is different.     Before the election, there will be phone numbers posted for anyone that needs a ride.  You can also obtain an absentee ballot if you work out of town and aren't able to vote during the posted hours.  A lot of senior citizens in their homes or in nursing facilities take advantage of this.  (My fear is some of the Meals on Wheels people are only reading Slager's paper-free, and will vote by what he writes)  So, this is how you get the working man to vote.           Probably half the voters in Wareham don't vote.  It is up to you and me to make sure everyone we know is registered to vote first.  Talk to your friends and ask them to spread the word - register to vote and then VOTE.   Have four or five people over for coffee.  Tell them that we need changes made in Wareham and tell them why.  Have each of them invite people to their homes and let them do the same.  Talk to who you see on the street.  Register and Vote.  This election is extremely important if we want to see change and to TAKE WAREHAM BACK.                I think that some of the selectmen now had some fancy backers.  But, these people are also taxpayers and I don't believe they are in agreement with the wasted $ spent by these selectmen.  The residents of Wareham just lost five municipal maintenance workers who would not agree to take a furlough day, especially after signing a contract with their union and the town.  I think you will be seeing more lawsuits from this.  If each of these five people tells five more people, it may have a snowball effect making people angry enough to get off the couch and go out to vote.  If just ONSET MA and I tell everyone we see to Register and Vote and WHY they need to vote and what these selectmen have done to us, we can prevail.  Rich or not, they only have one vote.  So, I am certainly far from rich or even being well off, but my vote will count and so will yours and everyone of the people we ask to vote, our friends and co-workers.          I can't answer why someone thought that these "dumb asses" were the best.  I can only imagine that people that should have voted, didn't.  I get very upset when I hear someone tell me that their vote won't count.  YES, IT WILL!!!        So, if you didn't vote and you want to complain about the people in office - don't talk to me - I voted and you didn't.
Back room deals?  Something stinks about the Swifts Beach Deal but I don't think you'll find the greasing of someone's hand.           I think what stinks even worse is what they have done to Lt. Wallace by not making him chief of the Wareham Police Dept..  Thirty-three years devoted to one town and the selectmen will not even consider him for the position.  He is MORE than qualified.  Let your friends, family and strangers know about this and how they want to remove civil service status at the next town meeting.  If this is voted in, then the "dumb ass" selectmen could put in ANYONE they want as their puppet police chief.  They need not know anything about law, either.  Then POLITICIANS will be running the town and the police department.  They aren't knowledgeable enough to run the town, so then what happens?

This site enlightens the residents of Wareham.  You obviously have a computer, so email all of your friends and ask them to email their friends, etc.
and start an informative chain of facts.  Let them know what you read here.  The truth is prevailing on this site.   And, most importantly, GO TO THE TOWN MEETING IN OCTOBER.  There will be people to call for a ride if you need one.  I wish they would hold town meeting on Saturdays or Sundays so that people won't ignore town meeting because they get out late and have to get up early the next morning for work. 

So, onset ma - I guess it's up to you and me to get the word out.  If you weren't concerned about town, you never would have posted your thoughts.
You may want to read this over twice.  Sometimes I have to, to absorb everything.   Thanks for your future help in taking Wareham back.



#22 2009-09-18 02:11:35

I was going to say a bunch of stuff, but bornof..did it so well, I don't have to. Thank you bornofwareham!




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