#1 2009-09-12 16:57:42
Lest we take our eyes off the ball, I'm going to create three threads about the three main upcoming town meeting issues.
No Westfield! There are so many problems with this project, I don't know where to begin. They want to ram it down our throats, worry about the legal problems later, and try to win votes by accusing you of not liking seniors if you're not in favor of the project.
Post your thoughts below:
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-09-12 17:03:14)
#2 2009-09-12 17:30:57
You all know what my thoughts are.
I was a Selectman when we created the Westfield sanctuary.
No one is not in favor of helping senior citizens.
We all know we have to help them the most effective way we can, not some "pie in the sky" idea.
#4 2009-09-12 19:31:38
[/i have a copy of the deed[color=red]if anyone would like to see what it states for uses.. pm or email me..
Last edited by LIZdaGNOME (2009-09-12 19:32:12)
#5 2009-09-12 21:20:33
I am all in favor of housing for seniors, but I do not believe Westfield is the solution As I have said in earlier post I would be in favor of expanding Agawam.
The selectman were told by the town lawyers that to change Westfield it would take a two thirds vote. I think they were truly surprised by this information which once again shows their incompetence
After finding out about the vote needed did they stop and say maybe we should wait and find out if we get the vote before we spend anymore money. No they just plowed ahead, so another $30,000 plus dollars out the window.
According to the ITA, Mr. Heaton has gone over the contract and the town now owes him an additional $6,000. I’m sure Mr. Heaton’s bills are a result of the selectman asking him to do more work than what was in the original contract.
If they can’t handle overseeing a consultant with a $30,000 contract. How can we possible trust them to oversee a 30 million dollar contract?
I think at town meeting if someone gets up and opposes Westfield you might want to think about offering an alternative such as Agawam. Otherwise people may think you are against senior housing.
#7 2009-09-12 21:41:05
westfield alternatives..
1. expand agawam
2. recognize mobile homes
3. built alternate site ie.. next to jack conway re 10 or 14 acres for sale, between tyler av &
just to name a few..
#8 2009-09-12 22:02:09
Those ideas plus what you can say on Town Meeting floor and prove will be enough to cause a tabling of the issue, or a no vote.
Good thinking.
#9 2009-09-12 22:09:51
danoconnell wrote:
Those ideas plus what you can say on Town Meeting floor and prove will be enough to cause a tabling of the issue, or a no vote.
Good thinking.
dan ty my mind is always going like add..
#10 2009-09-12 22:34:40
I going to weigh in with my recommendation because I know that the president, reporter, editor AND paperboy of Observer Media, LLC is lurking here this evening as he has already emailed me to question my earlier comment about "...a recall or replace them when their terms expire." I'm certain he'll take it out of context for his next story line in his continued attempt to discredit me.
I'm hoping instead he might do a bit of research for a change as he seems to be in dire need of content.
For the rest of you interested in "real" content regarding housing in Wareham,
I encourage you to visit the Town's site at www.wareham.ma.us and under the directory search the word "housing" and read pages 9 & 10 of the Housing Plan of 2005.
I also recommend after addressing the senior housing needs in our
current "Public Housing Stock" (Agawam Village & Redwood Park) that we look at 16 Minot Ave. (town owned land), which already has sewer available and transportation.
If the leaders of Wareham had better communication skills and acknowledged the report of 2005, WHICH WE PAID FOR, we wouldn't have wasted an "unauthorized" expenditure of $28,243 and additional invoices totaling near another $27,000 from the Wareham Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the consultant, for a "pipe dream".
The question I would ask the BOS is why haven't they included Wareham's Housing Authority in any of this decision making process ? Wait, I know. They make ALL the decisions.
#11 2009-09-12 22:43:45
here is the link to what bob brady was talking about housing 2005..
#12 2009-09-13 14:42:57
I have been visiting this site for some time. I find you funny and informative. However I honestly feel you are getting out of hand and away from the point.
I want to save Wareham. I care who is at fault, but don't want that to get in the way. I would like to see a plan and some leadership. Is there a person assigned to assemble the documentation needed to effectively fight each of the town meeting issues?
Are you planning a meeting before the town meeting?
Please forgive me if I seem to be dropping all responsibility in your lap. I am basically a quiet old lady who cares and would like to see Wareham come through this dark time.
#13 2009-09-13 15:01:35
Yes to your question, once the Town Warrant has been released we are putting together an information paper showing the individual articles and the pros and cons to each.
We will be including only facts and documented information.
Our goal is to provide people of Wareham the facts,they can make up their own minds as to how they will vote.
You will hear a lot of rhetoric over the next few weeks about hate,power elite,bloggers,hating seniors,police etc.
None of it will be true, but it will be used to try and distract people from the real issues, and be an attempt to control who attends Town Meeting.
It happens before every meeting, I say not this time, the stakes are higher than they have ever been.
Please do your research then attend Town Meeting and vote!!!
If you don't drive at night or going out at night might be an issue there are several folks that have volunteered to give those of need a ride to and from the meeting.
To sign up for a ride call 508-536-5612
Have a great Sunday
#14 2009-09-13 15:29:35
There is an organization (still forming) that has collected the information and will address the issues in community and larger meetings. The goal is to have responsible, open, and approachable elected officials that have the best interest of the town at the heart of their decisions.
Obviously, the items presented at the upcoming town meeting are critical to the citizens of Wareham. For that reason, you will see a rush of information and opinions flooding the news media. I know the people forming the Take Back Wareham are doing their level best to inform the voters of the issues.
If you are interested in talking about it or asking questions, please feel free to email or post on this site your questions or comments.
Have a great day!
#15 2009-09-26 13:01:03
No Westfield!