#1 2009-09-12 13:58:10

Hey since yesterday marked 8 years since the dreadful day I was wondering if anyone noticed that nothing was done in town as far as rememberance ceremonies.  Driving around town I was especially shocked when I drove down Main St and saw that the flag at the fire station was not lowered to half staff( especially since it says too on this day) have we already forgottten or has the Fire Chief just dropped the ball....that couldn't be right well I know how busy things can get being the boss but wait a minute there is no snow on the ground so that must not be what is keeping him preoccupied from the fire station .... oh yes that right it is still asphalt season must have gotten too pre occupied with that and the flag must have slipped his mind.  Maybe he should be paying more attention to his fire job instead of personal interests. For the rest of the town you should be ashamed for not recognizing that day but that's right unless we are looking to screw someone over we don't like we forget about the real important things like the people in this town and our country.  We will b keeping an watchful eye!



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