#1 2009-08-13 18:27:18




#2 2009-08-13 21:02:24

ihateliz wrote:


Good idea, but the kids over there would probably play tackle the headstone.



#3 2009-08-13 21:13:41

how about an ice rink so we wont have to go over the bridge or use tabors..  that a recreational use..



#4 2009-08-13 21:41:11

LIZdaGNOME wrote:

how about an ice rink so we wont have to go over the bridge or use tabors..  that a recreational use..

No offense but a hockey rink slap-shot sucks all the fun out of skating on a bog.

Last edited by billw (2009-08-13 21:42:01)



#5 2009-08-13 21:45:04

billw wrote:

LIZdaGNOME wrote:

how about an ice rink so we wont have to go over the bridge or use tabors..  that a recreational use..

No offense but a hockey rink slap-shot sucks all the fun out of skating on a bog.

for us townies i will still be on the bog across from my house but for the school.. games will bring in revenue  gas stations dunkins etc.. and a few jobs at the rink..

Last edited by LIZdaGNOME (2009-08-13 21:45:49)



#6 2009-08-13 21:47:52

LIZdaGNOME wrote:

for us townies i will still be on the bog across from my house but for the school.. games will bring in revenue  gas stations dunkins etc.. and a few jobs at the rink..

Ahuh, got your eye on the Zamboni, doncha?



#7 2009-08-13 21:49:54

they are cool and that a waaay better job than skate rental returns....



#8 2009-08-16 23:43:20

Westfield Project - 30 Million Dollars

Folks we need to keep this issue front and center.

I do support Assisted Living projects for our citizens. So at first glance this seemed like a worthwhile project to pursue.

However over the past few weeks the wheels seem to be coming off the car.

At the last BOS meeting we find that the members in attendance did not know how many people needed the Affordable Housing portion, and had even less knowledge about the final phase assisted living.

Our Consultant who has done an excellent job at gathering info is not 100 percent sure that we will get a full time assisted living program.

There was one final bidder.

Present members now seem to think they need to change the RFP to get more.

The town is spending money on this project and it seems the goal that was so clear in the beginning is now getting pretty cloudy.

This is an important project for our town and we need to hold our leaders feet to the fire on this one.

At some point this has to come before town meeting to dispose of the land for the project.Mr Cronan is correct the folks working on this do not have clear answers and until it is spelled out more clearly this thing in its present form is a failing grade.

Hopefully on Tuesday night the Chairman will be present and clear up the clouds.



#9 2009-08-17 06:55:21

I think the first thing that has to happen is that the town somehow vote to revoke the original taking of the land for recreation purposes. It was never taken for building houses.

If the town meeting votes against that, then all this money that has been spent is lost. Fiscal responsibility?



#10 2009-08-17 08:32:00

I agree with you searay.  This needs to stay front and center as the October town meeting approaches.  Molly is also right that a 2/3's vote approving a housing development use MUST happen first.  This is another "CART before the HORSE" proposal.  The condition within the title, recorded at the registry of deeds, only allows for a school or municipal buildings, and/or recreational, playground and park purposes. Period.  Anything otherwise is unauthorized without a vote at town meeting to change that condition.  So all this time and money (contrary to what selectman Cronan stated last week) is a waste without the endorsement of the voting citizens. 
The consultant hired by the BOS is easily into this process for over $ 30,000.
And that money used is being spent from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, which the BOS have NO authorization to spend.  (See MGL Ch. 44, Sec. 55c)



#11 2009-08-17 08:33:17

The town is moving forward under the guidance of K&P which has given the opinion that the original vote for municipal needs or something like that qualifies this project.

However before that can take place K&P also said that a 2/3 vote to dispose of the land also needs to be taken.

Fast forward to town meeting, not sure if it will be fall or spring, we will have spent all this money, and the issue will be before the people.

After watching the last BOS meeting where Bruce was absent it is clearly his project, the others did not have many facts, and neither did the experts presenting. I am hoping that tomorrow, he will be able to shed some light on this project.

Personally I don't know the history of this particular parcel of land, however I do support the Assisted Living idea. That program provides many benefits to our elderly and they deserve that kind of treatment, especially those resident that have been here all their life.

Tomorrow night, I beleive we will also get to meet our new Part Time Cheif at the meeting.



#12 2009-08-17 09:07:30

There was not a Selectmen's meeting last week. However, on thursday, local cable aired a meeting they had about the project with citizen participation. Only caught a few minutes of it, but you may want to look into that.



#13 2009-08-17 23:01:24

If anyone has some time tomorrow night Dick will be giving his weekly update to thr board please try toattend this is a very important project



#14 2009-08-17 23:08:10

Steve, ?  town meeting?  I will be there.
I am interested and willing.

Last edited by PinkPanther (2009-08-17 23:09:11)



#15 2009-08-18 15:06:53

What part of DEED RESTRICTION is so difficult to comprehend?
Why would anyone want to put assisted living on the Westfield property? It is a geographic nightmare for the clients, if we are going to have assisted living, it should be close to downtown and other services.
This is a good idea with bad planning, sound familiar? It came from the BOS (Bunch of Shitheads).



#16 2009-08-18 15:13:50

As I said when I started this thread, I am not familiar with the site location. I do support the assisted living concept. I ahve worked in Healthcare now for over 32 years and I have seen the pain families go through when the older folks can no longer make it on their own, even though they are not quite ready for a Nursing Home they end up there because their kids have moved away from the area.

So from the feed back I am getting, it's a great idea, but the location and planning to this point has not been done well. We are paying a consultant to help, but obviously he has no control over site location, he can only provide information based on the Town's request.

That's why I think this is important for discussion, the Slager stuff is fun to read but this is a 30 million dollar project, we are already spending money on it, and soon it will come before us at Town Meeting.

Quite frankly no one is prepared to answer even the simple questions:

How many people in the area are looking for affordable housing?
How many people in the area could use assisted living arrangements?
Can the assisted living portion come first rather than last?
etc etc etc???



#17 2009-08-18 15:29:34

Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) are predominate in Florida.
The problem is that Alf's are not nursing homes. They offer "assistance"t to those who need it.
They are expensive. The person must pledge their assets totally to the ALF.
When they die, the children, etc., have no access to any assets that have been pledged. Some even force people to sign over life insurance policies.
There are many on this site that know about ALFs, and maybe they are chartered differently in Mass. I doubt it.
If you have an ALF, you must be close to Town and shopping and day care for the elderly and transportation for them and the availability of  emergency responders and hospital facilities if needed.
It is not to be taken lightly, and should be examined with a microscope.



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