#1 2009-08-07 11:33:40

Straight from the the OTHER Observer, Mr. Slager made the following comment.

By: robertslager on 8/7/09
The facts, madmom, are that the owner told me people had come into his store harassing him because he carried the Observer. He was told he would be put out of business if continued to carry the Observer. That sure sounds like pressure, harassment and intimidation to me. The power elite thought police are the individuals in this town who will do anything to silence opposition to their political position.

If this is true, I will ask for whoever "harrassed" or told the owner they would be put of business to apologize. If this isn't true, then His Imperial Bagelness has lied. It would very easy to check out. I don't want this to go away without either an apology from whoever threatened to put this man out of business, or comment from the owner stating the statement above is false.

This needs to be resolved.

Rip Dinkle, over and out



#2 2009-08-07 11:42:21

Rip Dinkle here! I just spoke with the owner, and he said he didn't feel harrassed to stop carrying the Observer. He doesn't recall making a statemen to Rober Slager saying he was harrassed and told he would be put of business if he Sold the OTHER OBserver. He made the choice to not carry the paper on his own, not because anyone threatened him. He was not pleased that his phone number was published in the local newspaper. He commented on how a couple of local people (who shall remain nameless for now) offered to answer his phone while he took care of customers and he appreciated their effort. :)
What we have here is someone twisting the words of the owner to make him look like he caved to pressure, when he made the decision on his own. Sounds like the whole silent protest all over again!

Rip Dinkle...over and out.



#3 2009-08-07 13:41:33

This is posted 8/7/09 on The Wareham Observer Website:

The Onset Village Market has caved to the pressure, harassment and intimidation of the power elite boycott and will no longer sell the Observer. If you are a supporter of this paper, please feel free to express your feelings to the owners. Tell them why free speech matters in this country. Then by all means feel free to do your shopping elsewhere if you so choose.
    Enough is enough. Nobody is forcing the power elite thought police to read the Observer. But these people have absolutely no right to tell you what you are allowed to read. That is fascism. Stand up against this kind of censorship. Please call the Onset Village Market and explain why the First Amendment matters in America. 1-508-291-1440.
   Also, the owners are now reportedly telling people they sold out of the paper this week and that is why they don't have any. This is not true! Although we sold all 80 copies that we left last week, we were prohibitated by the owners from dropping off new papers on Thursday! Ask the owners why!

I'm not sure what words are appropriate, however these may fit Mr Slager's language ( lies, mistruths, exagerations, hypothetical etc....)

On Wed night 8/5, at 9:10pm, there were a stack of at least 25 Wareham Observers sitting on the shelf. Which makes me wonder which of the listed words above can be tied to his comments about selling out the paper last week.

To quote the owner, "They come about noon, I am giving him that stack of papers, getting my money, and no more Observer in this store"

Now while it is possible that 20 plus people came in, the last 20 minutes and bought a paper that was already a week old, or the owner threw them out and paid cash for his full allotment, just a hypothetical, but I think maybe somebody miscounted...



#4 2009-08-07 13:48:57

I received another letter from The Wareham Observer, this one had Robert Slager at the bottom of it. In it he make some pretty strong statements. So here's what I am going to do. We are taking a few days off on the boat, then on Sunday night or Monday, I will be running the Slager Challenge.

I will publish the letter, and you will be challenged to present the facts. For those of you that have archived his paper and comments you will have an advantage. Then using Mr Slager's standard (the same standard he has held Bob Brady and others too) we will compile his answers.

The top three posters with the most "facts" to support their post will  receive a prize, donated by me. The Grand Prize is a secret, you will find that out when you read his letter.

Have a great weekend and get ready for the Slager Challange




#5 2009-08-07 17:33:41

I can't wait to play!



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