#1 2009-07-29 21:02:26

Good evening all, and most certainly to Mr. Brady in his endeavor.

When I initiated the post " the Courier weighs in", there were elements of the meeting which surely would draw the attention of the Politburo and its Pravda-by-the-sea mouthpiece. These, we have seen. But, even an old, wizened rapscallion like me could not have foreseen the playing of the race card. How vile, disgusting and loathsome. In other words, just what we should have expected.

But: is it over? (picture John Belushi in 'Animal House"). Not until THEY say its over. So, what;s next?

Forgive me Molly, but I peeked at the forbidden website and saw a hint (to me anyway) of the next step. the obfuscator allowed that he had information that had been leaked to him about the infamous audit. He claimed that there was information that was either life-changing or career-changing. What could it be? theft? running a business on the Town's computers/network? My money is on child porn.

Now, I AM guessing here. But, how about a strategic leak in the next few
hours, causing the real journalsts to chase down the details. Meanwhile, the important stuff, like Mr. Brady's meeting; is lost between the Sturm und Dang created at the meeting access point by someone who doesn't want to REPORT the news, but wants to BE the news; and the leaked info from the Town-wide audit.

right out of the Soviet playbook.

It is hard to believe that one small Town has come to all of this.



#2 2009-07-29 21:23:33

I really think that it's premature and dangerous to even begin to speculate on what might be found as a result of the assessment ordered by the BOS.  Sure they might leak something, but speculation like that just gives Slager the ability to twist it and say "see!  even the bloggers think that there's corruption throughout wareham!" when that is clearly not your intent here.



#3 2009-07-29 21:41:23

If they found anything criminal and didn't immediately refer to it to law enforcement, they screwed the pooch again. They have blown the chain of evidence and may even be obstructing justice. My guess is that they'll scrape together some sort of administrative complaint and use that to bash selected employees on the head. Funny how they insist on their prerogatives as selectmen in getting information while they give the finger to citizens whose prerogative is to inspect all sorts of public documents these birds won't reveal. I still want to see that elusive Kopelman & Paige letter threatening to cut them off.



#4 2009-07-29 21:47:09

My guess it was an elaborate scheme to suspend the police chief for the third time, thus warranting a termination. That would be based on simple violations of the computer policy of course. You see, he was the supervisor, and he should of caught that.

Of course that's in addition to finding out who those nasty bloggers are. No not the ones critical of them... The ones that scared away their witness in another termination perhaps?



#5 2009-07-29 21:55:49

good point flyspeck - there are certain things where, if discovered, the person who discovers it has an immediate responsibility to report to law enforcement.  Child pornography is most definitely on that list.



#6 2009-07-30 07:37:05

The big question is how is the town--we the people--paying for this. Here is what I have heard--so take it with a grain of salt although my source is trustworthy. If anyone else at the fin com  meeting, or who heard the same things wants to confirm this, please do so. Note that unlike certain supposed journalists, I don't report something as true without evidence.

Apparently, at t recent fin com meeting--open to the public by the way--the ITA was asked that very question--how will we pay for this? At first, he refused to or chose not to answer. Later, he said it would be charged to each of the departments.


IF this is true--it is the height of fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY.  The departments are operating on a shoe string as it is. People have been laid off, hours have been cut. And now the departments are being punished by having their budgets cut to pay for this debacle? Plus, some departments like the police and library have many computers where the municipal maintenance has fewer. So if the departments get charged by the computer it would be a disaster, although I am not sure if that is the plan or if it would be divided equally. Just expressing my opinion here.

Finally---we heard they were hiring a new TA , a new library director and a new planner. Are they putting off these hires along with a new police chief to save money for the town? The town is foundering without good leadership and strong department heads etc. This would be another example of poor fiscal responsibility. Those funds are there in the original budgets and people should be hired to fill the positions.

Yet another reason to show up tonight to help Wareham become a vital, functioning town once again.



#7 2009-07-30 09:13:36

One question to ask tonight, if the BOs are in fact present and even if they are not.......... Were the computers in the Town Clerk's office audited?

I have heard, that a close relative of the Clerk told a co-worker that the audit was initiated to find out who called the Clerk "a baboon" on this website.

If her office was the only office whose computers were not audited, this comment might have some validity. There would be no reason to check computers in the Clerk's office if the audit was initiated to find out who the person was who made a nasty remark about her? No one in "her" office would have made that comment, so why check those computers.



#8 2009-07-30 11:11:30

What if, just what if, someone in the clerk's office did make the comment just to stir the pot so to speak? In any investigation it is prudent to start with the people closest to the "victim" in this case and branch out from there.



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