#66 2009-07-28 17:47:31

The School Board is an entirely different entity.
Believe me, based on experience, no-one on the School Board is afraid of the Selectmen.



#67 2009-07-28 17:52:02

So is Sweet Brucey going to pay for the room if this has been hijacked into a selectmen's meeting?

This sounds like a desperate power play where they are trying to seize control of the meeting by declaring it a BOS meeting, thus allowing them to put Sweet Brucey in charge of the meeting.  Then you would only hear from the cronies and the dissenters would be shut out, or maybe they'd just declare an end to the meeting altogether.

My God, the levels they will stoop to to crush all dissent is "staggering."  They apparently have alot to hide.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-07-28 17:56:17)



#68 2009-07-28 18:06:24

If the bos  have posted a meeting, then it has to be officially opened by the bos, doesn't it? So, are they saying Mr. Brady is no longer in charge of this meeting? If they don't open the meeting, then it is right back to being a meeting for the people who were invited---those unhappy with the way the town is being governed.

Someone--sweet b-- needs to take another chill pill.

It is clear that they are panicked by this otherwise, why bother with a bunch of "dim-witted clowns"??



#69 2009-07-28 18:17:02

Not sure what to make of it at this point.  They really are throwing out all the stops to stop this meeting from happening.

I'm sure donations could be collected to rent a private venue if that would be what is needed to keep these thugs from crushing dissent, but if the organizer of this meeting is taking a stand, he is within his rights.  He rented the room.  If the selectmen want it, they should pay for it.



#70 2009-07-28 18:22:34

They are creating more problems for their public image by these actions.

First they tried with "you can't keep us out" to race baiting to ACLU to booking the same meeting. All actions of very desperate people. And it solidifies there revenge driven agenda.

Don't buy into their bullshit! Attend the meeting. At least they'll get an earful of all the bad they've done.



#71 2009-07-28 18:34:49

C'mon urneighbor, you gotta give me the A+.
Wareham's politics is playing right in because its all about
having control.  Control the media (Bobo), control the employees
by intimidation, control the venue and control the crowd.
I think its time to break the cycle.  Join me on Thursday.
They have to "post" if a mojority want to attend MY meeting.
If they don't, they would be in violation (AGAIN) of the open
meeting laws.  What they and Bobo fail to admit is that it's still
not a "open public meeting" for that space during that same time;
unless of course the BOS/Town want to pay the rent.  And we all
know they wasted the money on the AUDIT that they didn't have.



#72 2009-07-28 18:53:01

Bob, okay you get the rare A +

In fact Bill W and everyone who posted here deserve it too.

I'll be following the news online from Washington DC.

What morons.

If they wanted to diminish your influence and that of this website they'd have ignored you. Now they are giving you tremendous publicity.



#73 2009-07-28 18:58:43


Think about it. If there was no rag and no ragboy who has twisted the truth at every turn, I'm pretty sure the media would be invited to this gig. The courier and the st are real newspapers and would give us a fair shake.

Ragboy is the one who accused us of breaking the law, being racist, using town property improperly etc. If there had been no rag, we wouldn't be dealing with this distraction right now.

So, the sooner we can see the back side of ragboy--no, please don't post that photo again!--the better off we all will be.

What kind of unbelievably pathetic life will ragboy then have if he actually comes to this site and doesn't see his own name?



#74 2009-07-28 19:02:55

Is there a BOS meeting tonight?



#75 2009-07-28 19:14:57

Hamatron5000 wrote:

Is there a BOS meeting tonight?

The streaming webcast address has timed out all evening and there's no posted ajenda, I'm guessing no.

Last edited by billw (2009-07-28 19:15:41)



#76 2009-07-28 19:35:29

After a brief discussion with a person at the ACLU, they weren't aware of the meeting. I guess someone forgot to inform the ACLU they were investigating? At any rate, maybe it would be a good thing to have the ACLU involved in our town????



#77 2009-07-28 19:59:26

Larry, I'm sure you didn't believe that he actually made the call. Exposing his lies is always a good thing, so thanks for that.

If he is true to form, ragboy is writing his story with allegedly--who alleged it?--reportedly--who reported it?--supposedly--who supposed it?--etc. etc. Pure bull.

But since you called, did you ask by any chance if you can have an invitation only meeting in a public building? Does the media have some sort of permission from god to enter every public building in the country at any time?

I refuse to read the article/rag. Did he say the bos definitely posted a meeting? Those of us who get the email notices should be getting one then with an agenda. I think if they post a meeting they have to have an agenda. My email box is empty, but maybe it hasn't been posted yet. Or maybe ragboy is writing more fiction and baseless speculation.

Tuesdays are quite dull without being able to watch the bos abuse another citizen or embarrass themselves by saying something crude and inappropriate.



#78 2009-07-28 20:12:10

I forwarded everything they asked for and gave them a brief overview. They lady said thank you and would let me know if anything develops.



#79 2009-07-28 20:46:11

They have to post if a mojority will be anywhere. It's not their meeting, my how something simple stirs the pot.

Let's keep our eye on the ball.If any of them try to speak I would hope Bob treats them in the manner they treat us when we try to speak at the BOS meeting



#80 2009-07-28 22:36:41

Hamatron5000 wrote:

Not sure what to make of it at this point.  They really are throwing out all the stops to stop this meeting from happening.

I'm sure donations could be collected to rent a private venue if that would be what is needed to keep these thugs from crushing dissent, but if the organizer of this meeting is taking a stand, he is within his rights.  He rented the room.  If the selectmen want it, they should pay for it.

If you reserve a church for any kind of service, you cannot deny anyone from entering.  If you reserve a hall, school auditorium or any other building and pay for it from private funding, only you have the final say as to who will enter or not.  A WHS basketball game, example.  You pay to enter, whether you get a seat or not.  If you don't pay, you don't get in.  Being in a public building means zip when a private party rents it.  Selectmen - scram, you lose.



#81 2009-07-28 22:43:09

So, here's a thought, could we sell 1 dollar tickets and donate the proceeds to charity?  And woops, we already sold all the tickets, sorry Sweet Brucey, you need to pay that dollar to the government anyway...



#82 2009-07-28 23:04:20

searay240 wrote:

Mr Brady is renting the space, I will support HIS invited guest LIST. As taxpayers we pay for that building too, I don't have kids in the Wareham school system so using the room for a few hours does not make me feel bad.

In terms of the press, if he wants to invite the press then do so, but Observer Media cannot just report on something without adding his hate, misleading comments. Invite the "real"reporters if any.

Imagine Observer Media suggesting that the Cape Verdean community, because WE elected Mr Cruz, should somehow not be welcome?????

The Cape Verdean community has done nothing to you Observer Media, except live in a community, where they actively participate, work, pay taxes and contribute to a better quality of living for all of us. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF for including them in your hate comments. I for one am very proud to have Mr Cruz on our BOS.


Amen!  I am not Cape Verdean, but I know enough of the history of Wareham that the CV's were the people who worked and made our cranberry bogs, built our roads and bridges in construction teams and represented Wareham in all our military branches at all times.  How dare you try to make a meeting to better Wareham into a race issue.  I am FUMING!!!



#83 2009-07-28 23:40:40

Bobo is interviewing himself again. Molly, like you, I just want him to go away. Maybe Bobo,Sweet Brucie, Brenda, Coleman(too many to list), can go form their own town and call it "Assville" or something. They've brought Wareham close to it already. But if the state told them to call Wareham "Assville", they'd just disregard the ruling anyway.



#84 2009-07-29 06:49:55

A Cape Verdean couple has inquired about placing an ad in the Observer under the name “Cape Verdeans for Free Speech in Wareham.” They told the Observer that many in the Cape Verdean community who have supported the selectmen are irate that they will be excluded from attending Brady’s meeting.
    “Racism is alive and well in Wareham,” the woman said, noting that all the board members of the Citizens for a Better Wareham are Caucasian. “We will not put at the back of the bus in our own town.”
    When asked if the Observer could print her name, she declined.




#85 2009-07-29 07:36:55

I feel sorry for people who read the lies in the rag and believe them. In my opinion, ragboy has done more harm to this town than anyone could ever imagine.

Of course, how do you know this is not another example of ragboy's fiction? The fact that he keeps adding in these little tidbits should be a clue that he is just doing this to get a response.

So many on this site agree with me that it is not worth looking at the rag, but when someone does, we all get upset about what he says. Can't we all see that he is doing this as a way to get to us? Don't let him win.

How do we fight it? Don't look at what he writes, and if you have to look, DON'T RESPOND TO IT.

The CV community is smarter than what ragboy presents--so shame on him for presenting the CV's as unable to do something as simple as inquiring about the meeting before making this a racist issue. The ad in the courier and the st is clear--anyone who is unhappy with the way the town is being run should come to the meeting. There are no qualifiers as to race, religion, or degree of power eliteness.

Forget all this bos/ragboy posturing and attend the meeting if you care about Wareham.



#86 2009-07-29 08:01:49

You shouldn't get too upset since only 8-12 readers at any one time are actually going to read what he writes. And most of them are us.



#87 2009-07-29 08:12:57

I am furious that Bobo has tried to turn this into a race issue. For me this takes the tryng to spread the word to boycott his paper to a new level. I love the village store in Onset, but the next time I'm in there I am going to tell the new owner that if he continues to sell Bobo's garbage rag, I and my friends will no longer shop at the his store.

Dirt bag Bobo has also said that he has "hired" new freelance reporters, he must be paying them with bagels. You can bet one of those "freelance reporters" is Larry Gaines. Larry is a strong supporter of Bobo because he has figured out all you have to do is buy him a bagel and he will write any article you want. Larry also makes sure the garbage rag is distributed to the people who receive meals on wheels. This may not sound like a big deal but you have to understand that for a lot of seniors the rag is the only paper they read. It's delivered to them FREE and FREE copies are left at the multi service center. They believe the crap that Bobo writes, they think because it is in the paper it must be true.



#88 2009-07-29 08:19:52

He lists Paul Shooter as a freelancer. Sounds made up to me.

Listen, this is exactly the reaction bobo wants from you. Don't buy into it.

Now I don't know Bob Brady, but I suspect that he will let EVERYONE in, causing bobo and BOS to look horrible for having suggested otherwise. I'm sure it was Brady's intention all along....

Let bobo and BOS make themselves look foolish



#89 2009-07-29 09:20:48

commonsense wrote:

Let bobo and BOS make themselves look foolish

Don't you mean AGAIN? They are experts at this. They do something every week that makes them look foolish.

Most of us would stop acting that way through embarrassment, but these wing nuts don't ever get embarrassed.

Their hubris and sense of entitlement will be their ruination.

And I encourage you all to continue to boycott businesses where the rag is sold. The rag, by encouraging racist issues in Wareham is the absolute worst tabloid ever to hit the presses. Didn't we learn by the recent racist problem in Cambridge that these things get out of control? If ragboy loves this town like he always claims, why would he encourage a racial divide?

IN MY OPINION he is lower than scum. Wareham has a diverse community and we should celebrate every citizen and his or her right to live here without being hassled.



#90 2009-07-29 09:26:03

He always throws in "racism is alive and well in Wareham" when he's losing the fight. Only this time he attributed the quote to an "un-named source"

that is the lowest of the low for political tactics. I can't imagine the CV community supports him that much since he is so quick to throw out racism with ZERO EVIDENCE to back it up.



#91 2009-07-29 15:40:27




#92 2009-07-29 16:11:41

What a lucky coincidence for Bobo that his anonymous source speaks exactly the same as his writing style, expressed pretty much word for word the same criticism he has made of Bob Brady, and used the "racism is alive and well in Wareham" quote that Bobo has used in many past writings.

Bobo, if you want to help Wareham, close your paper and resign immediately.  Race baiting is not going to help you sell your papers.  I thought after 4 years of utter failure to turn a profit, you'd realize that the people of Wareham have rejected you and NOTHING will help you sell your papers.  Certainly not this pathetic stunt.

If you really care about the Cape Verdean community as much as you claim to, you would start looking at them as human beings, and not political poker chips to throw down when all other attempts to crush anti-BOS dissent fail.



#93 2009-07-29 17:24:48

Keep your eyes on the S-T I beleive they have received a letter to the editor about this shameful comment....more to follow



#94 2009-07-29 17:30:25

PS. It's been several days now that the comment was made, is there anyone on this Board of Selectmen that has the guts to stand up to Observer Media and demand an apology to all citizens of Wareham / Onset??
Imagine how their fellow Board member Mr Cruz feels, I'm sure he realizes that the comment / suggestion came from Observer Media, and no way represents the organizers of the community meeting, and his Chairman gave many alleged comments to Slager, the first one should have been "I will have no comment for your media outlet until you apologize to my citizens" Again it's been a few days Mr Chairman, does your silence mean you agree with Observer Media???



#95 2009-07-29 17:50:37

I spoke with an attorney at ACLU today. She informed me there is NO investigation and there was never an investigation. According to her, the first call she had about it was me. I also spoke about the fact that the Wareham Observer is stoking the flames for racial tension. She said the wording of the invitation does not exclude anyone based on race, religion, or gender, so it is NOT an issue. Now, she also said the ACLU would be more apt to back Mr. Brady and his right to hold a private meeting.

Basically, any reference to this being a racial issue has been manufactured by someone who insists on disrupting the meeting.

Come on folks, it's a simple thing. If you feel that Wareham needs a chance in their leadership, please attend. If not, then don't.



#96 2009-07-29 18:12:00

Those of us who have lived a lifetime here embrace all our citizens, white, black, pink, purple, Cape Verdian, Irish, Asian, and so on. We love our neighbors like our own family. Your race baiting is sick and offensive to me personally. The Cape Verdian community has been a big part of Wareham/Onset for hundreds of years, in fact, many of them consider themselves caucasian, just check the census. Caucasians and Cape Verdians marry and have beautiful families. Many new people in town embrace the diversity, welcoming the opportunity to teach their children that race doesn't matter. In a time when our state has its first African American Governor and our country the first President who is also half African American, one can see that there is truly a turning point. Society as a whole has decided that race is not important, people are important.
I hope the CV community stands up for themselves and stops letting you use them to further your own agenda. While I am not CV, my sister is married to a CV and I know my brother-in-law is sick over what you have written. I am sick over what you have written. Never in all my years has race been an issue until you came to town.

Disclaimer: The above comment is the OPINION of the author and is protected under the First Ammendment.



#97 2009-07-29 18:45:04

I am furious! I just read the article on his website and he KNOWS what the attorney said, so why continue this farce? There is no investigation, no civil rights violation, and to state anything different is a lie! What makes me even more upset is he is in a position to defuse the situation, but won't do it. A simple statement that the invitation does NOT exclude anyone based on race, gender, or religtion would suffice. TO compare the meeting to a gender lawsuit is ludicrous! 

This is the type of reporting that should result in paid advertisers rethinking their advertising dollars. No one has the right to incite racial tension a destroy a community or town.



#98 2009-07-29 18:50:59

Maybe you should call the ACLU and have them send him a statement, if he is printing something he knows to be untrue which is damaging to their reputation it is libel.



#99 2009-07-29 19:14:04

This is from a man who claims he loves Wareham so much that he "reportedly" works 80 hours a week to bring truth to us poor ignorant souls.

How did all this racist rhetoric begin--he said the CV community supported some of the bos, so he claimed they would be banned from the July 30th meeting. He is the only one who ever made that false claim.

A totally asinine moronic statement that had not one shred of truth, and yet he has gotten so many people upset and hurt--especially the Cape Verdeans. While I don't believe what he says, the part about the elderly CV couple making claims of racism in the rag---well that is just sad.

That the ragboy would use racism to get more people to read his rag is the lowest form of human behavior I have seen in this town. And for a "supposed" journalist to do it? Beneath the dignity of the lowest scum of the earth.

He doesn't love Wareham---he loves himself and will do anything regardless of how self-serving it is and regardless of how much he hurts innocent people.

Does this convince you not to read the rag? It should. Using his rag for toilet paper is too good for it. And Ms Lilly wonders why I want people to boycott the businesses that advertise in the rag and boycott the rag by not reading it.



#100 2009-07-29 20:05:59

i boycott any body who advertides in the rag ,and anybody who sells the rag,  boycott boycott . boycott , boycott.



#101 2009-07-29 20:14:00

QUOTH BOBO THE HOBO - "We will also send multiple new freelancers that we have hired for the event to insure that the people of Wareham get a full and accurate report of what transpires."

I just hope none of them speak in rhyme or have stolen cars from freemason halls.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-07-29 20:15:37)



#102 2009-07-29 20:28:32

There is no investigation, no civil rights violation, and to state anything different is a lie!

The thing that kills me is that instead of the typical gross lies, this statement is technically true, though wildly misleading.  "The American Civil Liberties Union has now been contacted by multiple people regarding the "Community" meeting." - yeah, sure.  Bobo called, and Larry called.  Technically that sentence is true, but his obvious intent is to make readers think that the whole world is up in arms about it.  I'm not sure what's worse as a "journalist" - blatantly making stuff up, or sneaking crap like this through



#103 2009-07-29 20:40:28

I'm curious about something I read today. Basically, there is nothing we can do except reach out the CV community and explain that they are being mislead by reporting, but there is nothing we can do about his type of reporting...UNLESS....if there is any type of situation that can directly linked to the misleading statement, then it can be called INCITING a racial situation.

So, does that mean he can be held liable for any sort of misconduct that may result? I don't know the answer, but I guess if he can use court cases to make a point, so can we?



#104 2009-07-29 20:44:50

While we're discussing dubious journalistic ethics, Bobo has updated the "Tension Boils Over" article at least EIGHT times today, without once notifying the reader that it has been updated.  These updates include:

1.  Initial posting
2.  Adding a sentence about a group of bloggers planning on boycotting distributors of the rag
3.  Adding a comma to fix his grammar in the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph
4.  Changing "A protest has been scheduled" to "A protest by residents has been scheduled"
5.  Adding that Geoff Swett is on the school committee
6.  Noting that the ACLU attorney basically said he's an idiot (cleverly phrased as "it would be hard to prove").  Note that he also added this to the post about the Courier and the Rag "joining together" or whatever it was he said to try to gain some credibility by linking himself to the Courier.
7.  Removing the sentence "If Brady and his supporters were seeking to unify this fractured community, it appears to have backfired in a big, big way."
8.  Adding "The plaintiff would also have to prove that the Wareham Middle School is a place of public accomodation. (SIC)" and the remainder of that paragraph. 

I know this type of unethical behavior is no surprise to long-time readers, but it's just one more tick mark on the list of crap they've been getting away with for too long.  I remember back when he posted the email addresses of numerous residents, then took the post down after getting called on it and claimed it was never there.  Anybody know if such actions are actually illegal, or just unethical?



#105 2009-07-29 20:55:56

I'm not sure if this is unethical, but it certainly wrong. He has the ability to diffuse the situation. I know he talked to the attorney from ACLU and I know she told him the same thing as me. He knows there is no evidence that ANYONE has been excluded based on race, religion, or gender. He also knows they would support Mr. Brady's right to have a private meeting in a public building. So, based on all that, he could make the statement that there is no evidence of racial exclusion, but that would not play into his plan to disrupt the meeting. So, he wants to make a big scene. How about when people of all races, gender, and religion show up at the meeting because they are unhappy with the Selectmen? Is he going to be shouting that we are discriminating?

If you read the legitimate papers, there is not a mention of this. WHy is that? Because they are not out to disrupt the meeting.

If you ever needed a reason to be unhappy with the Selectmen, it's their constant effort to bully people into not attending. That is more of a reason to attend! Come on out and let's get started on Taking Back Wareham.



#106 2009-07-29 21:02:48

Listen, don't feed into it. Acknowledging his stupidity makes him feel important.

16 people left feedback on his story! 16!

How many replied and viewed this thread?

Oh yeah, sixteen ppl are up in arms. Good for them!



#107 2009-07-29 21:09:29

I just saw a new update that the anonymous source noted that all members of the CBW Board are caucasion.  That's on top of several changes to the "souce's" statements throughout the day.  Is this source calling him every 5 minutes to throw in changes or what?

Hey Bobo, how many minorities does Ragserver Multi-Mega Media employ? Well, I mean back in the day when you employed people and it wasn't just you interviewing yourself?

Bobo, last I checked, you're caucasion.  The two main writers you USED to have were both old as the hills white ladies.  I've never seen anyone from any minority group reporting any news for you buddy, so how does that argument you use against the CBW work for you?  Might want to rethink it.

This race baiting is pathetic.  Whatever the selectmen have to hide is not worth it.  Selling your papers when your paper doesn't turn a profit by your own admission isn't worth it either.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-07-29 21:12:14)



#108 2009-07-29 21:18:29

Ham, I believe the (completely irrelevant) comment about CBW members being Caucasian was in there from the beginning - it was at least there the first time I saw the article this morning.



#109 2009-07-29 21:23:17

You ever see that movie The Neverending Story?  Bobo has the neverending column.  This column gets changed every 5 minutes.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-07-29 21:44:56)



#110 2009-07-29 21:59:41

This is my last post for awhile. I got into this to facilitate change. I've watched elected officials concoct a plan to disrupt a meeting in order to bully anyone who stands against them. I've watched a poor excuse for a reporter create racial tension and fuel it because he isn't invited. This isn't democracy, this is a group of people that do NOT deserve to be called leaders in this community. I am angering and saddened. They will never apologize for their actions or take the blame for childish acts that have real world consequences.

I hope this brings the community to their senses and vote these fools out. As far as Slager, you reap what you sow. You might want to start making excuses to your advertisers, they will certainly not be happy with your latest shenanigans.



#111 2009-07-29 22:05:22

Larry, this is not the time to quit. This moment is pivotal.



#112 2009-07-29 22:20:46

Sorry Fly, I didn't say I will stop furthering the movement, I just am tired of posting. I will speak openly in public and continue to correspond with State officials. I will also put all my support into two good qualified candidates. I just want to stop posting because my anger and frustration with the fools has reached a point that anything I say will be laced with anger.

We will win in April. Good people with sense are seeing the Selectmen and their pit bull for what they are. If i had crystal balls like our bagel eating buddy, I would predict two new Selectmen and a for rent sign where the Observer used to be.  (free members only jacket!)

Enough said....messages and email are welcome!  Take Wareham back!



#113 2009-07-30 00:18:36

There need to be 2 viable candidates that will work together with the best interests of the town in mind, not self serving primadonnas. Two candidates with similar morals and political beliefs.

Too many lives have been adversly effected by the current board.

It is my hope that action and resolve, not apathy and complacancy are prevalent in April.



#114 2009-07-30 10:10:05

BOBO announces a protest in his paper called "TAKE BACK WAREHAM FROM THE HATERS."

Bobo, that is big of you to realize that you are a hater, that your hatred has ripped this town apart for years, and you realize this and are protesting against yourself.  Please interview yourself after and let us know how it went.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-07-30 10:12:57)



#115 2009-07-30 12:24:50

I have had several conversations with media, residents, lawyers, and government agencies. Each one I spoke with condemned Rober Slager for taking this meeting in a "dangerous, and irresponsible" direction. I don't have the words to express my disbelief, anger, and sadness that someone with such an evil agenda has created a destructive path for the very same people he claims to care about. I also stand in disbelief that the Selectmen, who KNOW where this is leading, sit quietly by and watch. Despite whatever differences they have with Mr. Brady or the meeting, they could calm the tension as only a responsible town leader should do. Instead, they show their true colors by silence. Is it any wonder there is a grassroots effort for change in Wareham?

Last edited by Larry McDonald (2009-07-30 12:40:03)



#116 2009-07-30 14:57:51

Our bos and moderator are not really sitting quietly and watching. By "posting" their own meeting at the same time and by John D's email with racial overtones (see the other thread), they are actively promoting and supporting slager. And they are increasing the tension.

And these are the same people parading Duval Patrick around last night! They are promoting and condoning slager's racist rhetoric while you know it would be something that Patrick, as a black man, would be as outraged by as you and I are. I am ashamed to admit I am a Democrat in this town. How humiliating. And I think if someone gets a hold of John D's email they should forward it to the governor. He would expect his Wareham Democrats to be diffusing a racial situation not creating it.

I hear that John D is a regular reader of this blog. I would say--you should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Donahue, but this is a guy who knows no shame. He is probably proud of this disruption of what had been a peaceful discussion about the situation in town and what could be done to improve it.

Let me say again and again--the only person who is responsible for this is slager.




#117 2009-07-30 17:33:54

hey folks - not sure if anybody on here "tweets", but this person claims they're going to be posting live from the meeting tonight: http://www.twitter.com/takebackwareham



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