#1 2009-07-08 08:08:50

bbrady wrote:

Mr. O'connell,  I have a question for you as I recognized your name from the title on record as a member of the Board of Selectmen from back in 1977.  As you likely recall, the Selectmen then voted and recorded the order of taking to condition any future development to include a "school, municipal buildings, and/or recreational, playground or park purposes".  I'm not sure if you are aware but the current BOS want to develop the site with affordable housing and they've never acquired a vote of town meeting to modify the condition within the title to do so.  My question is, how might you suggest to our leaders the proper way to proceed ?

This should be its own topic for discussion, rather than at the end of another thread.



#2 2009-07-08 08:12:41

Sorry, I answered the question in the previous posting.



#3 2009-07-08 08:48:31

Here was the answer....

The only way to rescind a previous vote or edict  by a former BOS is to have the curent BOS vote to rescind, and bring it to Town Meeting for approval. The BOS have no right to arbitrarily overturn a previous BOS ruling without clear input from the Town Meeting members, the ultimate authority.
Low income housing is not going to resolve the problems that Wareham faces now. It will only impact services far beyond what can be repaid by taxpayers monies and will eventually result in a short fall because the need for infrastructure and maintaining roads, etc. will far exceeed what can be brought in with tax money. Very bad idea.



#4 2009-07-08 08:55:08

I agree with you Mr. O'Connell (can I call you Dan ?) but this current "compliment" (pun intended) of leaders doesn't care to listen to the authority of our community and instead think that they are the ultimate authority and that they have a mandate by the people to undo all the "corruption" that exists in Wareham.  Their leadership is the worse corruption I've seen since the Charter was adopted.  This Westfield project has been a complete waste of time and money that could be well better spent on legitimate agenda items.

Last edited by bbrady (2009-07-08 09:25:07)



#5 2009-07-08 08:58:37

Thanks commonsense, you were just minutes ahead of me.  I wasn't sure how to bring his response forward from the other thread.  I'm admittedly not as computer literate as I'd like to be and I'm just newly registered to this site so I'll need to get use to it.



#6 2009-07-08 10:14:29

I follow in the footsteps of bbrady regarding proficiency in computers.
I urge everyone to please call me Dan.
I appreciate your e-mail bbrady, and for the benefit of everyone who visits this site, bbrady knows what he is talking about, and without divulging any information he doesn't wish to disclose, he has served Wareham in many capacities for many years and is devoted to the Town and concerned for Wareham's future.
I have no doubt that the people who visit this site, as I have stated before, can and will change things. It must be done the right way and you can accomplish it better than you even know.



#7 2009-07-08 10:20:06

I forgot to mention...you never know who visits this site. I have heard from many people I haven't seen or spoken to in over 30 years that are the ones that need to be involved in order for you to change things. Hopefully, they have re-charged their batteries and want to jump into the fight again.



#8 2009-07-08 14:07:49

Dan,  It would appear the lines of communication have much improved upon your arrival at this site.  That is a good thing. 
I figure it this way.  Many of us have had time to vent and express our frustrations regarding many issues.
This town is a wonderful place that I feel was in desperate need of a few welcome changes and many are grateful.



#9 2009-07-08 19:56:51

I can count the number of people who are thankful for what our town has become on one hand.



#10 2009-08-29 14:45:35

I'm bringing this thread back as the Westfield matter needs to stay on the front burner.  Since Sweet Brucey's Q & A, I'm still awed that he, in his infinite
wisdom, is of the mindset that the BOS, back in 1977, did something inappropriate in an attept to justify his wrongful actions in proposing any development on the Westfield site without the approval of a town meeting vote to modify the conditioned use on record at the registry.  I've heard both
Jane D. and now B.S. state that they can simply undo the action, taken by the
BOS back in 1977, on their own.  I've also heard it stated that the message heard by the voters at TM was "to come back with a difinitive plan".  I can share that voters discussed a whole host of issues, first and foremost that the location was not ideal for senior living AND that it was the Fin Com's (and only the Fin Com's) recommendation to "defer action...until there is a difinitive project".
The proposed development of this site has changed a number of times now over the last two years while there still has NOT been a vote of TM to change the allowed uses.
The town owns sites that are in a much better location than the Carver town line.  I would urge that we consider them, like Map 41 - Lot P-1 (25 Ac.+).  Its located between Brandy Hill and Great Neck Rd.  OR, why not add on to the units at Agawam ?  Second floors ?  Already on municipal sewer...
Like Sweet Brucey has suggested, "we need to have an open mind" so let's consider alternative sites.



#11 2009-08-29 15:42:10

bbrady wrote:

I'm bringing this thread back as the Westfield matter needs to stay on the front burner.  Since Sweet Brucey's Q & A,

New fast-tracked reinvented RFP, questionable trust fund finances being used,
has been shot down numerous times, Title issues, etc..

Let's get a clear list of issues with the Westfield Project to be entered at any/all public outlets (meetings,media, etc.) I contacted dsmith at the Courier in hopes of getting a list of "counter-point" questions to look at or at least get an idea to present at this site, to see if there are any takers to the offer posted in the comments section of Sweet Brucie's Q & A. No response yet. Here's the post from the comments area:

You raise some interesting additional points that should be part of the ongoing discussion of this project. I would note, though, that the questions asked in this piece were taken from questions people have been asking online, so I'm not sure how this 'proves' that anyone has been sweet talked into anything. A Q&A is perhaps the most transparent form of journalism: You see the questions, you see the answers. Our goal was to address some of the issues by asking one of the project's most vocal proponents. His answers are on record now, so anyone who would like to dispute his responses in our paper is more than welcome to do so -and always has been. I would welcome a counterpoint Q&A, so anyone who wants to step up can e-mail me at dsmith@cnc.com or call 508-591-6610. We can 'provide vehicles' for more than one side."

http://www.wickedlocal.com/wareham/news … -Sauvageau


Last edited by PShooter (2009-08-29 16:32:02)



#12 2009-08-29 16:17:52

On another thread I read that by not appointing Housing Trust Authority Trustees to handle the trust fund, the bos were violating a MGL. If this is so, does anyone know if this has been reported? Is something being done about this?

If so, then the whole project may go down the tubes.

I don't think you can easily "undo" a previous town meeting vote.  That land was taken with certain intentions. If those intentions are violated, it would seem like citizens of the town could take legal action.

Now that I've said this, I realize that the only people who really benefit from more legal action are K and P and the town's insurance company lawyers. Imagine---if this bos resigned immediately, we could save so much money in legal fees that maybe we could hire back a few employees that were let go. My understanding (at least in the past) is that we have a $10,000 deductible on the town's indemnity insurance policy. I don't think that is annual. I think it is by the case.

Municipal Maintenance and the Library staff are still working their back sides off because they lost so many people or hours were cut down so that the services to the town, through no fault of those employees, are adversely affected. We pay taxes for those services, not to pay K and P to do the bos's bidding or to represent them in their legal shenanigans. This, of course, is just my opinion.

Last edited by Molly (2009-08-29 16:18:51)



#13 2009-08-29 17:01:46

Aww, I see Bobo has on his site "Brady Blasts Ragserver."  I want to read the Bobo blast but I don't want to give him 5 bucks.  Especially now that dissenters are not welcome over there.



#14 2009-08-29 17:08:04

He tries to discredit Bob at every turn, because they see him as a threat, politically. They'll do the same to ANY oppostion that comes forward. Kill it before it grows-Bob Marley




#15 2009-08-29 17:40:31

Re: "Brady blasts Ragserver"

Here's a chance to illustrate yet again the wisdom behind the Zen mindbender: "If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a noise?"

Think how frustrated Slager will be he doesn't get a rise out  anyone for  hurling a volley of Bobopoop! If you really want to see him become totally unhinged.....and who among us doesn't have that desire?.......let his insults and lies rot  on his side of The Five Dollar Line.



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