#1 2009-06-06 08:36:59
Here is a section from this week's rag:
Selectmen - Despite the vicious slander of the hate bloggers and the shamelessly self-serving reporting of the Courier and the Standard-Times, the Board of Selectmen has shown Wareham the kind of moral fiber necessary to institute real change in the community.
How to Use Libel vs. Slander Correctly
By eHow Education Editor
Learn when to use the term slander. Slander is used when the defamation of character is spoken. This can be person to person or a person speaking to many people. Say the term libel when referring to the written defamation of someone's character. Libel is the defamation of an individual's or an entity's character which is published in a written medium, such as a newspaper. However, any written communication can be libelous as long as it's transmitted to a third party.
Blogging--typed/written, not spoken, duh.
Shouldn't a real reporter know the difference? Oh right, the key term is "real." Ha ha.
And here is a definition for "self-serving.: interested only in yourself
So, tell me again how the ST and the Courier, by printing real articles that have been researched is self serving? I'm glad to see both real newspapers are interested in Wareham. Someone needs a dictionary.
And now--a few synonyms for "moral fiber" as in our esteemed selectmen
#2 2009-06-06 10:28:27
#3 2009-06-08 07:50:59
When you "libel" people in a pathetic excuse for a rag/newspaper but call it opinion, you get away with it. If he was writing a REAL article, he wouldn't hide behind his "in this corner" column where he can always claim it was his opinion.
A REAL reporter reports news and facts that are well researched. A REAL reporter like Urbon has cajones and doesn't hide. Count the number of reportedly's, allegedly's, supposedly's you find in the rag. No facts for miles around.
So, a column like his most recent where he takes pot shots at so many town employees past and present, is protected. Too much truthiness to my liking.
And imagine saying you got the "facts" from Bruce----the biggest liar in town---of course, that's just my opinion.
#4 2009-06-08 08:43:52
Hey I have an Idea. Why doesn't Bill W. simply change the home page front corner of this site from.... (Report your own Wareham news.No one else will.)
To: (State your own view points on Wareham News. No one else will.)
Using Slager's own logic against him. If all it takes to allow some one to state an Opinion about some one else is to make sure you post it in an opinion column. Then that simple title change would in theory not allow him to ever accuse this site of slander or libel again. What's fair is fair.
#5 2009-06-10 14:48:00
The ragboy's latest online crap about the ST reporter reads: Urbon’s first e-mail read “I want you to know that I have a recording of that encounter with (selectman Bruce) Sauvageau. I also want you to be careful of what you say about me, because I can be libeled. I am keeping track.”
Looks like the REAL reporter knows the difference between slander and libel. (See the first email in this thread)
Quite frankly, I can't wait for Urbon's next fastball. Let the games begin.
#6 2009-06-10 15:54:08
Molly wrote:
Looks like the REAL reporter knows the difference between slander and libel. (See the first email in this thread)
Sauvageau and Slager can present a challenge to those who've never visited the seamy underbelly of news reporting practiced in this country over the last 50 years; let's say the NYC newspaper strike of 1964.
In principal, it's simple. Target a vulnerable, under served media market, then lie, cheat and stuff your pockets as fast as you can. The only way Slager deviated from the usual script is by failing to skip town when he was ahead.
Sometimes, it even provides a valuable public service. Ill served communities see behind the curtain and realize they were tooled. Chastened newspaper chains mend their no account ways and begin to serve their weak markets, at least until the threat passes.
No, that didn't happen here.
Last edited by billw (2009-06-10 17:15:15)
#7 2009-06-11 19:56:36
In today's ST:
Bruce states: “I offered to resign because of your slanderous and ridiculous articles,” he said. The Standard-Times has reported on the difficulties in town’s ongoing computer audit, as well as Savageau’s federal and state income tax liens totaling more than $181,000.
I guess they don't teach them the difference between slander and libel at that law school Bruce goes to. Or, maybe he just missed class that day.
For Bruce In case he missed it above:
How to Use Libel vs. Slander Correctly
By eHow Education Editor
Learn when to use the term slander. Slander is used when the defamation of character is spoken. This can be person to person or a person speaking to many people. Say the term libel when referring to the written defamation of someone's character. Libel is the defamation of an individual's or an entity's character which is published in a written medium, such as a newspaper. However, any written communication can be libelous as long as it's transmitted to a third party.
How can an article be "spoken"? Brilliant Bruce. Good luck trying to pass the bar.
#8 2009-06-11 20:34:15
"I guess they don't teach them the difference between slander and libel at that law school Bruce goes to."
That law school has been turned down umpteen times for certification by the American Bar Association and their students have something like a 30% pass rate on the bar exam. That means it ranks even lower than the Appalachian Law School, located in, well...Appalachia.
Our fine Town Moderator Curly Shit-fer-brains is a typical example of a grad from that law school: twice-fired as Assessor, couldn't even keep a court goof-off job, and never passed the bar.
Last edited by Petethemeat (2009-06-11 20:35:22)
#9 2009-06-12 07:00:39
Is this the same law school that Bruce got student loans for by claiming he was employed by the town's Land Trust? That lie was exposed, but it never made the papers.
And didn't he default on those student loans?
I guess this guy doesn't think he has to pay his bills. I wonder if he stiffed the hotel in Mexico. Most of us can't afford to go off on vacations, but this guy seems to have enough money for play time.
He should hide his head in the sand on Swift's Beach. How can he hold a head that size up in public? He has no shame.
What a fine group of people we have representing us.
#10 2009-06-12 07:17:15
he also stated the town was his employer on a car loan which he defaulted on , as did brocton brenda who defaulted on her house loan which she said the town was her employer.