#1 2009-01-09 10:07:31
I'm willing to bet the reason Slager doesn't update the online version of the Rag is because he doesn't want us to tear it apart anymore.
Which is wonderful because it shows that we've gotten under his skin.
However, Slager continues to show his stupidity by thinking there's no way we can obtain information from his rag without paying.
#2 2009-01-09 10:30:58
I'm willing to bet the reason Slager doesn't update the online version is he thinks it will sell more papers as people's desire to read his paper will force them to shell out the cash. Yet another step on the staircase of mismanagement that the ragman is falling down.
#3 2009-01-09 12:47:41
The online version is now available....some of the front page stories are the same but most of the paper has been updated online. Anyway, on a seperate note, I've been following the attacks back and forth from Slager to the "hate bloggers" and from the "hate bloggers" to Slager and I get the political differences in town and understand each "side".
Saying that, I lived in town for 38 years and I've moved on. However, I still have family there, a lot of memories, a keen interest of what goes on back in Wareham and special place in my heart for the town. I'm really trying to be objective when I read the back and forth and I simply feel that both sides have a lot to be ashamed about. My opinion on things:
- That joke Bruce Savegeau is a power hungry, mean political figure that hides behind his claim to be looking out and acting on behalf of the taxpayers. His actions are a joke and for him to have been allowed to embarass himself and the town in public time after time; nevermind his legal issues, is a disgrace.
- Robert Slager's intent is to simply stir the pot and draw attention to his newspaper. Whether you agree with his position on things or not, his constant attempt to draw attention to himself and his paper and finding a way to draw himself and his paper into every news story is NOT journalism. Report the news in the "news" section, include ALL the facts and let the reader decide for himself his own opinion. He should put his opinion in his OPINION piece as is his right. This "me against the world" tactic does nothing but erode whatever credibility he has left. I never expect to go to that paper to get real news...just a slanted view of the news and that is not what a newspaper is suppose to be.
- The bashing of public officials on this site is unbelievably over the top....entertaining maybe....but just like Slager does with his drawing himself into every major news story, I feel this blog loses credibility by the childish comments, pictures and uncalled for bashing of our elected officials.
- There are good and talented current and former public officials on both sides of the political landscape in Wareham; yet each side refuses to work together and compromise on ANYTHING. It is disgusting and only hurts the citizens of that town.
- Why does the campaign in support of the library have to be called "Save the Library"? I love the library and wish it could be open 24 hours a day. For a town with almost zero in terms of services, this place is a gem. However, to use the library somehow to show that the BOS is mean and out to get their political opponents by trying to scare people into thinking that it is closing is ridiculous.
- The police in Wareham have one of the most difficult jobs in the state of Massachusetts....just look around at what they have to deal with!!! Wareham is not a sleepy town anymore; at least from a crime standpoint. They are dealing with dangerous weapons, drug trafficking, countless domestic disputes, miles of roads to supervise, countless warrants for the arrest of dangerous and irresponsible people, escalating seasonal population, etc, etc. It is remarkable to me to read the stories from back at home and the escalation of the type of crime that Wareham is faced with now...it is incredible and certainly doesn't get enough press. One day you read of a major counterfit operation, the next you are reading about a stabbing, the next a large scale drug bust, the next a brawl in the middle of Onset, and on and on and on and on...... it is amazing that there are not MORE incidents for which the police are critizized. Instead of the canned "most of the officers are great and work really hard", how about pointing out the good things they do, publicize the crime that they are fighting and garner public support rather than turning the public against the police...shame on the BOS and Slager.
Anyway, that's my take. Am I missing some facts or offbase on some things? Maybe, but I'm trying to look at things from a balanced point of view and all I see are two sides that refuse to work together.
#4 2009-01-09 14:14:02
i voice i appreciate and respect your commentary and to some degree agree with you, however, the refusal to work together is not a fair representation. we have a bos whose attitude and catch phrases are "i dont want to hear from you", "Im done with you" and "if you dont like it sue us" they have alienated citizens, volunteers, and employees alike.
they have repeatedly ignored the da's office regarding violation of meeting and minute laws.
they have decided against the advice of town council on some matters.
they have refused to release information on taxpayers dollars being spent on legal fees and settlements.
as far as your assessment on the cops i think you are right. initially i think their agenda was to oust the chief of police. unfortunately to that end they have created a rip in the publics trust in all police officers and seriously damaged the effectiveness and reputation of some others.
you can think some of the pictures or antics on this site are childish and without merit but i see it as comic relief in a shakespear tragedy. unlike the bos who essentially have their own cheerleading squad in the form of the observer newspapaer this is the townspeoples only available outlet to try to tell the truth and correct the lies and spin
#5 2009-01-09 14:19:46
IndependentVoice wrote:
- There are good and talented current and former public officials on both sides of the political landscape in Wareham
Maybe, back when the wives of Doctors Stillman and Lincoln ran Wareham, neighbor dogs owned the streets and summer beach people were simply endured. And gouged whenever possible. Back before most doctors and their wives moved to Marion or Monument.
Anymore, it's a closed shop, IV. You buy your way in, shut up about the distracting shenanigans and all blessings flow; a pay for play criminal enterprise. Tell me, please, how do you work with that?
The dead tree newspapers that cared are gone and Wareham's always shallow pool of political talent has mostly swum away.
#6 2009-01-09 15:49:22
I'm not disagreeing with anything you guys are saying. If you notice, my first point was about Bruce Savegeau and what he gets away with so I'm with you all the way on that point. I think, in fact, that he is so dominating and has so bullied the rest of the BOS that whatever effectiveness they are capable of is muted. I'm not saying the others are the best of what Wareham has to offer but his presence on that board makes them all look bad and makes the entire BOS ineffective. I think Potter has potential, I think Donahue is smart enough but too set in her ways, Cronan is Cronan and the other two...well.
As far as capable leaders in town, I'm not just talking those that are elected now but some that have formerly service or contribute as citizen's in the town meeting form of government. There really are people around town; elected or otherwise, who genuinely care about Wareham. You may not agree with everyone but don't we want to encourage a wide range of opinions and foster beneficial dialogue rather than simply rip every opposing opinion?
#7 2009-01-09 16:15:59
Just curious but why did you leave Wareham, IV?
#8 2009-01-10 06:58:29
billw wrote:
Just curious but why did you leave Wareham, IV?
I left for a better quality of life. I live in a town now out of state that actually has a government that works!! They have a 4.5 million dollar surplus, a number of capital projects ongoing and in the planning stages, unbelievable services like garbage collection, yard waste collection, an award winning park system, 2 dog parks, a top notch school system, etc, etc. I can't begin to explain the difference.
#9 2009-01-10 10:57:33
IndependentVoice wrote:
Instead of the canned "most of the officers are great and work really hard", how about pointing out the good things they do, publicize the crime that they are fighting and garner public support rather than turning the public against the police
That doesn't create controversy and sell newspapers. Sad but true.
If you turn the public against the police the public forgets about what YOU are getting away with.
#10 2009-01-10 12:18:29
Wow IV. What is the name of this magical state that you now live in?
#11 2009-01-11 12:10:34
Regarding "Save Our Library".... it has been a state-wide slogan used by the state library association because libraries have been at risk of deep budget reductions, closings, decertification, and generally being underfunded all over the Commonwealth. See the link http://www.masslib.org/saveourlibraries/index.htm
Wareham's library was definitely at risk and was seriously cut, so that slogan sounds appropriate to me. In-print, on television and off-the-record statements by leaders documented that closing the library was a consideration. A smart move by a citizen resulted in the state library board staff sending a letter to the town saying that the library has to stay open for 20 yrs from its opening date or the town would have to pay back a million dollars plus for the construction grant Wareham received to build it.
So, the library was saved from closing but it wasn't saved from a deep budget cut resulting in layoffs and reduction in hours open. Did we "save" it from decertification and loss of state aid? Will it be saved from future cuts? That remains to be seen. But the Save Our Library citizen effort raised about $60,000 fast for books and for hours to be added back to the schedule, regardless.
Citizens rallied to restore a public service by fundraising and with public discussion. This grassroots effort was instrumental in helping to add funds to a needed town service in Wareham. What's unfortunate--and maybe ridiculous--is that the slogan they used became such an issue when it has been used all over the state to maintain libraries.
Last edited by warehamreader (2009-01-11 23:10:28)
#12 2009-01-11 15:26:56
For Comments made a while back on this same subject check out " TOP Story of 2008" below... Haven't figured out how to move stuff around - from one topic to another. Sorry.
Last edited by waterview (2009-01-11 15:37:34)
#13 2009-01-11 16:44:42
TBL wrote:
Wow IV. What is the name of this magical state that you now live in?
It is not so much the state but the town....I'd rather not say at this time.