#1 2008-11-13 21:41:56
KARMA - Action; seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation.
Need I say more?
#2 2008-11-13 23:10:16
commonsense wrote:
KARMA - Action; seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation.
Need I say more?
Sure, you could brighten everyone's day by revealing which of our thieving public servants fell behind in their car payments. Here's keeping a happy thought!
#3 2008-11-13 23:13:04
Hmmm. That car looks familiar. I wouldn't bet against your guess.
#4 2008-11-13 23:17:52
Hot damn! Maybe there is a god.
#5 2008-11-14 04:26:57
commonsense wrote:
Hmmm. That car looks familiar. I wouldn't bet against your guess.
Well isn't this amusing. My only question, commonsense, is how someone with a plainly rotten driving record like Mr. Sauvageau ever qualified for an auto loan in the first place?
Don't believe me, a few bucks will let you check local and Boston DMV records for yourself. Bruce Sauvageau is a nonstop, motoring cop magnet.
#6 2008-11-14 12:11:19
I hear the payment was astronomical. Almost twice what you would pay for a luxury vehicle.
#7 2008-11-14 15:03:39
Pat Riot wrote:
Parked in front of a hydrant. So many violations in that one picture, it's hard to count.
#8 2008-11-15 18:54:18
The Payment Was Almost 1,000 Dollars A Month. He Didnt Pay Since August Of 2008. Lets See He Doesnt Pay His Car Payments, Property Taxes, And Car Insurance? And He Has The Audacity To Tell Others That They Cant Manage Their Way Out Of A Paper Bag? He Cant Even Manage His Personal Household. Also Brenda Is On The Verge Of Claiming Bankruptcy.
#9 2008-11-15 20:42:24
quite a pair of hypocrites because all i ever hear is fiscally responsible at those meetings, and its easy to invite lawsuits when the town is paying. ask that tuchi cranberry guy how many times bruce said if you dont like it sue us.
#10 2008-11-15 21:48:51
Almost a $1000!!! WOW! Who has that kind of payment on a mid-range car? Oh yeah, some one with an $800 cell phone bill.
#11 2008-11-16 13:36:15
i hate slager i heard the bankruptcy thing too right around the time she went on tv all emotional like sally struthers begging people to have mercy on her and her family. you would think she cared about cranberry growers in this town since it is the main agri economy. but i guess her family and a few maple springs rd. contributors are the only one she cares about
#12 2008-11-16 21:24:50
Oneear Brenda A Brockton Trash. She Has A Heavy Drinking Problem. It Was Overheard That Now That They Have Got Ridden Of Marilyn Whalley (who Is Now Suing The Town Because Of The Selectman) That Mark Gifford Is Next On Their Hit List. The Legal Expense For This Year Even After They Have Paid Some Off Just Past 400,000 For The Year. I Bet The Police Department Could Have Used That Money. So Could The Library. I Believe Bruce Was Quoted,"whats Another Lawsuit?" Again He Has The Towns Best Interest.
#13 2008-11-16 21:29:39
Crystal Ball: Bob Slager Will Give Bruce A Ride To Town Meeting Tomorrow Night. Brenda Will Be Bitching About Her Cell Phone Bill. Bruce Will Wear A T Shirt That Says Im A Fat Ass. Potter Will Resign Because He Doesnt Live In Town. Donahue Will Call Her Husband Mr Moderator In Bed. Cronan Will Steal Pencils Left On The Table. Slager Will Lick Bruce's Ball Sack. Elizabeth's Ski Pole That She Uses For A Walking Stick Will Collapse Under The Weight Of A Small Elephant. Liz Will Smell Like Cat Urine.
#14 2008-11-16 21:50:53
It Was Overheard That Now That They Have Got Ridden Of Marilyn Whalley (who Is Now Suing The Town Because Of The Selectman) That Mark Gifford Is Next On Their Hit List.
They've abused everyone else, why not?
I do have some BREAKING NEWS for y'all, though. Marilyn Whalley, former director of the Wareham Community Development Authority, is banging the Chris Makepeace, Wareham's largest landowner.
Think it's beneath the BOS to blackmail Whalley with that happy news bulletin?
Last edited by old timer (2008-11-16 21:52:33)
#15 2008-11-17 18:36:04
Crystal Ball: Bob Slager Will Give Bruce A Ride To Town Meeting Tomorrow Night. Brenda Will Be Bitching About Her Cell Phone Bill. Bruce Will Wear A T Shirt That Says Im A Fat Ass. Potter Will Resign Because He Doesnt Live In Town. Donahue Will Call Her Husband Mr Moderator In Bed. Cronan Will Steal Pencils Left On The Table. Slager Will Lick Bruce's Ball Sack. Elizabeth's Ski Pole That She Uses For A Walking Stick Will Collapse Under The Weight Of A Small Elephant. Liz Will Smell Like Cat Urine.
I love it, but Bob would never be seen in such a large crowd of locals. He'd rather spew his lies far away in Mattapoisette.
#16 2008-11-18 23:21:36
Oh, so that's why they "dissolved" town meeting early! Brucey couldn't get a ride!
#17 2008-11-20 11:51:06
Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2008-12-20 22:48:32)