#1 2011-04-04 13:42:32

7:00 PM – Room #320 Multi-Service Center, 48 Marion Road, Wareham Massachusetts






a. Authorization to sign bills and documents, etc.
(i) Cromesett Park & Oakdale Sewers – Contract No. 2 – CDM Construction
Services- Invoice Nos. 7 & 8.
(ii) Sewerage Works Improvements – Linwood/Ladd, Tempest Know and
Parkwood Beach Sewers – Contract No. 1 – CDM Construction Services
(Field) Invoice Nos. 11 and 12.

b. Approval of minutes: Regular session minutes of May 13, 2010 & February 1, 2011; Executive session: July 1, 2010, March 22, 2011.
c. Wareham Affordable Housing Trust - discussion of appointment process.

a. Application from Wareham Village Association, c/o Jackie Lindsey, 208 Rear Main Street, Wareham, MA for the use of Merchant’s Way for the 15th Annual Swan Festival on Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with a rain date of July 16, 2011.

a. Leadership Team.
b. Legal Advisory – Notable Highlights New Regulations from the State Ethics
c. Onset Stonebridge sewer pipe replacement
d. New street sweeping program – update.
Status Report of ongoing issues/projects.

a. Reading of proclamation for Dr. Charles Gleason.
b. Meeting with Swifts Beach homeowners association.
c. Discussion with Wal-Mart re. Sewer capacity.
d. Discussion re. FY2010 Independent Audit.
e. Any other town business.

a. Town of Bourne Usage Fee – 4th Quarter Billing.
b. Any other sewer business.




Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-04-04 13:43:08)



#2 2011-04-05 10:20:09

As important as today's election is.. Don't forget that it's Donahue & Eckstrom's last BoS meeting (hold cheers, please).. Don't celebrate until they are officially "off the clock". They're looking to "tie up a few loose ends" tonight...(lots of last minute meddling to attend to).

Jane Donahue and Brenda Eckstrom will use their last BoS meeting to try and help Sweet Brucey (and "friends") "hold" the conservation restriction ("CR") on Swift's Beach tonight. Don't let them do anything tonight!! Let the new BoS members get "on board" before any decision is made. It's waited this long..and the only reason it's so "pressing" right now is because Sweet Brucey's "partner's in crime" are exiting the stage. The Swifts Beach "fiasco" is one of the hypocrite elites most enduring & monumental screwups (I know..there are so many..it's "easy" to forget a few). Don't let them do anything tonight!! (except leave)

b. Meeting with Swifts Beach homeowners association.

They "bear" watching..

Last edited by DDPTRO (2011-04-05 10:21:45)



#3 2011-04-05 10:39:22

Good point, DD

Also pay attention to item a. under the T/A's report, regarding the Receivership Team. Or is it the Mismanagement Team  -  as in, if it weren't for Mismanagement, there would be no management at all!

Remember that there is a vacancy in the position of director of Assessments. Is this the night to try to slip in a certain failed former assessor under the radar screen while attention is focused elsewhere?

Also: "Status of ongoing issues" yeah, there's an ongoing isssue, all right. Name of Stanley, in case you forgot in all the recent mayhem.

Hey T/A! How 'bout answering three simple questions in simple declarative sentences.

1. What 'position' is under negotiation?

2. What is the salary range for the 'position'.

3. What is the terminal date for these negotiations of the century?

Not too much to ask, are they? Yeah, I know, getting the answers in 'simple, declarative sentences' is out-of-the-question. So Mr. T/A man, give us several thousand well-chosen words (sarcasm alert) on each point. but, dammit! answer the questions.



#4 2011-04-06 14:49:36



#5 2011-04-06 15:10:13

Oh my god, what a loudmouth.  The only silver lining to come out of yesterday is that she'll never sit in a selectman's chair again.  What an embarrassment. 

I'll gladly say it anytime, anywhere.  The one and only good thing this obnoxious windbag ever did for the Town of Wareham in her 6 years as a selectman was to decide not to run for re-election.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-04-06 15:11:04)



#6 2011-04-06 15:52:26

What A Damm Nut Job ,and Her Budies Ellen 4 Dog Nite And Mike  Mike 9f  Will  Follow Her On The Board ,these Are Their Blooging Name S O Slagers Hate Web Site,           Brenda You Are White Trash From Brocton ,shame On You , I Am Flabergasted  At You, .



#7 2011-04-06 16:16:39

First points on that screening of the BoS meeting:

1. Nice of the BoS to let Brucie take over the Swifts Beach Cons. Restr. discussion, doncha think? Just like old times.

2. Simple solution: why not have the Town of Wareham simply execute a quit-claim deed transferring the fee simple interest (i.e the whole property & all rights therein) of the parcel over to Brucie? Problem solved! sort of....

3. Fence falling down? shouldn't that be a responsibility of the property owner. (psst! that's the town of Wareham, in case you forgot over the past 7 years). How does a CR to Brucie, ah make that the local yokel association cure the problems of falling fences, moving rocks, trees being chopped down, etc.? Well, miscreants could be subject to a fierce plastic fork attack, I suppose.

4. And, just who IS the Swifts Beach Improvement Assoc.? Besides Brucie & familia, that is. Why would the town want a CR in the hands of this ad hoc group, when the State and other experienced conservation groups have said NO. By the way, someone explain to me why you would go the Fish & Wildlife, as opposed to the DCR - which oversees many waterfront parcels, including Horseneck Beach in Dartmouth. Fish & Wildlife oversees, as the name implies, properties suitable for,  yaknow, fishing & hunting. Very strange.

Last edited by stewie (2011-04-06 16:19:53)



#8 2011-04-06 17:33:36

Second point, the Stanley thing.

Wow! where to begin.

It seems to me that someone on this website coined the phrase "hypocrit elite". And, didn't we see that in action at last night's BoS meeting. Bren-duh was quite adamant in blasting S/M winslow for her letter regarding the accounting fiasco. A letter that, it turns out, was prescient, was it not? Perhaps that is what pissed off the 'hounded-out-of-office' select-CLOWN.

But the Bren-duh had no qualms about shouting out about an agreement between the T/A and Stanley himself. No double-standard there, eh Bren-duh?

And just what IS that agreement, you might ask?  Has the T/A only revealed the agreement to those members of the BoS who he thought would vote HIS way on the deal? Is that why S/M Holmes expressed shock at the revelation by the Bren-duh. Did the T/A survey, if you will, the BoS to tally the Ayes & Nays regarding his agreement with Stanley? Did the T/A withhold his Stanley aggreement UNTIL he thought he could slime it past one & all?  Has the Open Meeting Law been violated....again? WTF?

Folks, the election may be over. But the issues remain. The beat goes on. the sun comes up, the sun sets; and I have lunch (Lou gorman, former Red Sox GM). But when is the opaqueness of the BoS going to be replaced by that transparency we all heard so much about?

My guess: not in the immediate future.

Here's a radical notion: how's 'bout NOW !!!



#9 2011-04-06 18:34:47

It is pretty ridiculous that after that longwinded tirade Cara wasn't even allowed to defend herself.

Punch someone below the belt...scream like a banshee if they try to defend themselves...guess that's the real philosophy of "Move Wareham Forward."



#10 2011-04-07 00:28:16

Brenda's outburst about the chief and any deal is nothing but a slap in the face to the officers on our police force that might have the qualifications to do the job. 
A chief should be chosen from inside the force, he or she will walk into the job with a new budget and can start fresh.   With some credit, Stanley got the process in motion now a new chief from the force has a foundation to build from there.  I can only hope that the selectmen really think long and hard about making the long term investment to support a full time police officer from within the department that has put the time in and "walked the beat."  I find it very concerning that the speculated pay figures offered to Stanley could hire a chief and another police officer in the real world, it just doesnt add up.  Im sure some of the younger officers with young families could really use the money insted. 
The town isnt going to crumble because we didnt take Stanley and his big salary, make the logical choice.



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