#1 2011-03-03 09:58:53

The Tin Hats love to call this website the "hate site."  It's too bad their eyes are covered by tin foil and they can't see the hatred that they spew on their site.

Over the weekend, the tin hats ripped Cruz to shreds for not attending the "Increase the Peace" Rally, even though the man apparently had health problems that led to him going to the hospital.  The tin hats are so heartless that they can't even cut an elderly man that needed to go to the hospital a break. 

It gets worse!  Mrs. DiPasquale, who nobly braved her way into the tin hat wilderness to attempt debate with these turkeys, apparently wrote something to the effect that attempting to debate with these people was as pointless as "banging her head against the wall."

Funny how most people who attempt to "reason" with the tin hats have reported feeling that exact same feeling.

EDIT - See DDPTRO's post below with the nasty comment made by TootToot

Amazingly, Bobo who usually lets the tin hats get away with anything, deleted the comment, saying that it "crossed the line."

Perhaps the tin hats should consider cleaning up their own act before they whine about this site.

Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-03-03 12:16:59)



#2 2011-03-03 11:07:23

A Tin Foil Hat Wearer wrote:

By: toottoot on 3/2/11

When Mrs. D offered to bang her head against the wall, you should have let her. Adapting a phrase " No brain, no pain."

Slager later removed this comment..but he's the moderator on his site..meaning he allowed it in the first place. Many "hateful" things are said on Slager's site and never removed. Unlike this site, which is not moderated..(if you post it..it's on here). Later..if administrator's agree, and feel a comment needs to be removed, they (the three of us) all need to agree that the comment(s) warrant removal before it's to be removed. As we all tend to agree that people can post what they want to..and are responsible for what they post..posts here are never moderated..and seldom (if ever) removed.

The "thread" on Slager's site which included the "hateful" post (above) also included a number of other comments of the "not so friendly" type toward Mrs. DiPasquale. Slager at one point "went ballistic" when he claimed Nicole had somehow threatened his children..a funny twist because the whole debate they were having was how "reporting" by Slager had jeopardized the safety of Mrs. DiPasquale's own children..a Bobo bait and switch, if you will. I read Nicole's comments (and everyone else's)..and I fail to see anything even remotely resembling a threat toward Slager's children. He believes his own lies..and so do his fellow tin foil hatters..who quickly made posts at their outrage over Nicole's (alleged) threats. Reading many of their comments..I often feel like I'm peeking into the "cuckoo' nest"..the only thing missing is Jack Nicholson..and a large indian.



#3 2011-03-03 12:18:05

Ahh yes, that is the Toot Toot comment, I couldn't remember it exactly.  The Tin Hats are the true haters.

Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-03-03 12:19:11)



#4 2011-03-03 16:51:47

Sometimes a person has to learn for themselves a lesson.  It may even take a few times before that person actually understands the lesson.  As  you can guess I have learned my lesson.

In no way did I ever threaten Slagers children.  I find it funny that as he is accusing me of doing that he is also threatening me saying "...it will be the last mistake I make."   I believe this is what he is going on:
By: NDiPasquale on 3/1/11
Rob, it's amazing how I have proven your lies and you just ignore that. Man up Rob, huge different between mistakes and lying! You are amazing at hanging yourself with your own words.

Now, playing the victim card is your schtick not mine. You do it very well. Don't forget my husband and I also spoke with the Cape Cod Times as well (glad I could point that one out to you!). It wasn't the fact that he was deployed as you keep harping on and I have to keep repeating. It's the POA and what it allows. I have answered you numerous times and you don't like the answer so you come up with some creative story. Good luck on that creative writing class, you have proven you are great at making up stories. Rob, just try to report on the facts with proof as back up and maybe people could take you seriously. Stop distorting peoples comments with your idea of facts and twist it. That rope isn't that long...

Now, my childrens safety is no joking matter. You don't want to be on the receiving end of that one. Take that whatever way you would like, protecting my children is my number one priority and that is not a threat. Let's hope you never find yourself in that position. Oh wait, victim card...

Ya, I'm done with this one. The news is on and I'm sure some creative stories will be reported on. 

One of his responses was:
By: robertslager on 3/1/11
The fact that you that threatened to call the JAG on me was a running joke in town for nearly a month.

You wrote: "Now, my childrens safety is no joking matter. You don't want to be on the receiving end of that one. Take that whatever way you would like." I'll make this very clear, Mrs. DiPasquale. If you try to harm me or my family it will be the last mistake you will ever make. In my opinion you are in serious need of professional help.

He just took my sentence and picked what he liked and made that as a quote.  Reminds me of when Jimmy Kimmel does a skit on unecessary bleeping. 

I was warned that he will not answer directly and stick with the bait and switch routine (let's not forget the victim routine as well).  He responded with that he has forwarded the comments to his brother in law who is a police officer.  Phew, I was worried the whole night that a police officer was going to come knocking on my door.

If you notice his first sentence that (according to him) the fact that I threatened to call the JAG on him.  In another post he claims thousands knew.  Hmmmm....funny because I never said that.  But again, why let the truth get in the way?  I would ask for proof, but I know I would get some answer that he is not feeling well or will not be baited into a flame war or he has an anonymous source, whatever, he clearly has lost grip with reality.

They started Live Chat out by blasting Cruz for not showing up.  Holmes came on and informed them that he was hospitalized at the time.  Those knee jerk reactions from Slager and his followers are what divides this town. 

I know this thread is long but if you will just hang in there for one last thought.  Slager made a comment to a blogger (about another subject) that ..."If this was a litigimate issue, why wouldn't the person use a real name?"    So since (approx) 90%  of his bloggers are anonymous then they are not "litigimate" (I think he meant legitimate)?  Ya, this guy makes it too easy....



#5 2011-03-03 17:03:43

I am not going to say I told you so, Nikki..:)



#6 2011-03-03 17:50:18

Kudos for trying to reason with the tin hats but unfortunately they have no reason.

Here's some more examples of hate from the real hate site from the tin hat chat:

By: gramyk on 2/27/11
i was disturbed to see after the rally that ms peterson spent much of her time with claire smith rather than mixing with voters who might have wished to meet her. the point of mixing among your potential constituents is to meet folks who do NOT agree with you, yet? is this not politics 101?
By: robertslager on 2/27/11
I didn't notice that, gramyk. Interesting.
By: gramyk on 2/27/11
during the pizza time.
By: robertslager on 2/27/11
Was she on spider control?

Isn't it just weird that these people just watch other people from afar and just note every little insignificant detail?  How can a selectman candidate taking a minute to talk with the town moderator ever be a bad thing? 

Here's another one:

By: capricon on 2/27/11
I noticed that too, Gram. Can I just ask, "what was up with the bunny ears?"
I believe Peterson is the next manchurian candidate of "she who-shall-not-be-named."

Sooo that was quite a bizarre comment and of course Bobo allowed it to stay up.  I'm not really who "she who shall not be named" is, they hate so many people it is hard to keep track. 

I wonder though, they know that "The Manchurian Candidate" is just a movie right?  They know movies are make believe and not real?  Do they know there aren't really "Manchurian Candidates" out there?

It's ok tin hats, step away from fantasy land and join us in the real world, the Manchurian Candidate was just a movie with Frank Sinatra (or Denzel Washington in the remake) it isn't real.

Last edited by GuyIncognito (2011-03-03 17:52:41)



#7 2011-03-03 18:14:06

Let's play a little game of solitaire....

It's a meeting of the garden club in Quahog, RI. the moderator, he with the curley hair, turns and says to Mikey: "trash the group that backed the winning horses in the last election" Mikey dutifully follows the moderators orders.

the moderator then turns to the baglady: " put up a false personna that appears to be above the fray, but trashes the group that won't go away, and which resists the prevarications of BoBo, Brucie et al" the baglady dutifully obeys the moderator's instructions.

Sent back to Wareham, their brains wired by the psychobabble of the meeting at the Drunken Clam in Quahog, RI, they are activated by an evil twosome who chose not to run in the upcoming election.

Let's play a little game of solitaire.....

Last edited by stewie (2011-03-03 18:17:42)



#8 2011-03-03 18:14:11

By: robertslager on 3/1/11
And if your comment about my children is some kind of threat, you will discover that I am quite capable of protecting my family.

must be from his wife because he couldnt protect his lunch.



#9 2011-03-03 22:53:49

Let's not forget that he believes (albeit incorrectly) that I threatened his children/family.  He then threatened me that it "would be the last mistake you ever make."  Now any reasonable person can understand I am now more than ever scared by this unstable person.  If he feels that I am threatening him (even though I haven't) he will make sure it is the last mistake I ever make.  How could I not be scared for my familys safety?  I too am capable of taking care of my family, but when dealing with someone so willing to threaten me and someone who is clearly not mentally stable it certainly concerns me.  I believe his actions are one of intimidation and quite obviously text book bullying but they are made to make me afraid.  I wish my brother in law was a police officer now more than ever!

And thanks Dan for not saying it! :)



#10 2011-03-04 05:01:38

The only other thing I can think of when slager said he is more than capable of protecting himself would him possibly having access to a firearm. He should be reported to the halifax police and if this nutjob having a permit it should be yanked immediately for the threats towards ms dispasqual



#11 2011-03-04 07:16:01

This Guy Slager Is Crazy, I Here His Paper Might Come Out Only Once A Monyh Because Old Fattey Is Not Feeling Well Latley ,must Be All Those Bagels And Creme Cheese That He Eats While Typing  His Crap On The Crapper , Probaley Drinking His Sorrows Away As He Has Not Amounted To Anything In Live Like His Father Predicted He Would Be A Looser , Dadey Dear Forgive Me I Am A Nobody Who Sitson My Fat Ass  Eating Bagels And Creme Chees All Day  While My Wife Works All Day And Then Comes Home To Clean The House As I Throw  My Trash Over The Floor , Ya See I Am A Writer Like Woodward And Berstein ,house Cleaning Is Beneth My Dignity.



#12 2011-03-04 10:04:28

Just funny that they call this the hate site when the following is a joke that one of their selectmen candidates thought was funny:

By: MsLilly on 2/6/10
Dan...adding "Wheeler" to your otherwise customary battle cry of affection for Dick had me LMAO this morning...

By: mike9f on 2/6/10
Mslilly, you are too, too, funny. ;)LOL



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