#1 2011-03-01 03:49:21

I've summarized Donna Bronk's response to Dave DiPetro's Westfield question below.

Q: What are your views, hopes and/or concerns about “Westfield”?

Donna Bronk, Wareham's Finn Comm chair and candidate for selectman, voted against the Westfield project at Town Meeting because she mistrusted one of its propopents, a former BOS member.

Town Meeting's vote last Spring to form a broad-based committee to examine the project prompted Ms. Bronk to reconsider and participate. "I was pleasantly surprised," she said, "how we all came together..."

By fall, an appointing committee composed of the Chair of the BOS, the Chair of the Finn Com and the Town Moderator would now decide who took part, or so Bronk assumed. 

Jane Donahue had other ideas, arguing appointments were never specified by Town Meeting and in any event, the committee would not review RFPs. Bronk and Town Moderator Claire Smith objected, to no purpose.

Donahue, Bronk says, "manipulated her board" and packed the committee before it was made public. "I was duped," she says. "I really thought [Jane Donahue] was an honorable person." Bronk asked to sit on the committee anyway and was told serving on the Finn Com made her ineligible.

"I have thirty five years of experience in affordable, market, retail and condominium management." she says. "I asked why would you overlook all that experience. [Jane Donahue] refused to answer."

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs

Last edited by billw (2011-03-01 15:58:58)



#2 2011-03-01 07:31:31

Jane Is A Liar  And A Manuplator, And Thats Why Some Call Her The Weasel, Others The Cript Keeper, She Is Not For Open Gov. But Janes Gov, As She Sees  It, May She Go Off And Never Be Heard From  Again .



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