#1 2011-02-18 17:47:39

here is one nastey indivudal who called 2 dept heads dirty rats ,    who had muncipal maintence cut the grass at  the little league fild where his son plays ball ,even though the town does not own the land.                                               he  was respansible for hireing sanguinet one of the nastiest indivudals to hold the job of TA in warehams historyand he  was in charge of the fireing of a police lt on trumped up charges , lies in fact  made up by brenda and her cohortes , which i contend will cost wareham a lot of money,                                                                                                                then there is the most troubling fact of all he was convicted in federal court of stealing from the federal gov, for personal use of gov. property,, SOMEONE NEEDS TO PUT UP THE  FACTS THAT WERE POSTED  SOME TIME AGO ABOUT HIS CRIMES .   he is also runing  for personal reasons to keep  electric wind towers not being build near his property even though town meeting  voted its use , truley a scoundrel.

Last edited by redrobin (2011-02-18 18:07:12)



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