#1 2010-02-12 20:32:37

I paid ahead on this site's virtual hosting fee out of my own pocket last December to the year 2012.

Last weekend's service outage caught me at a distracted moment and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Hear this, though:

-I have no intention of pulling the plug on warehamobserver.com. Feel free to draw conclusions about anyone who's told you so.

-I offer no apology whatever for hounding public servants and business interests whose only ambition is their own enrichment at Wareham's expense.

Sweet dreams.

Last edited by billw (2010-02-12 20:33:15)



#2 2010-02-12 20:51:18


Well Said Bill Thank You



#3 2010-02-12 23:41:54

You have no apologies needed at all, Bill.
As far as I am concerned, let us know what it takes to keep this site running, and we'll get the check books out.
We believe in you and what you have accomplished.
The only reason I ever figured you will pull the plug is if you get pissed off...I don't believe for a minute that anyone could "run you off".
You sleep well....



#4 2010-02-13 04:50:59

danoconnell wrote:

The only reason I ever figured you will pull the plug is if you get pissed off.

Pissed off isn't a credible excuse in Wareham, not after 8 years of Sweet Brucie. Anymore, it's a chronic and healthy state of mind. By that measure, the complacent and willfully ignorant among us need their heads examined.

Future selectmen, take note. You are presumed guilty until proven Irish.



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