#2 2009-10-16 06:08:42

Hey Bill,
Could you publish this survey?

Didn't the Selectmen (including Bruce) turn down the last  "Open Space Committee's Report" and lose the State Funding?  The previous Committee wouldn't change it to suit Bruce's plan?  A survey is a good idea - IF it's legit, and if it's not a front for the Selctmen.  All mail goes through their office. Another corrupt farce? Maybe I'm paranoid, but why all of a sudden - they're interested in our opinion!

Last edited by waterview (2009-10-16 06:09:58)



#3 2009-10-16 14:43:35

There are two new members on the Open Space Committee and for the first time in several years, this committee now has a quorum and can actually hold meetings. These two new members are conservation proponents and stepped up because they recognized that without an open space plan the town cannot apply for state grants. There are many opportunities for the town to aquire open space, and being able to apply for state grants would be helpful.

The very first step by the Open Space Committee, in order to move forward to formulate and adopt an Open Space Plan, is to present a survey to the community to determine the priority level of preserving open space. Based on the survey the committee will then formulate an open space plan to present to the BOS.

The survey is legit. While two members obviously don't constitue a majority and no one can predict what the BOS will or will not do, I'm comfortable suggesting that we all take this survey and show that we want to preserve open space.



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