#1 2009-08-26 13:54:39

** "Studies of New England town meetings have shown that such gatherings cease to be effective for large populations. They may work in communities of a few hundred, but when the population reaches the many thousands, attendance drops and the connection to citizens atrophies." Prof. Jas. Fishkin

This quote is from an Op-Ed by the esteemed Prof Fishkin. Now, using this to support the change to a "Mayoral system" is completely fabricated. The article was addressing a concept called deliberative polls. The explanation of deliberative polls (taken from the article) is:

Deliberative polls bring together a scientifically selected microcosm of a lawmaker’s constituents under conditions conducive to thinking about issues. In effect, an entire Congressional district really can be put in one room.

So what we were led to believe is that an esteemed professor (Fishkin) was supporting their theory of changing the form of government. In effect, he was discussing a change in town meeting.

To our CRC: Shame on you for assuming the residents and voters of Wareham aren't capable of doing research. Shame on you for trying to justify a change in government by inserting a quote that has nothing to do with the change of government. Who are you trying to buffalo? This is not what we, as taxpayers, expect from a committee that is charged with reviewing the charter! If you are going justify your choice with lies, you lose all credibility!

We, as taxpayers, should be outraged by this type of tactic. The CRC is basically saying we are smarter than the taxpayers and can misquote a professor without anyone noticing! Poor Form!  These people need to be dismissed and replaced with people that are looking out for the town's best interest. Who selected this group? The Selectmen appointed each one of them. So, consider this an outreach from the Selectmen.

Once again, we are treated like sheep instead of the intelligent voters we are. Is there any doubt we should be seeking new leadership for this town?

Any questions?



#2 2009-08-26 13:56:12

Sorry, I left off the link! Here it is. Please read this and tell me how this relates to changing the government structure?

http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/16/opini … shkin.html



#3 2009-08-26 14:15:33

They left out the part about how they are hand picked BOS rubber stamp flunkies trying to change our system of government so their pals can cash in - cha ching!



#4 2009-08-26 14:15:36

Thanks for the info, Larry.
After reading it, Prof. Fishkin is talking apples to oranges.
He has no concept of what a REAL New England Town Meeting is. No idea that the traditional Town Meeting is the purest form of democracy in the Nation.
If the CRC relied on that piece, they should be so ashamed of themselves they should hide from public view.
I would love to be there when one of you, in a public forum, takes them to task and ridicules them for their ignorance of history and their inability to be truly foresighted.
I don't think they have chance on Town Meeting floor.
Town Meeting can order another committee be appointed by the new Board of Selectmen in April of 2010.



#5 2009-08-26 14:25:16

There was something about a dissenting opinion being on the CRC site, but it gives a link to the town website.  I guess any dissent that could interfere with the BOS quest for cash is going to be buried so deep no one will find it.



#6 2009-08-26 14:33:24

The "informational column" they're putting out is a joke.  Not good for anything except wiping your butt.  The decision was made before they were appointed.  They were picked because the BOS knew they would be good little rubber stamp flunkies. 

They're just going to google shit, cut and paste it and twist it around to suit their needs.  Give me a break.  We've had this form of government for hundreds of years.  Towns much larger than ours have it and they do just fine. 

At town meeting, you win some and you lose some.  Our side loses now and then at town meeting, you don't see us trying to rewrite the town constitution.  But oh, they lose and we have to scrap town meeting and give them total control plus a big salary plus benefits plus their own army of personal flunkies on the taxpayer dime.

Fight this, people.  Fight for your right to stand up at town meeting and be heard!  Don't let them take it away!



#7 2009-08-26 14:34:25

just a fyi amherst ma which in 2000 had just over 10,000 more residents than wareham has a bos, ta and tm so lets not be fooled by the crc its because we have OUTGROWN our form of goverment.. there are many other towns in this state with a larger population than ours that have our same form of goverment..

my opinion.. its not the game its the players that need to replaced..



#8 2009-08-26 14:41:53

By the way, Mr. Slager wrote a very fine editorial today about the CRC.
I complimented him in a post I put on the site.
I always appreciate good writing, and it is good to know that he can see the issue clearly and, at least not now, be persuaded that a change of government is a good idea.



#9 2009-08-26 14:59:44

danoconnell wrote:

I would love to be there when one of you, in a public forum, takes them to task and ridicules them for their ignorance of history and their inability to be truly foresighted.
I don't think they have chance on Town Meeting floor.
Town Meeting can order another committee be appointed by the new Board of Selectmen in April of 2010.

They clearly must think we are stupid. I have written a letter to the editor of the S-T with this information. This is the type of misuse that cannot be tolerated. Now they have additional issues to overcome. They cannot be trusted to develop a conclusive opinion when they cannot even quote properly.

I think the Selectmen should take a hard look at this group and make changes quickly. You cannot gain the trust of the public if you lie about your agenda and utilize quotes that have no bearing on the topic you are trying to study.

Shame on the CRC and shame on the Selectmen.



#10 2009-08-26 15:09:32

Dan, I'm going to have to disagree with you.  Bobo proclaims that he is the man of the people.  Then why for the love of God is he not fighting like a rabid dog against this shameless attempt to take away the right of the PEOPLE, any person, no matter who they are, what background, rich or poor, any person under our current form of government, if he cared about the people, then he'd fight for the people and say the selectmen were wrong for stacking the CRC deck...that they are wrong FOR TRYING TO ROB THE PEOPLE'S RIGHT to stand up at town meeting and be a part of the town legislative process.  They are trying to rob the people of this right and once it is taken away, the people will never be able to get it back again!

In the end, he is no better than the BOS flunkies on the CRC.  Once again, the "man of the people" pitches the people overboard.  No rabid dog for the people, just a lap dog for the BOS and Brucey as usual.  More of the same.

There's no "convincing."  They want to steal away the people's right to be a part of town meeting.  If you're not 100 percent against that from the start, then take off your "man of the people" name tag Bobo and pitch it in the trash can.

Last edited by Hamatron5000 (2009-08-26 15:10:30)



#11 2009-08-26 15:09:55

I guess we are also going to find out how Professor Fishkin feels! I thought he would enjoy a little email and how his quote was used and what article it came from. Yep, the times....they are a changing.



#12 2009-08-26 15:21:13

this is a post i put in 3 days ago!!!! under the charter dump thread patting my own back here.. again i caught this 3 days ago and slager is just writing about it today..

this is where again i have a problem..
1.  8/14  the charter review comm. published a statement to the courier said there would be more updates to fallow along with interaction q&a etc..
2.  8/20 the CRC gives a statement to slager NOT  courier slager states"rewrite would include changing the system of government in Wareham from five selectmen and town meeting to a mayoral system with city councilmen, according to a source within the committee."
3.  8/23 the CRC again gives slager a statement & the courier has a statement but its the one slager ran on 8/20..

sorry for the venting i just see a chain of shady sneaky things going on already and i am not happy...



#13 2009-08-26 15:30:59


I agree that jumping to a mayoral system is a very radical step.  However, just for the sake of accuracy Amherst has a representative town meeting.  Many larger towns have gone to this model.  It might be a compromise.  People who love town meeting can easily get themselves elected. People who want to watch TV can stay home and let others argue the budget.  If  I remember correctly, Amherst had over two hundred representatives to the town meeting, which is about how many people show up in Wareham. Just a thought.



#14 2009-08-26 15:32:56

Give Liz credit, she brought it to my attention 3 days ago. I finally had time to read the article and start this thread! In all honesty, we have been discussing this since we found out the makeup of the CRC. It was before that when we first began hearing little "statements" from the Selectmen, especially Donahue, that the current system wasn't working. So, it's not big shock they stacked the CRC to press their agenda ahead. Why do for free, what you can get paid to do? Now we have to face the fact that we are having to come together to combat this growing problem. Why?

So many people do not want to rock the boat or take on the Selectmen for fear or retribution. The problem with that is while people sit on their hands in fear, we lose a valuable opportunity to stop them before they get started. it's the same with low voter turnout. Why? Because people don't think they matter and their vote doesn't matter. Poppycock! That is how you develop a majority. Each vote counts! We cannot wait until after the fact and bitch and complain, we need to get ahead of the curve, put positive qualified people that have an agenda for Wareham, not themselves. Let's stop waiting for the ball to drop and do something about it.



#15 2009-08-26 15:36:25

Congratulations to Larry for bringing this whole thing to our attention.
There is a wealth of information on this site, and anyone who discounts it or underestimates it, would be a fool.
Power is knowledge.
Lots of power here.



#16 2009-08-26 15:38:31




#17 2009-08-26 15:39:47

One of the more interesting things I discovered during the research is Fishkin actually may be on to something. Please follow the link and read about Deliberative Polling. Instead of changing the type of government, why not tweak it? I believe there are several ways to tweak our current system and increase it's effectiveness. Maybe we should start a thread to discuss that? If the CRC won't do their job, we'll do it for them? The most obvious change would be to get qualified people who serve the town's best interests, not their own! 

We could form our own CRC committee. Dissenters would be shot? (just kidding). It takes many minds to form a solid foundation.



#18 2009-08-26 15:44:59

Did you like the "poppycock"? I went old english on you there...sorry....



#19 2009-08-26 15:48:10

I can name two very qualified people that were left off the CRC and I know they wanted to be part of it.

Cara Winslow and Peter Baum



#20 2009-08-26 15:48:46

gogatemen wrote:


I agree that jumping to a mayoral system is a very radical step.  However, just for the sake of accuracy Amherst has a representative town meeting.  Many larger towns have gone to this model.  It might be a compromise.  People who love town meeting can easily get themselves elected. People who want to watch TV can stay home and let others argue the budget.  If  I remember correctly, Amherst had over two hundred representatives to the town meeting, which is about how many people show up in Wareham. Just a thought.

yes 254 i believe..



#21 2009-08-26 15:50:45

What a great idea. Your report can be submitted on Town Meeting Floor as an amendment to the article that will be presented recommended by the CRC.
It will make for a VERY interesting Town Meeting if you provide a system that is acceptable to all and perhaps compromises along the way.
I think that a representative Town Meeting is a good idea. The only problem would be to break the Town of Wareham into districts, precincts, etc.
The problems will come from the continued separation of Onset and Wareham.
Who will be happy with the division of the precincts established, or the Town Meeting Representative Districts? No one. So, it may be somewhat premature to change the system of government that exists now, just improve on the Charter and duties and responsibilities, guidelines improved, etc.
One step at a time, I guess.
Any radical change will met with defeat, and you certainly don't want to help the opposition that wants the Mayoral form of government.



#22 2009-08-26 15:53:13

I want to help the Selectmen and Town Moderator pack their bags and get on the USS Minnow. They are very damaging to this town.



#23 2009-08-26 15:59:40

I have no doubt you will do it.
Like you know very well in your business, work smart. Only be in a position of strength, never weakness.
Concentrate your power and overwhelm the opposition.
Focus and concentration are the keys to your success.



#24 2009-08-26 16:09:35

I'm not in favor of representative town meeting either.  We have a system where anyone, no matter who they are, can stand up and be a part of the legislative process.  There's no purer form of government by the people than that.

I'd support a change to hold town meeting on Saturdays, though.  More people would be able to attend, they'd be fresh, start in the morning instead of at night after a long work day.  With a town moderator with brains (not deer caught in the headlights boy that we have now) and having it on Saturday, you could probably get through the town business all in one day.

Our current system of government isn't flawed.  The people in power are flawed.  It's like playing a boardgame - when the rules on the back of the box are followed by everyone, then there is fairness all around for everyone.  But whenever things don't go their way, these clowns smack the board up in the air and send all the pieces and dice flying all over.

The rules aren't flawed.  The players are flawed.  Luckily, the system gives us a chance to rectify that.  That's called the next town election in April, where they're going to have their political asses handed to them on a silver platter.



#25 2009-08-26 16:20:57

Larry my friend, you stole my thunder.  I read this a few days ago as well and sent an email to a couple of folks trying to figure out if that footnote came from Slager or the committee.  Do you know who added it?  The subject of my email was something to the effect of "Is this an inability to read, or a desire to be malicious?"  That editorial is basically about how the town-hall style meetings that are being held about healthcare don't work.  The paragraph immediately after that quote talks about how to properly represent districts with over 600,000 people.  Comparing that to government in Wareham is like comparing apples and aircraft carriers.

Now, since I was planning on posting about this myself, I have all kinds of data at the ready - If math bores, you, skip to the next post :) 

According to Wikipedia, our commonwealth has 298 towns, of which 259 use an Open Town Meeting form of govt.  Forty-four of these towns have a higher population than Wareham as of 2008.  Andover is the largest town with an open town meeting, clocking in at over 33,400 people.  Other towns bigger than Wareham that are successfully running an open town meeting include Easton, Bridgewater, Mansfield, and Canton.  Now, if we look at municipalities that have some sort of a mayor (either with aldermen, a manager, a council, or some combination), there are 46 municipalities that do this.  If Wareham were on the list, it would be the 7th smallest community to do so. The only municipality in Plymouth County with a mayor is Brockton.  Plymouth has a rep. town meeting, and everybody else is open town meeting.  All of the mayors of municipalities smaller than Wareham are in Western/Central MA.  Finally, there are 38 towns that use a representative town meeting.  Almost 74% of these are larger than Wareham, some significantly so (13 of the 38 are more than 30,000 people, and the biggest is almost 65k)

Now, there's been much talk about how Wareham is growing, and how this change is about making a better future for Wareham, so let's look at THOSE numbers.  In the 2000 census, the population of Wareham was 20,335.  In 2008, it was 21,221.  This is an increase of 886 people over 8 years, or roughly 111 people per year.  Assuming this remains constant (dangerous assumption, I know, but it's all the data I have), we're looking at a town population of 23,537 in the year 2030.  So let's look, then, at all the municipalities in this range.  There are 20 municipalities in the commonwealth with a population between 19,951 (Marblehead, I felt it was close enough to 20k to count it) and 24,000.  Of these, how many have a mayor?  If you guessed "one", you're correct!  Gardner is the only municipality in this group with a mayor.  To get to the next mayors, you're looking at West Springfield with 27,459 people, and Agawam with 28,091.  For those who are interested, at the current growth rate Wareham will hit 27,459 people sometime in the year 2066.

Now, I don't want to offend the good people of Gardner, West Springfield, and Agawam, but I like to think that Wareham has enough that differentiates itself from those communities that we don't need the same form of government they do. 

Sorry for the boring number-crunching - I had been planning on posting about this myself, so I already had the data, and it wanted to be free!!!

Edited to reflect the changes discussed below

Last edited by acasualobserver (2009-08-26 17:06:12)



#26 2009-08-26 16:53:25

Thanks again, casual. I believe that Winthrop has been a City for a long time, correct? If I remember correctly, they have been chartered a City for over 100 years.



#27 2009-08-26 16:58:26

casual thanks i have a favorites full of all of this stuff now also mass.gov info and several town websites very interesting stuff i must say reading other town websites.. im more upset the crc talks about citizen q&a with none and no consitant media releases...



#28 2009-08-26 17:04:44

heres the last line in the crc last statement does this sound like they are open for citizen discussion???

"Next week, we'll detail the possible options open to us and how we narrowed them down to one choice."



#29 2009-08-26 17:05:00

No prob Dan - I enjoy pulling this stuff together. 

I made an error, though.  I said that Winthrop is the only city in the group from 20k-24k, and has the only mayor.  Winthrop *is* the only charted city in the group, but they have a hired manager and an elected council.  The town of Gardner, MA, has a mayor with an elected council.  I'll go change that right away.  Sorry for the error!



#30 2009-08-26 17:20:12

Casual...are you kidding? You have NOTHING to apologize for.
I appreciate the information you give all of us. You are a wealth of knowledge and your research is impeccable.
Thank you again for the education.



#31 2009-08-26 18:11:03

Thanks Casual. I had just begun research a few weeks ago. Since I work closer to the NorthShore and the owner and 4 of the key employees all live in Marblehead, I have access to their Board of Selectmen (present and former). There are several factors that differ Marblehead from Wareham. I will get into the detail in a later post. One of the interesting conversations I have had centers on the ability of the Selectmen to put aside their personal agenda in the best interests of the town. They have a strong Administrator and it's clear he runs the day to day business of the town. I have future discussions and more statistical data to share, but i'll save it until I have a more comprehensive report.

We certainly don't need our CRC misquoting and pushing for something the citizens do not want.



#32 2009-08-26 19:28:18

Ham... There are over 14,000 registered voters in Wareham. Don't you think we might consider or at least think about a representative town meeting. Even if we filled every seat at town meeting, that still leaves a lot of people left out of the decision making process. There are a lot of seniors that can't make it to town meeting because they are disabled, they can't sit for 3 or 4 hours and other medical reasons.



#33 2009-08-26 19:47:51

marny wrote:

Ham... There are over 14,000 registered voters in Wareham. Don't you think we might consider or at least think about a representative town meeting.

My two cents..The players are the problem. Different game, same players, more problems. Guaranteed.




#34 2009-08-26 19:50:02

If you've been around for as long as I have and understand why the citizens of Wareham decided to change to a Charter form of government, you'd also understand what the Charter really was meant to do. 

Read the dissenting opinion of Elizabeth Carmichael, who felt the Town Charter form of governent would give Wareham a Town Administrator who had all the power of a mayor. Betty was afraid of that. She honestly feared that under this Charter, a Town Administrator would have total control over the day to day operations....just as a mayor does. However, that is exactly what the voters wanted. They wanted an administrator who ran the day to day operations. But, still with some oversight.

The Charter was designed to give us a form of government with a strong leader, yet still give the voters some control. How?

We get to elect the Board of Selectmen, hopefully voting for people who we feel will be responsible and intelligent. The  BOS in turn, would get to "hire" the Town Administrator, and hopefully, choose someone who would serve the community well. 

The reason we chose not to go with a mayor was that a mayor would be elected and could potentially be someone who does not have adequate qualifications, but could win by popular vote based on his/her ability to get people to vote for him/her. The citizens of Wareham wanted a strong leader, but wanted to have some control in the choosing of that person, based on qualifications.

Hence, we elect the BOS and then rely on them to make an intelligent choice for us in choosing a Town Administrator. So we get a "mayor" but he's "chosen" based on his qualifications, not elected.

Instead of a City Council, this same Board of Selectmen appoint good people, with financial expertise, to serve on the Finance Committee. These people would serve as "city councilers".  Again, rather than being elected by popular vote, the "city councilers a.k.a. the finance committee, are chosen, not elected.

The finace committee oversees the financial aspects of the town and we wanted some say as to who would hold those positions, based on experience and intellligence, not based on popular vote.

The next componnt would be that we still wanted to have some control in our affairs, even though we had a strong leader to run the day to day operations. We kept town meeting where everyone would have the opportunity to attend and vote on certain matters.

So we got the best of everything. We got a "mayor" a.k.a Town Administrator by choosing him based on qualifications,  not elected based on a popularity vote... an Administrator given all the powers of a mayor, who would be in charge of the day to day operations of the town.............a  "town council" a.k.a Finance Committee who were chosen based on qualifications , not elected based on popular vote to oversee the financial condition of our community.

That is what this Charter was supposed to do.

However, we have a very warped Board of Selectmen, who want to have all the control and because the Charter does not give it to them, they want to change the Charter and change our form of governement.

For those of us who were around those many years ago, it was intentional that we took the power away from the Board of Selectmen and only gave them the power to set policy.  That was the number one priority back then and for valid reasons.

Even though we wanted to take the power away from the Board of Selectmen, we did not want to give total power to just one person, a mayor, so we kept the three member board of Selectmen, but incorporated a Town Administrator to run the day to day operation....giving him all the powers of a mayor but still maintaining some control. We maintained our ability to have imput by keeping town meeting and being able to vote on the budget and other things that keep the town running.

Let's not even discuss this Charter Review Committee who are merely puppets to carry out the wishes of Jane Donahue. If they were truly a committee, they would have held  several open meetings and invited citizen participation, they would have spoken with the original authors of the Charter to ask for explanatins of the Charter and why the Charter was written the way it was, and they would have taken the full year to review the Charter instead of making a decision at their very first meeting. Nuf said.

Last edited by Maturevoter (2009-08-26 20:02:56)



#35 2009-08-26 20:00:42


Very well put Mature Voter. Perhaps you might consider sending that post as a letter to the editor to either the standard times or the courier. I think that history lesson is somthing people need to hear.



#36 2009-08-26 20:09:03

Marny, the seniors that can't make it to town meeting, a representative system doesn't help them get involved.  Seniors right now who can't make it to the meeting but still want to be part of the process can talk to their friends, neighbors, family, etc...they can lobby people they know and get them to go, tell them their ideas, etc.



#37 2009-08-26 20:10:01

mature thank you for the widsom and knowledge you have. would you go to a crc meeting with me?



#38 2009-08-26 20:10:05

Maturevoter, That was excellent. Thanks for your insight.

I was thinking, if you listen to when Steve/Searay was talking with the board about crimewatch (you remember. The lies, the "Jesus"), Sweet Brucie starts his perturbed rant toward Steve after Steve asked if Crimewatch was supported financially by the town. Sweet Brucie says "the fact that they're not supported financially is a crime itself". It's safe to assume he finds it even more criminal that himself and the others are not supported financially. Maybe he feels unappreciated for all the good things he's done for Wareham. He's a pompous ass who treats people like dirt. Warped indeed.

http://takebackwareham86bos.blogspot.co … about.html


Last edited by PShooter (2009-08-26 20:13:14)



#39 2009-08-26 20:11:02

Thanks for the history. I agree with you about doing Donahue's bidding. She has been hem hawing around about the "broken" town government for awhile. I'm not sure if this is her desire to be mayor or her husbands. What I do know is that the CRC did not act in good faith and are not following the wishes of the town. That alone should be reason enough to disband this group and reform under a new regime of Selectmen.

What really gets under my skin is how this group of Selectmen have basically tossed the citizens out to fend for themselves while they move toward their own agenda. Is it any wonder we want to remove them?

We need to voice our opinion in as many forums as possible to get the word out. I recommend you write a letter to the S-T. i wrote one earlier about the misquote. This needs to be stamped out like a campfire before it spreads.



#40 2009-08-26 20:15:50

Charter Review Committee 2nd & 4th Thursday  6:00 P.M. Multi-Service Center, Room 228

this meeting is open and able to be recorded wink wink pshooter we all should attend....



#41 2009-08-26 20:38:43

Liz, sounds good, keep us posted. I always need to be reminded.

They're starting to get all their ducks in a row for town meeting. The governmental/Mayoral change, Westfield, etc.. Now is the time to watch closely for their weaselly maneuvering. I know it goes on all the time, but I'm seeing increased weaseliness. Example? Sweet Brucie's Courier piece today (Q&A on Westfield), SPIN, SPIN, SPIN. He's like a car salesman. "Look the hubcaps are bright and shiny & the stereo's great", but then the car shits the bed on you a month later. Don't buy any of it.

`Caveat emptor`




#42 2009-08-26 21:30:19

Thank you Maturevoter...I served when you speak of the change in the Charter.
We went from three full time Selectmen/Assessors to 5 part time Selectmen ($1,000.00 per year salary), and three full time Assessors.
Didn't make a lot of sense to me then, and it still doesn't to this day.
There was frustration with the BOS then too, but why change the government, and not the people?
You need a strong Selectman-Town Meeting form of government, in my opinion.



#43 2009-08-27 00:15:19

Charter Review Committee 2nd & 4th Thursday  6:00 P.M. Multi-Service Center, Room 228

thats tonite!
ill be your huckleberry..
any of my family sisters & brothers from another mother want to go i have the statements from then printed out and ready..

Last edited by LIZdaGNOME (2009-08-27 00:17:56)



#44 2009-08-27 08:56:15

Having three paid Selectmen who worked in town hall on a daily basis created a situation where there were literally "three bosses". On any given day, one Board member could walk into any office in town hall and tell the department head that he should do a particular thing  "this way". Then the second Selectman found out, had a different opinion of how it should be done and walked down stairs and said to the department head," No, forget what Selectmen #1 told you, I want you to do it my way". Later that day, #3 Selectmen found out that the other two had given the department head an order, and he walked downstairs and told the department head, "No, forget what both of them told you, I want you to go back to the way you originally did it." This occurred on a daily basis, not only in daily decision making, but with financial decisions as well.   
When you have three independent thinking Selectmen, who feel that "their way" is the correct way, it creates chaos for the department heads. Who do they listen to, without fear of reprisal and loss of their job?
Having a Town Administrator, who controlled the day to day operations, resulted in only one person being responsible for the decision making. The buck stops there. The department heads report to and follow the direction of only one person.
The TA reports to the Board of Selectmen and if he isn't doing a good job, then depending on the terms of his contract, he can certainly be held accountable.
If my memory serves me correctly, at the time the Charter was enacted and we went to a part time Board of Selectmen, the three member Board got a stipend of maybe $3000(?) and were covered under the town's health insurance plan. That was done away with sometime in the 70's, I think (when Joe Grassia served). I remember the nastiness of the debate on town meeting floor as to whether or not the Selectmen should get paid. It was not a question of whether they should get paid, but rather it was that IF you paid them they were entitled to insurance. And, that was costing the town a lot of money. The insurance cost was the catalyst to end their salary.



#45 2009-08-27 09:10:28

In terms of getting seniors to town meeting. Most seniors would happily attend town meeting. A lot of seniors no longer drive at night because of vision issues. Years ago, the Coucil on Aging provided a shuttle service that went around to all of the mobile home parks, Redwood and Agawam Villages, to pick them up, take them to town meeting, and bring them back home.
Milt Rogers always provided a bus, free of charge. All the seniors needed to do was to make sure that they called the COA director and let it be known that they wanted to attend. 
There is absolutely no reason why the school department can't take a couple of those small buses and make them available to the town for town meeting.
There were also times that someone volunteered to coordinate private pick ups for seniors. People could call the COA and offer a ride to a senior from their neighborhood and COA would connect them with a senior.
Those things can and should happen, but it takes effort and willingness of people to make it happen.



#46 2009-08-27 09:17:34

That is what we are here for Mature! Take Back Wareham is a grassroots effort to get everyone involved and bring the sense of community and cooperation to Wareham. I'm sure we can work with whoever to get seniors to the Town Meeting and also to the polls. I am sure Marcia would be cooperative and helpful in this effort :) If not, we will find someone who is!



#47 2009-08-27 09:18:44

The Charter Review Committee is only the first step in the process of ghanging our Tonw's form of government.  When the CRC brings there conclusions to Town Meeting there must be a vote to support what they propose.  If the vote is in the positive then a Charter Commission is selected by a town wide election.  I am not sure how many people are elected to serve on the Commission.  What the Commission comes up with must also be voted on at Town Meeting.  If the vote is for whatever the Commission recommends then it becomes a question on the election ballot and all voters get to choose.  On the CBW site there are the articles Jane Hanley wrote when she was chairman of the last CRC about various forms of town government with the pros and cons of each type that was looked at by the previous committee.  Maybe someone from her can link the articles to this site.  I am not very good at doing that.



#48 2009-08-27 09:23:16


While I appreciate what you are saying about attending a Charter Review Committee meeting, I think anything I would have to say would fall on deaf ears. We all know that this committee had one charge and one charge only and that these members will not think for them selves  nor will they look at the Charter objectively.

I think my remarks would be more receptive to those who will attend town meeting and actually vote on the matter.



#49 2009-08-27 09:53:06

Maturevoter wrote:


While I appreciate what you are saying about attending a Charter Review Committee meeting, I think anything I would have to say would fall on deaf ears. We all know that this committee had one charge and one charge only and that these members will not think for them selves  nor will they look at the Charter objectively.

I think my remarks would be more receptive to those who will attend town meeting and actually vote on the matter.

mature i think you were talking to me if you were i agreei t truely matters where the vote is. in my opinion it cant hurt to make you presence know since they havent engaged in open dialogue and made this decision already...



#50 2009-08-27 14:47:40

emma6782 wrote:

On the CBW site there are the articles Jane Hanley wrote when she was chairman of the last CRC about various forms of town government with the pros and cons of each type that was looked at by the previous committee.  Maybe someone from her can link the articles to this site.  I am not very good at doing that.

I tried to find this and couldn't. If anyone can find the link please post it.

I did find this on the Town's site: "Several Options Exist For Changing Local Government Structure"

http://www.wareham.ma.us/Public_Documen … ucture.pdf




#51 2009-08-27 18:35:40

Pshooter perhaps Bob Brady can helpt with linking to the articles by Jayne Hanely.  I know they were there because I gave them to Jeff Swett and put up on the site last Spring.



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