#1 2008-12-26 11:17:40

Slager wrote...

I will always be double-teamed during snowball fights ...

I think instead of "snowball" he meant "sword."

Think about it.



#2 2008-12-26 12:29:25

I Would Like To Know Who Was Driving His Wife And Daughter When They Were Involved In This Car Accident. His Wife Doesnt Drive. Ragman Drives Her To The T Station So She Can Go To Work Everyday And Support His Sorry Ass. Sounds Like Another "slagerstory" To Me. Will The Red Roof Inn Sue Ragman For Him Stealing Their Slogan. Liz, "we Will Leave A Light On For You." For God Sakes Grow Up Ragman. And It Took You A Week To Come Up With That Pathetic Story. Good Lord!



#3 2008-12-26 14:18:01

Of course it's bullshit, here's why....

Excerpt one:   I also wanted to tell her that during the morning of the day that our relationship turned sour, my wife and daughter were in a car accident.

Excerpt two: Suddenly I was picturing a world without my wife and mother and how I would need to explain that to my little girls.

He can't even get his story straight.  It's just like Bruce having an Invalid License and/or a Suspended License depending on which paragraph you were reading.



#4 2008-12-26 18:48:03

Oh God Ragman You Had A Fight With Liz Over Dolls???? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. At Least Fight Over Politics Or Religion But Dolls??????? Hahahahahahahahahaha Oh Thats Right She Probably Was Mad That You Bought Dolls But She Hasnt Been Paid In Months



#5 2008-12-26 21:26:06

Zero Journalistic Integrity Bob  Printing Shit From The Accused In A Criminal Matter That You  Havent Verified

Then Again I Guess That Is What The Bos Meetings Do Every Week Now

Cheers For Those Arrested
Jeers For The Supporters Of The Law

Glad I Teach My Kids Something Different



#6 2008-12-27 21:52:46

commonsense wrote:

Excerpt one:   I also wanted to tell her that during the morning of the day that our relationship turned sour, my wife and daughter were in a car accident.

Excerpt two: Suddenly I was picturing a world without my wife and mother and how I would need to explain that to my little girls.

He can't even get his story straight.

It's nice to see Bob is a fan of this site, as he fixed his error.  I hope you're half-assed explanation isn't still screwy in the print version of your paper.



#7 2008-12-28 08:05:15

Excerpt: Suddenly I was picturing a world without my wife and mother and how I would need to explain that to my little girls.

I imagine bob's wife often pictures a world without her husband and how she would explain that to her little girls... "now when we go grocery shopping no one will point and laugh at us any more and maybe now we can find someone who can support us."



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