#1 2008-11-29 01:16:50

First, allow me to applaud everyone here for attempting to bring a little good, old-fashioned common sense to the area to counter the rantings of the notorious "Ragman." I'm still at a loss as to why some people even give him any credence after all the ill-informed and pointless blubbering he's done in the pages of his "newspapers," and I use that term VERY loosely. This dolt can't even be consistent from paragraph to paragraph, never mind on a weekly basis. And his lack of knowledge of the world outside his own little warped universe continues to amaze me!

Case in point: here's a jewel from his latest "Cheers and Jeers" feature (a wholly unoriginal idea that the publishers of TV Guide may want to claim copyright to) from the latest Tri-Town Rag: "Being diabetic on Thanksgiving - When somebody invents sugar-free pumpkin pie, I will be one very happy camper." Um, has Ragman never heard of things like Sweet and Low, Splenda and Equal? Not only are there ready-made products available in stores, but you can replace the sugar in any recipe with one of these sugar substitutes and do it yourself!

Since he's apparently oblivious to these things, I am now preparing a press release to send him in true Observer fashion declaring myself as the inventor of Splenda! I expect a headline next week to this effect: "Observer reader invents new sugar substitute, Slager now a very happy camper." Ah, it does my heart good to help the simple-minded ...



#2 2008-11-29 09:38:01




#3 2008-11-29 10:15:22


I'm glad that even a "gonzo" journalist such as yourself is even disgusted by the Rag's nastyness.

What you described is one of many instances where the Ragman plays "the victim card."  His ideas are moronic, he cannot support them with any credibility, so he rams them through by begging for sympathy.  This little tidbit was more about reminding his readers for the 1,000th time that he has diabetes than it was to complain about pumpkin pie.

Sadly, shameless political partisans like the Ragman never once think about the problems of the people they are trying to destroy.  There are tons of people involved in the town who have a wide variety of health problems, including diabetes - you don't see them playing the sympathy card or playing the victim card.  They just grin and bear it and suffer in silence. 

But the Ragman attacks and attacks, and there's always a great deal of bitterness in his attacks - signs of a bitter burnout whose paranoia makes him think that he's the only one in the world whose had it tough and everyone else has had it on easy street.

The "victim card" is the only card that the Ragman has to play.  If you disagree with him, he makes up a ridiculous story that you have done something to him or to Brucey.  It's a trick that bullies use, but oddly, even teenage bullies grow out of using it...sadly, the Ragman clings onto the victim card well into middle age.

Since he is a burnt out over the hill washed up hack way past his prime (if he ever even had one), the victim card is the only card that he has left to play.



#4 2008-11-29 10:29:47


I just wanted to lighten the mood.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-11 to update URLs



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